How to choose sports nutrition with a minimal budget?

How to choose sports nutrition with a minimal budget?
How to choose sports nutrition with a minimal budget?

Learn how to spend money on sports nutrition based on your bodybuilding goals. We will show you how to accelerate muscle growth with a minimum of sports nutrition. On specialized forums, you can often find questions about sports nutrition. Athletes are interested in products, which company is the most preferable or which gainer is better to purchase. Similar questions are of interest to all people who work on their bodies. Today you will learn how to choose sports nutrition with a minimal budget. We will also talk about when a certain type of supplement will be most effective, and dispel some of the myths that exist around sports nutrition.

Do you need sports nutrition?

Athletes drink a gainer after training
Athletes drink a gainer after training

It should be said right away that most athletes overestimate the possibilities of sports nutritional supplements. The main reason for this lies in the huge profits that growers receive. Everyone wants to achieve their goals as quickly as possible and athletes are no exception. It is on this desire that supplement manufacturers play.

However, this does not mean at all that you should not use sports supplements. You should remember that all sports nutrition is food and the anabolic effect on the body from supplements is comparable to that of regular foods. Of course, the substances that make up their composition are absorbed faster by the body, but this fact is not as significant as the manufacturers claim. But let's take a look at the benefits that sports supplements provide to athletes:

  • Convenient to prepare and consume;
  • Easy to store;
  • Optimized the time of assimilation of nutrients;
  • Great nutritional and biological value;
  • It is convenient to dose large amounts of nutrients.

Often, aspiring athletes make a serious mistake by blindly believing in the power of sports nutrition. Instead of optimizing training and nutrition programs, they are looking for miracle pills. Listen to interviews with famous athletes - they all use supplements from the same company. This is due to the fact that expensive advertising contracts have been signed between them and, of course, one should not judge by these conversations about the quality of the products of a particular company.

How to organize sports nutrition?

High protein foods
High protein foods

Remember that sports nutrition for you should not start with a visit to a nutritional supplement store, but with a market or supermarket. Eggs, cottage cheese, cereals and poultry should be at the core of your diet. Every professional athlete understands that good results can be achieved without the use of sports nutritional supplements.

Thus, if your progress has stopped, then it is not a problem with the wrong protein, but a mistake in the training process or diet. You must remember that sports nutrition is secondary and simple is important. When you have a competent nutritional program, then you can turn your eyes towards sports supplements. All endomorphs and mesomorphs should consume protein after training and before going to bed. Ectomorphs should consume gainers in the morning after breakfast for a couple of hours and after training. There are also two rules for the use of two additives:

  1. Fast proteins are needed by mesomorphs and endomorphs after a workout session, and casein should be consumed before going to bed.
  2. Ectomorphs should use gainers in the morning and after classes in the gym, and take casein before going to bed.

Manufacturers now offer a large selection of complex proteins containing fast and slow protein compounds. This will be enough for you. You should not spend a lot of money on the purchase of various supplements.

The use of amino acids in bodybuilding

Amino acid complexes in packages from different manufacturers
Amino acid complexes in packages from different manufacturers

These are more expensive supplements, but their value is greatly overestimated. If you train for yourself and do not plan to participate in tournaments, and also are not a vegetarian, then you simply do not need them. Of course, you will benefit from taking amino acid compounds, but this is quite an expensive pleasure and your body will receive the same substances from ordinary products, but it will take a little more time. Do amino acid supplements have any advantages over simple foods, surely they are:

  • Full Profile - Supplements contain all the amino acid compounds required for muscle growth.
  • The speed of exposure to the body - they quickly enter the bloodstream.

If you look at these benefits in more detail, then with a varied diet, you will also receive all the amino acid compounds you need. Vegetarians are an exception, as plant foods do not have a complete amino acid profile.

With the speed of assimilation, everything is somewhat more complicated. Free amino acid compounds are absorbed instantly, but this is not always necessary. In total, there are two periods when your body needs an instant entry of substances into the bloodstream: after training and after waking up.

A huge amount of material has already been written about the anabolic window. However, it is most often silent that during this period it is necessary to consume carbohydrates, and not protein supplements. First, the body must restore energy reserves, and only after that the synthesis of new muscle tissues will begin.

To get fast carbs, you don't need to run to a supplement store, you just need to eat something sweet. Separately, we should talk about the BCAA. These amino acid compounds are now also receiving great attention. But if you look closely at most protein supplement packages, you will see that BCAAs are present in their composition. It makes no sense to purchase these amino acids separately. Again, if you are not going to participate in tournaments.

The only thing that you definitely need, besides protein shakes, is a high-quality mineral and vitamin complex. The lack of these substances is felt in the body of any person, and you will need them in even greater quantities. That's all I wanted to say about how to choose sports nutrition with a minimal budget.
