Jintropin (growth hormone) in bodybuilding and antibodies

Jintropin (growth hormone) in bodybuilding and antibodies
Jintropin (growth hormone) in bodybuilding and antibodies

If you want to take growth hormone, you need to know what antibodies are produced in response to taking certain steroids? Learn to use GR now! All drugs, which are proteins, polysaccharides and glycoproteins, under certain conditions can act as antibodies. This will lead to the body's immune response and their effectiveness will drastically decrease. Simply put, after the introduction of these substances, the body can perceive them as foreign and potentially dangerous. As a result, the immune system will begin to fight them, which will lead to a drop in the effectiveness of their use.

Today, athletes actively use somatotropin, which is a hormone of the peptide group, the molecule of which consists of a certain number of amino acid compounds linked by a peptide bond. This is the reason for the possible immune response of the body, increasing over time. According to the results of recent studies, the maximum amount of antibodies aimed at combating growth hormone is synthesized seven months after the start of the use of exogenous growth hormone. It is during this time that the use of growth hormone can become ineffective.

How our immunity reacts to the introduction of growth hormone or other drugs depends on individual characteristics, as well as on the agent used. Today, almost all preparations containing growth hormone are produced using biosynthetic technologies. For this, special strains of E. coli bacteria are used, which secrete somatotropin.

The technology has been worked out quite well, and with its help it is possible to obtain not only the entire hormone, but also individual amino acid compounds that make up its composition. The whole problem lies in the fact that bacteria, when synthesizing growth hormone, also produces protein compounds, which are the products of its vital activity. They are alien to the human body.

If, after the production of growth hormone, the drug is not purified from these protein compounds, then the body's immune response to its administration will be very significant. For this reason, the degree of purification directly affects the effectiveness of an exogenous preparation. The fewer protein compounds it contains, the greater the result will be obtained.

Detection of growth hormone using a doping test

Laboratory technician stacks test tubes
Laboratory technician stacks test tubes

You can find many statements on the web that exogenous growth hormone does not contribute to the synthesis of antibodies by the body. This information is incorrect, which can be confirmed by a differential immunoassay. This is one of the ways to do doping tests.

Its essence lies in the detection of antibodies that were created by the body in response to the introduction of growth hormone. When an athlete uses a growth hormone drug, the synthesis of a natural substance slows down. This leads to increased production of antibodies that are relatively easy to detect. Artificial somatotropin can be represented by only one isoform, the molecular weight of which is 22 kDa. In turn, the natural hormone has a large number of isoforms. As a result, with the introduction of the drug, the balance between isoforms is disturbed, which indicates the use of an exogenous substance. The purity index of the drug is different for all manufacturers, and for this reason the body will react differently to them.

Study of the drug Jintropin for antibodies

Packaging of Jintropin tablets
Packaging of Jintropin tablets

Today, growth hormone is produced by a lot of pharmaceutical companies, which cannot but affect the final cost of the drug and its quality. Every manufacturer needs to fight for customers, and they put a lot of effort into this. Relatively recently, a study was conducted of the most popular drug in our country - Jintropin. Note that the research was carried out by the well-known company Spranger Laboratories.

Admittedly, the results of this study were very interesting. The experiment involved thirty people who are already taking growth hormone for medicinal purposes. They switched to using Jintropin, which had been injected for six months.

As a result, no increase in the concentration of antibodies was detected in the blood of the subjects at the end of the study. Most of the subjects had antibodies in the blood, but they were the result of the use of the previous drug. Moreover, in many people, after starting to use Jintropin, the level of antibodies began to decrease.

This can only indicate that Jintropin surpasses a large number of European companies in this indicator. Thus, the drug can be used for a long time and remain just as effective. When using growth hormones from other manufacturers, you should not take them for more than six months. After that, you should take a break or start using the drug from another company.

What else is Jintropin good for?

Jintropin for injection
Jintropin for injection

This is not all the good news for athletes using Jintropin. Relatively recently, the latest technology was created within the walls of the GeneScience company (it is she who produces Jintropin). Scientists from a Chinese manufacturer managed to obtain growth hormone directly from the bodies of E. coli bacteria.

Thus, the preparations obtained by this method will not contain protein impurities. Many European companies were forced to buy the rights to use the technology from the Chinese, the current as drugs in this case do not require additional purification and are called recombinant growth hormones of the fifth generation.

When using 5th generation somatotropin, the body's immune response will be very small. This technology is patented and protected by the strictest laws. This will undoubtedly increase the already very high popularity of Jintropin.

For more information on growth hormone, see this video:
