Growth hormone and aging prevention

Growth hormone and aging prevention
Growth hormone and aging prevention

Someone says that in adulthood, growth hormone is able to rejuvenate the body. Others say that GH will only do harm. So what is it really? Does our body need it? Doesn't he harm us? In this article we will try to figure it all out. Those who believe that growth hormone restores aging processes in the body say: “Growth hormone helps fatty deposits convert into muscle. It also has a strengthening effect on bones. The condition of all tissues and organs in the body, thanks to the growth hormone, improves, the immune system becomes stronger, the potency increases, etc. We can say that the elderly are at least 10-15 years younger.

Many reputable scientists are simply sure of this, because they conducted various studies that showed that in 80% of animals that received growth hormone, they remained alive, despite their old age. And those old mice that weren't given GH died.

So let's see what growth hormone is. This is the same anabolic steroid. And about them there is a lot of gossip about the negative effect on the body as a whole, to the extent that steroids can shorten life when used excessively.

Growth hormone in humans is located in the pituitary gland, it is responsible for the growth of bones in adolescents, and is also used to gain muscle mass in athletes. This hormone after 25 years in the body gradually decreases, it is present in both the male and female body. The anti-doping company is fighting the spread of drugs that contain growth hormone.

Of course, at a young age it will not be advisable to start taking growth hormone, but after 40 years, and especially in adulthood, it is even necessary for the body. Another thing is that the price for it is not quite cheap.

Advantages of using growth hormone medications

If we talk about athletes, then we can definitely say that muscle growth hormone contributes to their build-up. Also, this anabolic steroid can be attributed to people who have had serious illnesses (cancer, hepatitis) in order to tone muscle mass. The fat layer decreases, the wounds begin to heal faster, and this is most of all lacking in adulthood.

With age, internal organs also gradually atrophy, so drugs with GH are just a lifesaver. Those people who started taking growth hormone began to notice that they were much less likely to get infectious diseases than before. Overall physical fitness is effectively improved, even though most people do not play sports during the period of drug use.

The most important component of growth hormones is somatotropin (a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland). When it decreases, interest in sexual relations is lost. With the use of growth hormone, libido increases. But it should be borne in mind that growth hormone "works" well with insulin (secreted by the pancreas), therefore, before using growth hormone, you should also purchase insulin. Thus, the growth of most of the internal organs is stimulated.

The most suitable period for "pumping" muscles is 14–25 years. Since during this period the body produces its own somatotropin. The pituitary gland secretes somatotropin in large quantities, then it combines with insulin in the liver. It turns out such a substance as somatomedin. And it already helps to build muscle mass.

The most popular (best) growth hormone preparations

Jintropin - growth hormone
Jintropin - growth hormone


It is one of the most beloved hormones to use, as it is brought into the country legally and legally. It contains 190 amino acids, which are produced by genetically modified E. coli bacilli. Thanks to amino acids, the growth hormone somatotropin is produced.

Indications for the use of jintropin:

  1. With growth retardation in children;
  2. If a person is obese, then the growth hormone jintropin will help reduce subcutaneous fat. This will be especially effective when the drug is injected into the place where excess fats accumulate;
  3. For athletes, this drug helps build muscle mass in a fairly short course. At the same time, strength indicators increase;
  4. The growth hormone jintropin was also created in order to slow down the aging process in the body. It promotes more collagen production, which means that expression lines will be smoothed out;
  5. According to many studies, it can be said that jintropin improves the mental abilities of both children and elderly people.
Jintropin - how to prick
Jintropin - how to prick

In case of an overdose, several side effects may appear - dizziness, numbness of the limbs, increased blood pressure, thickening of the blood (through an increase in glucose), etc. But this is most often only due to the fact that people are taking the drug in doses higher than normal. Jintropin is injected into the abdomen so that the injection gets between the skin and muscles.

The best growth hormone preparations
The best growth hormone preparations

Other growth hormone medications:

  • Ansomon. This drug appeared on the Russian market earlier than all others, therefore it has long won the trust of consumers. It can be applied every day without fear of the consequences. Its composition is similar to jintropin.
  • Highgetropin. This is a very high quality product that is suitable for "drying" the body. After several injections, good results will already be seen.
  • Neotropin (Neotropin). This drug has proven itself among growth hormones. For beginner athletes, this is the best option, as it will help to achieve relief muscles in a short time.
  • Kigtropin (kigtropin). This is perhaps the most budget-friendly option, but that doesn't mean it's the worst. It is also used for various abnormalities in the body and for building muscle mass. Due to its low price, everyone can afford to buy such a drug.

From all this, we can say that growth hormone is the main assistant for the development of muscles in the body. They can be taken by both novice athletes and experienced bodybuilders. But still, do not forget that growth hormone can be increased without resorting to chemistry on your own - you just need not to be lazy.

Growth hormone video - how to use it correctly:
