Find out what sports doctors think about taking steroids and what drugs they recommend to use for weight gain and body drying? Steroids are now widely used in various sports. Someone assures them of their exceptional harm to the body, others, on the contrary, declare that AAS cannot harm health. Today we will talk about the opinion of the authoritative sports doctor Jose Antonio. This person has been studying the effect of anabolic steroids on the body for a long time and his opinion may be interesting for many athletes.
How dangerous are steroids for the body?

Jose Anthony is sure that if used correctly, AAS cannot harm health. Quite often, opponents of the use of anabolic steroids talk about the deadly danger of these drugs. However, no one can give specific examples of deaths caused by the use of steroids.
The steroid era began in the middle of the last century, and in the entire history of anabolic steroids in sports, no one has died, say, from an overdose, as can be the case with drug use. Often, opponents of the use of AAS accuse the drugs of having a negative effect on the liver, which contributes to the development of oncological diseases of this organ, negative effects on the heart and vascular systems, and impotence.
Of course, there are side effects from the use of anabolic steroids and no one will deny this. But, firstly, all of them definitely cannot be fatal, and, secondly, they are reversible.
Steroid metabolism is carried out in the liver and for this reason it is mentioned more often than other human organs. There are several examples of the development of liver cancer in athletes who used steroids. But these are isolated cases and it would not be correct to consider the main cause of the development of the disease of steroids.
Effects of steroids on the heart

The heart and vascular system can be seriously affected by drugs that change the lipid composition of the blood. For more than half a century of AAS history, this aspect of their impact has been studied very well. It is safe to say that esters of the male hormone and nandrolone do not affect this indicator. For this reason, they are practically safe for the heart and blood vessels. In turn, stanozolol and oxymethalone help to reduce the concentration of high density lipoproteins, while increasing the total level of cholesterol in the body. All this, of course, leads to a shift in the balance towards bad cholesterol. For this reason, we can talk about a certain negative effect on the heart and blood vessels. But again, there is no evidence of this to date.
Many opponents of steroids are sure that negative effects may appear much later. At the same time, they forget that several generations of athletes have used AAS, and they have not yet had any heart problems. Of course, most athletes now use significantly higher dosages than they did at the dawn of the steroid era. In addition, other drugs are now used, for example, growth hormone or IGF-1. Maybe after a couple of decades, some of the athletes will have heart problems. At the same time, it is quite difficult to assign full responsibility for this only to steroids. The most important thing is to use steroids in accordance with the basic principles, and the dosage should be selected only based on the individual indicators of the athletes.
How to take steroids correctly

It's no secret that a large number of steroids are used in traditional medicine. Actually, they were created for these purposes. Every athlete should understand that when using anabolic steroids, more does not mean better at all. It is necessary to use steroids at these doses and for as long as they are effective.
In traditional medicine, AAS is often used over a very long period of time, up to 12 months. There is a lot of evidence of the positive effect of using the drugs, without any side effects. For example, under the patronage of WHO, a group of male adolescents suffering from hypertrophy of growth, for 12 months, took 250 milligrams of testosterone enanthate weekly for 12 months. Neither during the study, nor 10 years after its completion, side effects were not observed.
Moreover, it should be noted that the dosage of the male hormone ester used in this study significantly exceeded the therapeutic and even more contraceptive. The liver functioned normally, no changes in the lipid composition of the blood occurred, nor was the cholesterol balance shifted in either direction.
On the other hand, these dosages are inferior to those used by professional athletes. But the examples above suggest that steroids are not always evil.
Now no one can provide evidence that would accurately indicate the great harm from the use of anabolic steroids. It is useless to argue with the fact that using drugs, athletes are at risk. The use of any drug can be risky and, under certain conditions, lead to negative consequences. But let's take a look at the statistics of deaths in car accidents. Of course, it will not be in favor of cars, which, however, no one is going to prohibit. Or alcohol. It is known for sure that this is the strongest poison for the whole organism in general and the same liver in particular. A large number of alcoholics have liver problems. At the same time, alcoholic beverages can be safely bought in the store.
All human life has always been associated with a certain risk. Athletes who use AAS should consult with experts to make their use as safe as possible. Prohibitions will not be able to affect the current state of affairs in any way.
In this video interview, an andrologist-urologist will answer basic questions about the use of steroids in bodybuilding: