Mass Gain & Strength Peptides

Mass Gain & Strength Peptides
Mass Gain & Strength Peptides

Peptides, a new steroid alternative. Find out which peptides to use to ensure your lean muscle gains. Peptides began to be widely used in sports almost immediately after their appearance. Very quickly, athletes realized that this was an effective tool for solving the tasks assigned to them.

Before considering a few of the most effective cycles for increasing physical performance and accelerating mass gain, you need to turn your attention to a slightly different plane. This, of course, will be about proper nutrition and training.

If you do not normalize these factors, then peptides will not be able to help you. Drugs should only be viewed as one of the tools to help you succeed. These should include both the diet and the training program. Only everything in the complex will give you a positive effect.

These are commonplace truths, but often athletes ignore them. Even if one of the factors affecting weight gain is poorly developed, then you should not expect progress. When you formulate a quality diet and exercise program, you can turn your attention to peptides.

The course of peptides for mass

Peptide GHRP-6 for injection
Peptide GHRP-6 for injection

Let's start by looking at the mass-gathering cycles of peptides.

GHRP – 2 (GHRP – 6) and СJC 1295

It is no coincidence that this course was the first in today's review. Very often, athletes, using these peptides, increase their weight by 10 kilograms for a couple of months. At the same time, we note that on average, you can easily gain about 7 kilograms. Agree, the indicators are very good, given that peptides are completely safe, and their price is not high in comparison with the same growth hormone.

There will also be an easy rollback after the course, which will not exceed two kilograms. It is impossible to gain muscle mass without fat and fluid. The only negative point in using the course can be considered the frequency of drug administration. Athletes whose body weight is from 75 to 100 kilograms should be injected three times a day with 150 micrograms of GHRP-6 peptide and 100 micrograms of CJC 1295.


This cycle will not only allow you to gain mass, but also effectively burn fat. However, you only need to inject drugs twice a week. Equally important for amateurs is the fact that if you do not have the opportunity to train for several days, say, because of a business trip, then the cycle will not lose its effectiveness. At the same time, you can gain about three kilograms in a couple of months. The indicator is not as impressive as in the previous cycle.

We note, among other things, the complete absence of the rollback effect after the end of the application of the peptides. The cycle lasts two months. The use of this course will be an excellent choice for athletes who already have sufficient muscle mass and a low percentage of body fat. The dosage of both peptides is 10 units.

CJC DAC and GHRP – 2

This is a very inexpensive loop that even students can use. Moreover, it is quite effective. In addition, these drugs are an excellent choice for getting to know the drugs in this group. With its help, you can gain about five kilograms of mass within 60 days (this is the duration of the course). At the same time, the rollback effect is practically absent, and you will not lose what you typed.

Peg MGF and GHRP-6

This is the most popular course of peptides for accelerating muscle gain. Thanks to him, you can gain about 6 kilograms without losing anything, since there is no rollback. The cycle duration is 1.5 months.

GHRP-6 should be used according to the standard regimen at 150 micrograms three times daily. In turn, the weekly dosage of Peg MGF is 2000 micrograms. At the same time, you should remember that after dilution, the peptide does not lose its effectiveness only for 7 or maximum 8 days. The peptide is taken three times a week, about 60 minutes before the start of the training.

Strength Peptide Courses

Peptide СJС-1295
Peptide СJС-1295

Courses of peptides are also very effective for increasing the physical indicators of athletes, in particular strength. Now we will look at the most popular ones.

Ipamorelin - Gonadorelin - CJC DAC

Most athletes agree that this particular course will give the maximum increase in strength. By using CJC DAC and ipamorelin together, you can burn fat and make the skin firmer and tighter.

Gonadorelin significantly increases the level of the natural male hormone, which will lead to an increase in strength. During the cycle, you can increase the working weights, which helps to accelerate the mass gain. This peptide cycle is very popular among powerlifting athletes.


Combining these peptides will give you a significant boost in strength. A very important feature of the cycle is the duration of the drugs, which is about two weeks. When using these peptides in the body, the concentration of the male hormone will increase, but the main effect is to increase the emotional mood.

It should also be said that the drugs will need to be administered only once within three days. On average, athletes using this cycle increase their strength indicators by 20 percent, and at the same time, their muscles acquire additional relief.

GHRP and CJC 1295

This course is probably the most popular. It not only contributes to an increase in the strength of the athlete, but also accelerates mass gain and increases appetite. The cycle lasts 60 days, and during this time you can gain about 8 kilograms.

Add to that an increase in strength and you can see why the cycle is so popular. But for athletes representing powerlifting, weight gain may just be superfluous, because for this reason it is possible to change the weight category, which is very undesirable. But on the other hand, thanks to the use of these peptides, you will improve the quality of sleep, strengthen joints and ligaments, and improve the quality of the skin.

For more information on the use of peptides in bodybuilding, see this video:

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