Australian silky (snare) terrier: care and maintenance

Australian silky (snare) terrier: care and maintenance
Australian silky (snare) terrier: care and maintenance

Data on the appearance of the Australian Silky (snare) Terrier, appearance, characteristic behavior: walking, diet and other procedures, training. Puppy price. Australian Silky Terriers are cocky, cocky and playful. These little balls of energy seem cute, but this breed is resilient. Dogs have excellent qualities of a rat-catcher and are in no way inferior in their work to cats. They are very smart and are among the twenty smartest little breeds. Originally from the end of the world, the Silky Terrier is a cross between an Australian Wirehaired Terrier and a Yorkshire Terrier.

The Australian Silky Terrier is often confused with the Yorkshire Terrier due to its similar color and coat quality. But, nevertheless, these are completely different breeds. They differ not only in structure, but also in temperament. The Australian Terrier is distinguished by its most elongated and squat format, a larger head and stronger jaws. The snare (translated from English, silk), as they are mildly called by the people, does not have long hair on the ears, muzzle, paws and tail.

Data on the appearance of the Australian Silky Terrier breed

Two Australian Silky Terriers
Two Australian Silky Terriers

The ancestors of the Australian Silky Terrier are the Yorkshire Terrier (its roots go back to the canines of Scotland before they were bred in England) and the Australian Terrier (originates from wire-haired terriers brought from Great Britain to Australia in the early 1800s).

According to the Kennel Club of America, the history of the variety begins in the late 1800s, when two breeds of Yorkshire Terriers and Australian Terriers were crossed. At first, the species was known as the Sydney Silky Terrier because, as it turned out, they were bred in the Australian town of Sydney.

Although most of the other Australian breeds were working dogs, the silky terrier was bred primarily as companions for living in small city apartments. But, in Australia, they were also used to cleanse homes, farms, factories, stables from rodents, as well as protect people from snakes. Silky Terriers can also be called Silky Pointing Dogs. Because they very often raise their front paw, as if pointing at prey.

Until 1929, there was no clear separation between Australian Terriers, Australian Silky Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers. Canids with features of three different species appeared in the same brood. In 1932, the further work of breeders ultimately yielded sustainable results.

The first Terrier headline appeared in the February 1936 issue of National Geographic. In 1955, the breed was officially named - the Australian Silky Terrier. The Australian National Kennel Club recognized the species in 1958 and ranked it as a decorative group of small dogs (toy - toys).

During and after World War II, American soldiers who served on Australian soil brought several silky terriers to the United States at the end of their service. In 1954, a newspaper was published with the publication of photographs of the breed, and this caused the rapid popularization of the Terrier snare.

After the publication of the article, a large number of these dogs began to be imported from Australia to the United States of America. The Kennel Club of America recognized the Australian Silky Terrier in 1959 and the American United Kennel Club in 1965. At the same time, the variety was recognized by Canada.

Australian Silky Terrier External Standards

External Standard of the Australian Silky Terrier
External Standard of the Australian Silky Terrier

The Silky Terrier is a small, moderately stocky, strong, but quite graceful dog. The height at the withers in males is 22–26 cm and in bitches 20–24 cm. The weight of males is 4–5 kg and bitches are 3, 5–3, 8 kg.

  • Head strong, moderately elongated format. The frontal part is slightly widened, flat. Straight, long hair falls from the forehead into two sides.
  • Muzzle rectangular, slightly longer than the skull. The bridge of the nose is wide, flat, or protrudes slightly. The stop is moderate. The jaws are strong. The dentition is developed, connected like scissors.
  • Nose - moderately developed, black.
  • Eyes Australian Silky Terrier not deepened in the cranium and not protruding, oval-elongated, black-brown. Have a lively, intelligent look.
  • Ears begin their growth in a high, standing form. Cartilage is elastic, pointed at the ends. They should not be covered with silky hair.
  • Neck the snare is of moderately medium length and good fit. The hair on the neck is abundant.
  • Frame - Moderately long format. Chest with harmonious width and depth. Rounded ribs. The back has a straight line. The loin is strong. The croup is slightly sloping. The bottom line is not significantly pulled up.
  • Tail - high placement. It can be stopped. Natural tail, raised at a distance of three vertebrae, while the rest is slightly curved. It is not covered with long guard hair.
  • Front limbs graceful build and moderate length, with strong pasterns. The hind ones are parallel, strong. The thighs have developed, strong muscles.
  • Paws - not large, round.
  • Coat Australian Silky Terrier is smooth, silky. Guard hair moderately long, falling on two sides. Ears, paws and tail do not have long hair.
  • Color in gray-blue or yellow-brown shades with tan.

Characteristic behavior of the Australian Silky Terrier

Australian silky terrier for a walk
Australian silky terrier for a walk

The snare has small, pretty, triangular ears that stand out against their silky fur and match their lively disposition. They are fearless dogs. They will zealously rush to protect their owner and all household members, even from a rival several times their size.

First of all, silky terriers are great companions. They perfectly adapt to the character of the owner. Pets are ready to love the owner and give themselves to him completely every second. The dogs will always follow him.

If you like long walks, then these dogs will walk with you. Their small size is very convenient. The maximum weight of the snare reaches five kilograms. The animal can be perfectly taken with you on trips by transporting it on trains, planes and other transport.

Australian silky terriers are very active and cheerful. In the impetuous run of the animal, all its excitement is visible. These dogs are excellent swimmers and are very fond of water. They can swim in water for hours. The snares walk well in rainy and frosty weather, in the presence of not thick, protective overalls.

If you have a lot of rodents in your country house, and you do not want to start a cat for some reason to fight them, then the Australian silky terrier will perfectly cope with this task. He has very strong teeth and the dog will cope wonderfully with moles.

Australian Silky Terrier Health

Australian silky terrier running
Australian silky terrier running

The breed is relatively strong and hardy. Silky live long, on average from fourteen to seventeen years. They have few hereditary diseases, however, they do.

Representatives of the breed can also suffer from dislocation of the patella (patella), which is inherent in small breeds. In everyday life, it most often occurs as a result of numerous pet injuries and in connection with changes in the body in old dogs. With age, the animal weakens muscles, ligaments and the patella is displaced. With genetic inheritance, the disease manifests itself when the dog reaches four months of age. In order to further avoid hereditary pathology, such dogs are not knitted. Responsible breeders do tests for these defects before mating dogs. Patella wears varying degrees of severity, which can only be determined by a veterinary orthopedist. The doctor watches how the dog rearranges the limbs and probes the joint. Next, an x-ray is taken, only an external examination will not allow an accurate diagnosis. If the disease is left untreated, it will lead to the disability of the animal.

In many cases, pain and inflammation medications are prescribed. Chondroprotectors are credited for repairing tissues and ligaments. With a more severe degree of the disease, surgical intervention is used with the removal of sections of the bones, so that the cartilaginous tissue is restored again. After the operation, cases of recurrence of dislocation are not excluded. With a hereditary form, the dog can easily get dislocated from injury. Watch your pet carefully, exclude possible causes of injury. Physical strong overload is dangerous.

Therefore, if you want to have a healthy dog, ask the breeders to provide the appropriate certificates before buying a snare. If they are not there, contact another nursery. Rarely, a breed may have epilepsy, diabetes, and eye problems.

How to care for an Australian Silky Terrier?

Australian silky terrier in the snow
Australian silky terrier in the snow

The snare's wool is structured like human hair. They have no undercoat and a specific smell. Dogs are not subject to seasonal molting. Bows, like Yorkshire terriers are not tied to them. Papillots (curlers) are also not required for pets.

Their wool is not so long and does not interfere with walking. The silky terrier is washed once a week with the obligatory use of shampoo. Now in pet stores there is a wide range of selection of cosmetics for long-haired breeds. Also, it is necessary to apply a conditioner after the washing concentrate. It will soften the animal's hair and make it shinier, easier to comb and less tangled.

It is advisable, after bathing, to wrap the dog in a towel and hold it for a while so that excess moisture is absorbed. Then we begin to dry the pet. Dry the snares with a hairdryer, from top to bottom, while combing and pulling the wool off with a comb with rare teeth.

The snare terrier's hairstyle should fall into two sides, from the head to the tip of the tail. It is necessary to comb the dog's hair every day so that tangles do not appear on its long fur. If your terrier participates in exhibitions, brush it carefully on the back. Pets are brushed with a soft brush and a comb with frequent and denser teeth. For show show nets, the brushes should be copper-gold plated that does not electrify the wool.

An important rule of thumb when brushing these dogs is that manipulation should not be performed if the dog's coat is dry or dirty. In this case, the hairs will break off, and your dog will become a stuffed animal. Before you are going to comb the snares, we moisten his fur with a spray bottle (with water or using all kinds of sprays).

Show dogs trim the hair on the ears and tail with scissors. The hairs on the face, on the paws and between the toes are removed with a typewriter.

The teeth of Australian Silky Terriers must be brushed once a week. This is the same hygiene procedure as bathing and brushing. Then, there will be no problems with tooth loss, bleeding gums and odor from the mouth of the animal. The smell from the mouth is a waste product of bacteria. It indicates the formation of calculus and inflammation of the gums.

"Nibbles" - pressed bones and rubber toys, be sure to give them. Firstly, terriers have strong jaws and dogs love to chew on something. Secondly, it will serve as the prevention of oral diseases. And thirdly, it will keep your furniture and shoes from being damaged by the dog. The more toys the snare has, the less it pays attention to your things.

Clean your ears periodically with a plant-based lotion to prevent the buildup of wax and dirt. It is buried in the dog's ear, and after a short period of time, the dirt is wiped off the outside.

Eyes if redness is found, wipe with a sponge soaked in an anti-inflammation agent in the direction of the inner corner.

The claws must be shortened, otherwise they grow back, bend and injure the paws of the animal. If you do not know how or are afraid to do this, take your pet to the veterinarian. To perform manipulation at home, buy claws.

Feeding these dogs can be either ready-made or natural. Natural food, it is mainly meat, a minimum of cereals and additional daily vitamin and mineral supplements. In dry food there is a complete balance of substances for the perfect functioning of the snare organism. The only thing is that their range is very large and you need to choose the right product.

Walking silky terriers requires a lot of daily training and exercise. They can live in an apartment and a house, but subject to the possibility of a surge of energy. In winter, snares need protective clothing. It should not be insulated and made of thick fabric, since the dog is mobile and must move freely.

It is convenient to walk dogs not on a leash, but with the help of a tape measure. They are for two dogs. There are also roulettes equipped with sachets (for cleaning excrement after a dog on the street), and a flashlight (for lighting in the dark).

Collars with stones and rhinestones should not be worn on the snares of terriers, as hair will twist on them and then break out. Collars should be soft and with bells because the snares are low and in the grass and bushes they are not visible, but with this equipment, you can hear where they are.

Australian Silky Terrier dog training

Australian Silky Terrier training
Australian Silky Terrier training

Snares are smart and trainable, but can be a hassle. They are like children, if they are allowed something once, they "sit on their necks and lower their paws." A properly trained silky terrier, the perfect companion for any family. The dog needs to be trained from childhood.

The excellent learning ability of silky terriers was noticed by Moscow filmmakers and they began to shoot them in many films and TV series. For example, "Pyatnitsky", "The Long Way Home".

Interesting facts about the Australian Silky Terrier

Australian silky terrier in flowers
Australian silky terrier in flowers

Australian Silky Terriers are born with a black coat, which over time, after a year and a half, acquires a beautiful blue and tan with light markings.

The snares are small and funny, but that doesn't mean lazy. Silky terriers save people. They are known to have hunted snakes in Australia. An Australian Silky Terrier named "Faizo" received the Australian Animal Courage Award - the Purple Cross. This dog, risking his life, rushed between an eleven-year-old girl and a poisonous, eastern, brown snake. The snake was killed, and the dog and the girl were safe.

A Terrier named Duke who lives in America can find toxic mold. He is trained to find up to eighteen types of mold in the walls and cracks of houses. But, once it was necessary to save Duke. The Rescue Society found a dog on the streets of Miami. People fell in love with Duke and instead of letting someone else take him for themselves, they sent him to three months of intensive training in mold detection.

Kartor and Ketty Flinton, who live in Utah, decided to start a mold-finding business in homes. Duke, who became a member of their family, was perfect for them. Mold can cause health problems, but in Duke's case, don't worry. He only sniffs the spores released by the mold on the walls, he does not inhale them. According to research, dogs sense the weakest solution of a chemical. It's like looking for a spoiled apple in two billion barrels!

Price of the Australian Silky Terrier snake

Australian silky terrier puppy
Australian silky terrier puppy

For those who are short on time or energy, snares may not work. In kennels in Russia, the price for puppies of silky terriers is acceptable $ 500-800. In Europe, their price is more expensive.

For more information on the Australian Silky Terrier, see below:
