Skye Terrier - rules for care and maintenance

Skye Terrier - rules for care and maintenance
Skye Terrier - rules for care and maintenance

The appearance of the Skye Terrier breed, the external parameters of the species, behavior and its health, the nuances of care: walks, nutrition, procedures, interesting facts. Buying a puppy. Monuments have been erected to these dogs as a sign of their devotion. They have the spirit of the country in which they originated. Dogs are very brave, brave and courageous. They are distinguished by constancy and a proud disposition. The breed is very hardy. These are the most disproportionate dogs. When they run, they look like funny caterpillars. They are loyal friends and good guards. They used to be used for hunting otters and badgers, but today they are a wonderful companion dog.

The history of the appearance of the Skye Terrier breed

Skye Terriers
Skye Terriers

These animals appeared more than eight hundred years ago, on the Isle of Skye, one of the five hundred islands of Scotland, where the climate is very harsh. As you may have guessed, their name comes from the area where they were born. In the book of the famous scientist and Dr. John Caius "English Dogs", which was published in the 16th century, for the first time tells about the breed. The Scots have been cattle breeders from time immemorial. The dogs did what their owners wanted. They helped hunt otters and badgers, guarded the farm, grazed sheep.

The only and faithful friend of the Scottish Queen Mary Stuart was her Skye Terrier. The fate of the monarch ended tragically. Due to the charge of murdering her husband, she had to renounce the throne. After spending nineteen years under arrest, Maria ascended the scaffold. Everyone refused her, and only the beloved Skye Terrier remained with the queen until the very end. In her memoirs, Mary Stuart wrote: "My only consolation is a small dog - a symbol of my homeland, which is always with me."

After that, the skai became popular. These are the only representatives of a large group of terriers who lived not in kennels and farms, but in palaces in luxury. Such conditions eventually brought up aristocrats and even snobs from the breed. They have the title of the most out of proportion dog. The length of its body from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail is twice or even three times longer than the height at the withers - dachshunds and bassets simply "rest".

History links the origins of the Skye Terriers to Spanish shipwrecks. It is assumed that the brought lapdogs and local terriers became the ancestors of this type of dogs. With their short limbs, the Skai resemble the Welsh Corgi. Some researchers argue that the Skye Terrier was the result of an intersection between short-legged native terriers and the Swedish Walhund, the Viking conqueror's dog. So, there are no exact versions of their origin. In 1864, this breed was shown for the first time in England. But the official recognition of the American Kennel Club was received much later in 1887, and the United Kennel Club in 1993.

Description of the external parameters of the Skye Terrier

Skye Terrier external standard
Skye Terrier external standard

Skye Terriers are long, stocky, with elongated, elegant coat, strong limbs and jaws. They behave with dignity and elegance. Beware of outsiders, but non-aggressive, devoted to one master. Once used as hunting dogs and guards. At the moment these are companion dogs.

According to the norms, the height at the withers in males is from 24 cm to 27 cm, in bitches from 20 cm to 23 cm. The parameters in males can vary within 1-2 cm, in females 2-3 cm. Males weigh 11 kg, and bitches 8 kg. They move easily and smoothly, as if spreading along the ground. When moving, the limbs are directed forward, and they do not rise up high.

  • Head large, elongated, and strong. The frontal part is slightly wider at the back of the head, and begins to taper towards the muzzle. The furrow on the forehead is not visible. Cheekbones and brows are covered with falling bangs, mustache and beard.
  • Muzzle impressive, strong. The bridge of the nose is wide and even. The stop is small. The lips are dry, compressed, black pigmented. Scissor bite. The jaws are strong and even. The teeth are large, white, strong, the incisors are perpendicular.
  • Nose developed, convex, nostrils are dilated. The pigmentation of the nose is coal black or slightly lighter.
  • Eyes Skye Terrier is narrow, but not deep. They are oval and small in size. Their color is from dark brownish to light brown. Darker shades are preferred. The eyelids are dry, dark. The look is bright and full of hope.
  • Ears have a high placement, medium size and two positions: stand or hang. A long, even, flowing guard hair grows on them. The cartilage is flat, the ends are slightly rounded. Erect ears can be placed vertically. Their ends are slightly inclined to the sides. The auricles of the hanging version are directed downward, fitting well to the skull and cheekbones.
  • Neck moderately elongated, with a slight bend and a smooth transition into the shoulders. The withers are not large, there is no dewlap.
  • Frame Elongated and down-to-earth, twice the length at the withers. The ribcage is oval, lowered to the elbows, deep. The back is straight and strong. Flanks are visually flat due to the long flowing hair. The loin is shortened, knocked down. The croup is round, slightly sloping. The ribs are harmoniously arched. The line of the abdomen is slightly pulled up to the groin area, almost straight.
  • Tail of medium size and location, straight at the beginning of growth, and at the end it turns up. In a calm state, he goes down. When the dog moves, it is raised slightly above the line of the spine. Has elegant, long feathers.
  • Front limbs well-developed muscular system, erect, short, with strong bones. The shoulders are well muscled, close to the body. The elbows are parallel to the body. The pasterns are slightly tilted. The hindquarters are strong, athletic, short, parallel to each other, straight. The thighs have strong, voluminous muscles. The knee joints are perfectly arched. Metatarsus are vertical.
  • Paws tight, rounded, strong and voluminous, on the front legs more than on the hind legs. Placed straight ahead. The fingers are strong, with curved hard claws, slightly pressed against one another. The nails are dark pigmented. The pads are dense and elastic.
  • Coat Skye Terrier has a heterogeneous structure - it is double. The main guard hair is long, even, smooth and dry, resembling goat hair in structure. The undercoat is short, dense, soft, fluffy. In the head area, the hair is slightly shortened and softer, falling to the frontal part of the skull, covering the eye sockets. The longest hair, interspersed with the shorter one, grows along the edge of the ears and along the lower edge of the tail - it serves as an ornament. It does not cover the shape of the ears.
  • Leather dense, fits well the dog's body.
  • Color different but not homogeneous. These are mainly reddish, gray, fawn, black, gray-coal, bluish tones. Moreover, a dog is never the same color all his life. For example, black dogs are gray, gradually turning into a gray individual, then into a darker one. Sometimes the muzzle and ears are darker. The full beauty of "skai" is reached by one and a half, two years. A white spot in the chest area is allowed.

Characteristics of the behavior of the dog skye terrier

Skye terrier
Skye terrier

Skye Terriers need to be respected and loved. They will not allow themselves to be controlled as you please, to drive themselves from place to place. You need to kindly convince your pet to do something. They should never be offended. These are very intelligent animals and you need to talk to them as much as possible. Skye Terriers are insanely loyal to their owners. If the owner leaves and leaves the pet in the care of another person, then the dog will be bored and not leave the owner's berth.

Skye are great nannies. They will never offend a child. They will always call adults if something is wrong with the kid. Dogs are very obedient guards. They are very alert and attentive. If you left such a pet in the car, you will get two in one - an alarm and a good trap.

In the apartment there are dogs like floor mats. They cannot be seen or heard. Pets take a place convenient for them and rest. But if the owner moves around the apartment, they will follow on his heels.

They are very athletic dogs. They will be happy to take walks with the owner, go on a hiking trip, overcome obstacles and barriers. Of course, "skai" love to walk, but if the owner has little time, they will go home unquestioningly, and after ten minutes having done everything they need.

Numerous studies show that beloved dogs can improve the health of the owner. They not only bring him the joy of communication, but also systematize his life schedule. They teach patience, give boundless love and forever remain faithful friends with whom you can share all the joys and sorrows.

Skye Terrier health

Two Skye Terriers
Two Skye Terriers

Dogs that are genetically raised in harsh climates, where it is windy, damp and cold, have a powerful immune system and practically do not get sick. Skye Terriers are long-livers. Their average life span is twenty years! And with good care, they live to be twenty-eight! This is a great happiness for the owners, because ordinary dogs live on average up to eleven years.

It is forbidden to cut such pets, as they may have heat or sunstroke. Their hairline protects dogs from such negative influences. A very important point concerns the care when growing them. Since these are dogs with short limbs and a long body, they do not need to be allowed to descend the stairs for up to six months. They are taken down from the steps on only hands.

Breeders are required to monitor their weight. Never overfeed Skye Terriers. Being overweight will be bad for their health. First, the limbs and spine will suffer. Secondly, heart and gastrointestinal diseases can also make themselves felt. For your dog to be healthy, you should not forget about routine vaccinations throughout its life.

The nuances of caring for a Sky Terrier dog

Skye Terrier at the show
Skye Terrier at the show
  1. Wool Skye Terriers are tough and smooth in structure. Therefore, dirt does not cling to it as much as to soft wool. It does not tangle and is perfectly combed. Although the hairline is long, these dogs do not smell like a dog. They do not bring trash from the street on their "coat". There is no need to trim and trim pets. In order for the Skye Terrier to be in great shape, it is enough to buy it once a week and comb it wet. Moreover, pets are very fond of such procedures. Concentrate for "bath" procedures is selected for dogs with long hair. All soap products must be washed off thoroughly. After the "bath" of the pet it is necessary to get thoroughly wet. You can dry it with the warm air of a hair dryer, in the direction of hair growth. It is not recommended to dry the dog in hot mode, as the coat will become brittle and dull.
  2. Teeth Skye Terrier, so that a stone is not deposited on them, and there is no periodontal disease, teach to clean from puppyhood. The procedure can be done with zoological pastes and brushes.
  3. Ears individuals that have a hanging shape need to be cleaned more often, as they are poorly ventilated. You can also pluck the hairs inside the auricle. With erect ears, procedures are performed less frequently.
  4. Eyes must be checked and kept clean to avoid infection.
  5. Feeding skye terriers depends on your preference. Dogs are not whimsical and eat what you give them. Of course, you need to choose your food wisely. The basis of natural nutrition is lean meat and offal. It is about eighty-five percent. Boiled cereals such as buckwheat, rice, barley are mixed with it. Pets are pampered with cottage cheese, several times a week they are given an egg and a little vegetables and fruits, such as an apple, carrot. Vitamins and minerals from good manufacturers should be given every day. For busy breeders, the most convenient and quickest way to make it easier for themselves to feed their pet is buying professional ready-made super-premium concentrates. They will saturate the dog's body with all the necessary substances so that it takes on a wonderful physical shape. But the best dessert and balm for the soul of the dog will be the kind word of the owner.
  6. Walking can be both rich and short enough. But this does not mean that the dogs do not need to be loaded. They are very mobile. Dogs will gladly do with you everything that you do for your company, go wherever you go. They enjoy playing a variety of games, learning something new. Because of their cheerful disposition, dogs are constantly looking for company to communicate. Therefore, if you pick up “skya” constant friends for playing and communicating on the street, he will be grateful to you. They are taken out into the street 3 times a day from twenty to forty minutes.

Features of raising a Skye Terrier

Skye Terrier for a walk
Skye Terrier for a walk

It is necessary to train with a Skye Terrier. Pets pass the general course of study quickly. Many short-footed members of the breed win agility. For everything to work out smoothly, you must find close contact and understanding with your four-legged friend. Never physically punishments and screams did anything good, on the contrary, such treatment with a pet will only bring harm.

Interesting facts about the Skye Terrier

Skye Terrier muzzle
Skye Terrier muzzle

There are many stories about the loyalty of these dogs. One of them says that in 1856 the Edinburgh constable John Gray made himself a four-legged friend and named him "Bobby". Together they fought banditry in the city. Two years later, the policeman's health was compromised by tuberculosis and he died. His friend "skye" Bobby accompanied the funeral procession all the way to the cemetery. The dog realized that his master stayed there forever. Every morning, the dog went around the old patrol route and returned back to the cemetery, to the grave of its owner.

Everyone in the town knew Bobby. The burgomaster of the city took it upon himself to take care of the dog. He had a collar with an inscription that said that the animal was under the protection of the city. Bobby lived in the cemetery for sixteen years. When he died, he was laid to rest next to his master John Gray. One of the inhabitants of the city, a noble baroness and a very rich woman, respecting the manifestation of such devotion on the part of the animal, took care of erecting a monument at the dog's grave. It was made in the form of a fountain.

According to another version, John Gray was a shepherd who went with his Bobby to the sheep market every week. Having lost his job, the elderly man wanted to leave the dog on the farm, but the devoted pet found the owner and did not part with him even after his death. Bobby lived another fourteen years, and all this time, every day he went into the tavern, where he was used to having dinner with the owner. The dog was always treated to something in the institution, and after that he returned to John's grave. Which of the stories is true is unknown, but in Edinburgh there really is a fountain-monument to the Skye Terrier Bobby - one of the most faithful dogs in the world. Not a single city guide has gone without the image of the monument. After all, this is an outstanding monument of the capital of Scotland.

Purchase and price of Skye Terrier puppies

Skye terrier puppy
Skye terrier puppy

If you decide to get yourself such a friend, contact the kennel clubs. There you will be prompted by the breeders of the breed with whom you can contact. Even if they do not have puppies at the moment, you can leave them your phone number, and as soon as the offspring grow up, they will contact you.

No professional will give you a puppy ahead of schedule, that is, up to two months. At this age, babies will receive two vaccinations and will be swallowed. The breeder and their brethren adapt them to the environment. All of them will be with pedigree documents and tattooed with numbers. The approximate cost of a Skye Terrier puppy ranges from $ 500 to $ 900. The price depends on the data of a particular dog.

For more information on the Skye Terrier breed, see below:
