Charnego Valenciano: rules for caring for a dog

Charnego Valenciano: rules for caring for a dog
Charnego Valenciano: rules for caring for a dog

Data on the appearance of Charnego Valenciano, appearance parameters, behavior, health, care: walking, diet, training, interesting facts. Puppy price. Almost nothing is known about these dogs. Moreover, the animals are already several thousand years old. They are unique. Not only do dogs chase prey, relying on their visual sense of smell, they also make a stance.

Previously, only the upper class hunted with such dogs - the nobility. But it was this breed that always belonged to ordinary people. In particular, these dogs helped peasants, artisans, shepherds to survive in the most difficult conditions and in the most difficult years. To this day, people cherish their constant assistants.

There are three varieties of Charnego Valenciano: short-haired, wire-haired and long-haired. But, in Spain, preference is given to dogs with long and hard coats. Because in the Spanish mountains there are a lot of thorny plants that can seriously injure the thin skin of a dog.

Data on the appearance of the Charnego Valenciano breed

Charnego Valenciano's appearance
Charnego Valenciano's appearance

Representatives of this species are considered to be the descendants of the Iberian hounds. There were similar dogs in the southern regions of France, only there they were called "Shernedi". But at home, in Spain, they are called Charnego Valenciano. It is impossible to say for sure what the word “charny” means. But it is known that it was documented in Castile, in the 13th century, and was applied to dogs that hunted at night. In different regions of Spain, and it is pronounced differently "charnie" or "sharnogo".

Previously, Charney was called poor greyhounds because rabbit hunting was the only one available to the poorest strata of the population. It was forbidden to hunt other animals. If a common man dared to hunt for deer, and the feudal lord became aware of this, then the poor man faced the inevitable punishment - the death penalty.

The first memories of Charniy can be traced back to the 13th century. Without any doubt, at that time, no one considered these dogs as a single species, since then the animals had different colors. But all the poor greyhounds were distinguished by tremendous strength and endurance. Just imagine what dexterity Charney had to possess in order to ride the hills. And yet, they were distinguished by their high speed, because the rabbit is a nimble animal.

And most importantly, these dogs had to be very attached to their master. There were frequent cases when a feudal lord, having learned about the outstanding features of a dog, simply took it to his kennel. But it wasn’t so … Pets often just ran away from strangers and returned to their original owners. Unfortunately, this was not the case with everyone. Many of the greyhounds from longing for their beloved, only, beloved owner, simply died in the arms of a stranger.

Interestingly, in the Valencian community, these dogs are called goscanillera - any type of rabbit hunting. This name very accurately reflects the functional characteristics of these dogs. Animals are great for hunting rabbits without weapons. They are very good as hounds for gun hunters. Dogs work great alone and in a large pack. To all their advantages must be added the excellent endurance acquired through adaptation to very hot climates.

Images of dogs similar to Charney are found in the Roman era. In the paintings of Flemish artists, similar canines are captured, which were already called Charnego. These dogs are one of the last breeds to be recognized in Spain and yet they are one of the oldest working varieties, serving all hunters in the Eastern and Spanish Mediterranean.

Around 2006, a group of friends of the Valencian Charnego was formed, and then fans of the breed founded a club and presented their project to legalize the breed. For about a year, the Royal Society of Cynos has been considering this program. The official presentation of the variety was held at the international exhibition in Alicante in 2011, and at the competition in Madrid in 2012.

Description of the appearance of Charnego Valenciano

Charnego Valenciano on a leash
Charnego Valenciano on a leash

Charnego Valenciano has a medium size, elongated, lean, muscular body. He has a developed chest so that the dog can run freely and quickly, overcoming long distances. He is hardy, strong and active. According to the type of coat, these dogs are divided into three types: wire-haired, long-haired and short-haired.

Shows anger only towards the beast, but good-naturedness with the owner and other people. Possesses courage, balanced nervous organization and a pleasant disposition. Perfect as a hunting dog and human companion.

Its main function of application is a hunting dog of any kind of catching rabbits with weapon hunters and unarmed ones. Can work in a pack or one by one. He does his job energetically and persistently.

Possesses good anatomy, which is suitable for the various ecosystems that exist throughout the Mediterranean, especially in the Spanish Levant and the Ebro Valley. And good hearing and keen eyesight, excellent sense of smell, which makes it a versatile hunting dog.

Based on the established criteria, the height at the withers can vary in males from 55 cm to 61 cm and bitches from 50 cm to 57 cm with a variation of 1–2 cm. The weight of breed specimens in males from 18 kg to 20 kg and females from 14 kg to 18 kg. Bitches have a longer body in the lumbar region due to the physiology of childbearing.

Charnego Valenciano moves actively and quickly. Movement is light and agile. Front and hind feet easily push off the ground in a straight line. When fishing for game, they move in a leaping manner.

  1. Head small, elongated, narrowed at the sides. The skull is moderately widened. The frontal part is moderately rounded at the vertex. The furrow on the forehead is narrow, not very pronounced. The bump on the back of the head is not visible. Cheekbones are flat. The brows are not developed.
  2. Muzzle tapering towards the nose, parallel to the skull, long, moderately narrow. The bridge of the nose is not even, but with a slight hump. The stop is smooth, not pronounced. Lips from dark to light pigmentation (depending on the color of the coat), not drooping, dry and dense. The flews are well tucked up, slightly extending over the lower jaw. The jaws are long and strong. The canines are powerful, the teeth are large, white, connected in the form of a scissor bite.
  3. Nose - round-harmonious, not big. The lobe is pigmented in black and also in dark or light brown tones, it can be lighter or darker, depending on the color of the dog.
  4. Eyes Charnego is slightly wider than the middle position, on the front line. They are rounded almond-shaped, of medium size. The color of the cornea of the eye is dark brown or green. The eyelids are tight, dark. Long-haired dogs have long eyelashes. They have an attentive and good-natured look.
  5. Ears - high placement, triangular, erect. They are medium, elastic-elastic cartilage, moderately sharp at the ends. The ears when running, the dog lays back, folding a little. When the dog is alert, the ears are set and directed forward.
  6. Neck - more than average, set high, strong, muscular, oval, widening towards the shoulders. The withers are moderate. There is no suspension.
  7. Frame - stretched, strong, muscular, streamlined. The chest is oval, of sufficient depth and width for excellent endurance. The ribs are curved, convex. The back is straight, long, well muscled, slightly rounded at the back. The loin is strong, prominent, elongated. The croup is strong, rather muscular, and voluminous. The abdomen is perfectly matched to the pelvic area.
  8. Tail - set low, long in size and good flexibility. It is thickened at the base and gradually decreases at the end of growth, slightly bent in the form of a sickle. When moving quickly, the dog carries it up, slightly above the back. At rest, it hangs down, and its end is slightly bent up.


  • Front - Seen from the front and from the side, they have moderately long, firm, lean bones and lean muscles. The set is neither narrow nor wide. The blades are placed obliquely, strongly pressed against the body, elongated. The elbows are directed backward. The shoulders are well connected to the shoulder blades, set obliquely. The pasterns are slightly vertical.
  • Rear - parallel to each other, with strong bones, slightly laid back when viewed from the side. Thighs with developed muscles, practically equal in length with the lower leg. The joints are perfectly arched. Metatarsus almost vertical. The angles of the joints are harmonious.
  • Paws - small, compact, rounded, collected in a lump. The toes are curved and tightly knit. The nails are dense, strong and dark. The pads are firm and firm.
  • Coat Charnego is divided into three types: long-haired, wire-haired and short-haired. Short hair - about 1.5 cm long, with a difference of plus or minus 0.5 cm, on the lower part of the neck and on the back of the thigh. The guard hair is straight, looks bright and clean, and snugly adheres to the skin. Some specimens may have a slightly feathered tail and fringe on the hind legs. There is no undercoat at all. Hard hair - more than 2.5 cm long. These dogs have a longer beard and mustache. A guard hair sticking out like a hedgehog grows on the body. The tail is bristly pubescent, but no more than the beard. The structure of the hair is coarse, straight or wiry. They are not adherent, but slightly raised. No undercoat. Long hairline - from 4 cm, although in some parts of the body it may be less long. Such dogs do not have a beard, but the ears, neck, lower abdomen, tail, back of the thighs and forelimbs are covered with elongated feathers. In winter, the coat grows thicker and longer in these areas. The hair structure is fine, flexible, soft and silky. There is no undercoat.
  • Leather - dense, resilient and elastic, fits well the whole body of the animal. There should be no pendants or folds.
  • Color - quite varied is possible. The classic coat colors in the breed are one-color: cinnamon, black, brown, chocolate. But, it is desirable that they be mixed with white areas that appear on the front of the head, neck, legs, under the belly and on the tip of the tail.

Characteristic behavior of the dog Charnego Valenciano

Charnego Valenciano with the owner
Charnego Valenciano with the owner

Greyhounds are always kept apart. Finding contact with them is extremely difficult, and in order to get closer and stroke, you need to make a lot of effort, and Charny is perceived in advance as a friend. Pets are very open not only in communication with their owners, but even with strangers and love children. They are good-natured and funny. They love to play and at the same time have a balanced nervous organization. Dogs do not show aggressiveness towards humans. Pets are very attached to their owners. They are infinitely loyal.

Charnego Valenciano's health

Charnego Valenciano's color
Charnego Valenciano's color

Charniy's immune system has been built for centuries. The hot climate of Spain has minted it to perfection. Therefore, they are very strong and hardy animals. There are no genetic diseases in the breed. The average life span of these greyhounds can be from fourteen to seventeen years.

But in order for your pet to grow up healthy and continue to be in great shape, it must be looked after accordingly. In puppyhood, they are fed mutely differently than in adulthood. This also applies to physical activity.

Antiparasitic procedures are carried out regularly, throughout the life of the animal. This includes treatment for worms, fleas and ticks. Planned comprehensive vaccinations that will protect your pet from many dangerous viral diseases will be important for your Charniy.

Criteria for caring for Charnego Valenciano

Charnego Valenciano lies
Charnego Valenciano lies
  1. Wool such greyhounds are of different types: long, short and tough. She does not require any pretentious attention. Pets are not cut or trimmed. The hairline must be combed out more often during shedding, and washed periodically. For combing, rubber gloves are used for dogs with short hair, and with longer hair, a slicker or metal comb is used. Dogs are bathed no more than twice a month or if the pet is very dirty. Shampoos are selected according to the type of hair of your Charniy and diluted with water before washing so as not to dry out the skin of the animal. After lathering, the foam is well washed off with plenty of water. The dog should dry out indoors, where it is not cold and there are no drafts.
  2. Teeth keep clean. Train your dog to brushing from the age of the puppy. Constantly let the dog gnaw on something hard, such as hard living bones.
  3. Ears these greyhounds should only be checked and cleaned when sulfur build-up, using softening lotions.
  4. Eyes - wipe and check after hunting. Make sure that there are no mechanical injuries, and that dirt does not get on the mucous membrane. If there are foreign particles, use a sedative to dry your eyes. For more serious concerns, take your dog to the vet.
  5. Claws it is necessary to cut with clippers as soon as they grow back, otherwise the pet will be uncomfortable to walk. Many mobile dogs grind them off themselves, and they only cut off the claws on the dewclaws.
  6. Feeding depends on the activity of the dog. If for some period Charniy does not hunt, then his food should not be very high in calories so that the dog does not gain excess weight. Excess pounds will be bad for your pet's health, and can also create chronic problems with the gastrointestinal tract, cardiac and musculoskeletal systems. Of course, it is best to feed the doggie with quality food.
  7. Walking - Greyhounds are time-consuming. They should receive the necessary physical activity. If your pet does not participate in the hunt, then you need to run a lot with it or take it to the baiting stations. In a city, responsible owners must always keep the dog on a leash. After all, Charnego is active and fast, and around the roadways, on which there is a lot of transport.

Features of training Charnego Valenciano

Charnego Valenciano's training
Charnego Valenciano's training

All canines need to be taught from early childhood, and Charnego Valenciano is no exception. They are kind and smart creatures. Therefore, it is necessary to train them only by encouraging them with goodies and affection. Preparation for hunting has its own specifics.

In Spain, as a rule, rabbits live in large ravines. The hunter's task is to release Charnego Valenciano and the dog will look for the place of the so-called lodging of animals by smell. Having caught the smell, the dog must chase the eared one. Such a hunt without weapons. Charney must find the rabbit himself, catch up, grab and bring it to its owner. A person is obliged to reward a pet for a job well done.

At first glance, it seems that this is a completely unpretentious hunt. There is a lot of game, there are enough dogs, an enclosed space - but no. It would seem, move the bush and take it, but it is not at all easy to do it. The vegetation in Spain is dense, thorny, and the object of the hunt itself, as it turns out, is not easy at all. Local hunters know such subtleties very well and do not rush Charney Valenciano for nothing.

Interesting facts about Charnego Valenciano

Charnego Valenciano's muzzle
Charnego Valenciano's muzzle

To this day, a red collar is worn on Charnego Valenciano before the hunt so that the hunter can see the location of his pet. In Spain, no shepherd or hunter goes to work without a stick called "garotte". With it, you can scare off the snake, lean when you go down the slope, catch on to something when you climb up.

Purchase and price of Charnego Valenciano puppies

Charnego Valenciano puppies
Charnego Valenciano puppies

Charnego Valenciano is only available in Spain. These are rare dogs, and in other countries they are not yet bred. Therefore, you will find out the cost of such a greyhound puppy only by contacting the breeders of the breed on the Internet, or by going to Spain.

For more on upkeep and care, see here:
