Data on the appearance of the French spaniel, appearance parameters, behavior and health, care criteria: walking, diet, training, interesting facts. The price of the puppies. These dogs were the favorite pets of the monarchs. They accompanied the kings everywhere, hunted with them and slept in their lush beds. The court chefs prepared a special menu for the psam. At some point, the breed lost its original data, but the breeders managed to revive them. This concerned the external exterior and working qualities. In modern times, they are used not only as hunting dogs, but also as wonderful companion pets.
Appearance data of the breed French spaniel

According to known sources, the French spaniel is probably descended from the avian dogs described by Gaston Phoebus. Perhaps in the Middle Ages they were used as cops. They got the name "cop" because at that time they hunted birds with a net. The dog lay down in front of the found bird and was covered with a net of the game. Pointing dogs are the ancestors of all hunting spaniels.
For a long time they were used only by aristocrats and monarchs. Because before the revolution, only the nobility was allowed to hunt this type. Henry IV took his French spaniel with him everywhere. The pet was constantly next to the monarch. King Louis XIII even let these dogs into his box. Monarch Louis XIV loved them so much that he personally trained. He required his court pastry chef to bake fresh biscuits for his pets every morning.
French spaniels are depicted on the canvases of famous painters. Most often they can be seen on the canvases of the artist Passport, where they are best depicted. It was from his engravings that it became clear that the French spaniel had a structure different from that which we have known from the first quarter of the 20th century.
Initially, it was a light, elegant, athletic dog. But due to active selection, in beauty it became heavier, and according to physical data, it lost the ease of movement and could hardly hold out during the hunting day. Today it is necessary to modify the standard of this breed in order to obtain an active hunting dog with excellent endurance and good stamina, capable of hunting all day.
The French spaniel got a second life, so to speak, thanks to Monsieur Lefortnier, who managed to select several individuals similar to each other. And then, Abbot Fournier continued his work. He managed to get about ten breed specimens in his kennel, with which he subsequently began to participate in working competitions.
When the first club was founded, it was not only an organization of the French spaniel, but united all the breeds of spaniels as a whole: Breton, Picardie, Blue-Picardie, Point Ademer and of course French.
When Abbot Fournier took up the French spaniel, a separate club of this breed appeared. Modern breeders in France have achieved excellent results. Style returned to these dogs, and at the same time they managed to preserve all the important qualities: speed, scent and, especially, their ratio. After all, there are such dogs that run fast at the expense of efficiency, since the sense of smell does not keep up with the paws. The dog handlers got exactly the kind of French spaniels they wanted.
These dogs never lose their effectiveness, they hunt almost any kind of game in a different biotope (geospace site). This is not to say that they demonstrate outstanding qualities on flat terrain. But French spaniels hunt different game in the swamp, in the forest zone, in any hard-to-reach area and in thorny bushes.
Dogs are very good at working with the woodcock (woodcock), because they have a very firm stance. These spaniels have a medium search area. This means that they are not too close to the hunter, but they also do not run more than sixty meters. This dog, as a rule, remains under the gun. But, this does not prevent her from finding a trail, following it, studying it and returning back, while still remaining in contact with the owner.
It is very good that French spaniels are in close relationship with the owner. They don't run for the sake of running. On the contrary, while running, the dogs are constantly in search of game. If they smell the smell, they will change direction and go towards it. When they meet an obstacle, they will overcome it and make sure that there is no game behind it. These spaniels move at a trot or gallop. They explore the ground, raise their heads and return to gallop, then move to trot.
Of course, the conditions are different at the competition. There, the dog is required to track down the game for at least fifteen minutes. The ability of the dogs to find game is extremely important for the competition. In a standing position, they squat a little, because these are the descendants of cops, however, they do not fall to the ground like English setters. French spaniels must either crouch down or do the classic upright stance.
Description of the appearance of the French spaniel

The French Spaniel has an over-average size and slightly curly, uneven hairline. The dog has developed muscles and strong bones. She has a proportional athletic build. She is hardy, strong, active, fast and courageous. Able to run fast. They are used as hunting, gun dogs for searching and carrying game birds.
Based on the established criteria, the height at the withers can vary in males from 56 cm to 61 cm and bitches from 55 cm to 59 cm with a variation of 1-2 cm. The weight of breed specimens in males from 21 kg to 26 kg and females from 19 kg to 24 kg. Bitches have a more stretched body due to fertility.
French spaniels move energetically, freely and quickly changing direction. With a fast run it is a tense, fairly even "canter", and with a slower one, it is a "trot". The dog is kept upright, with the head raised above the line of the back so that it is easy to pick up odors. When moving quickly, the back is very straight, the "gallop" is long, the hind legs push off the ground well.
- Head - elongated, of good size in relation to the body, laterally refined with a medium-sized skull. The frontal part is elongated in the upper zone, rounded-volumetric. The furrow on the forehead is poorly developed. The bump on the back of the head is wonderfully formed, it stands out strongly. Cheekbones are flat. The brows are not strongly developed, low.
- Muzzle oblong-rectangular, parallel to the skull, of equal length. The bridge of the nose is smooth. The stop is prominent, slightly sloping, but not sharp. The lips are dark pigmented, moderately full. Scissor bite. The flews overlap the lower jaw, but not as flabby as, for example, on the Pointer. The jaws are long and strong. The canines are powerful, the teeth are large, white, close to each other, in a scissor bite. The mucous membrane is well pigmented.
- Nose large-eye-catching. The lobe is pigmented with a pure brown color.
- Eyes French Spaniel of medium placement, on one, front line. They are rounded and over average in size. The cornea is dark amber brown. The eyelids are dry, outlined with dark brown pigment. They have an expressive look.
- Ears are attached at the level of the eye socket line. They are long, hanging cartilages, elastic, thin, rounded at the ends. The auricles fit well to the skull, slightly folded.
- Neck - long to hold the head high, rounded in shape, with strong relief muscles, expanding towards the shoulders. The withers are visible above the line of the spine. Suspension is not observed.
- Frame fits into a rectangle, but by no means square, with powerful muscles. The body is longer than the height at the withers. Chest should be perfectly lowered, on average to knee level, good width and depth, oval. This makes the dog elegant and athletic. The back is well muscled, strong, tense, straight with a straight line. The loin is strong, moderately widened, voluminous. The croup is strong, slightly sloping. The ribs are rounded. The belly line is perfectly matched in the lumbar region.
- Tail - high location, is larger than average in size, thickened at the base and gradually decreases towards the end, slightly curved in the form of a saber. When running, the dog carries it slightly above the level of the spine.
- Front - when viewed from the front and from the side, should be very level and have strong bones. The limbs are not wide apart, moderately long with strong dry muscles. The shoulder blades are inclined, tightly pressed, and elongated. The elbows are directed backward. The shoulders are well connected to the shoulder blade and the body, set obliquely. The pasterns are slightly vertical.
- Rear - Stand parallel to one another, with strong, bony bones. The thighs are muscular, slightly sloping, almost equal in length with the lower leg. The joints are harmoniously curved. Metatarsus almost vertical.
- Paws medium in size, round-oval, strong. The toes are curved and tightly knit. Their claws are hard and strong, colored with dark pigment. The pads are firm and firm.
- Coat French spaniel with a developed undercoat. Guard hair thin, long. It may curl slightly at the base of the neck and tail. On the body, the coat should be smooth. It is elongated on the forelimbs from the knees to the very paws. On the hind legs, the fur is the same as on the forelegs, reaching to the knees. The lower part of the tail has beautiful long, but not dense feathers.
- Leather - elastic and elastic, fits the body well. No depressions or folds are observed.
- Color - white-brown. No other colors are allowed. There should be no tan marks on the eyes and cheeks. They do not try to get mottling on purpose, but if it is, then it is not considered a marriage. The eyes and ears are always only brown. There is a wide white stripe on the muzzle.
The characteristic behavior of the French spaniel

They are hardy dogs and are great for hunting work. But they can also be wonderful decorative dogs. French spaniels are sociable and affectionate. Dogs are never aggressive towards children.
The pets are very clean. Despite their size, they will take up little space. These spaniels will easily spend time in their basket without drawing attention to themselves if they are not required to.
However, when the owners return home, such dogs will not hold back their joy. Sometimes French spaniels are sometimes reproached for being too violent and too welcoming.
French Spaniel health

The French Spaniel is a solid breed. She didn't fall victim to fashion. Cynologists have made an excellent selection. The average life span of French spaniels is twelve to thirteen years. This is a good time for a hunting dog.
Long-eared individuals are more susceptible to otitis media than dogs with erect ears. This is easy to explain. It's all about airing the ear, which is easier for them than for long-eared dogs. The condition of the ears must be monitored. They should be examined and cared for with veterinary products specifically designed to clean the auricle and ear canal.
You should check from time to time for any brownish wax accumulated in your ears - dirt. As a rule, if a pet has ear problems, it becomes immediately noticeable. The dog begins to itch and shake his head violently. When you touch her ear, it may hurt. Possibly minor conjunctivitis, which is associated with trauma. It's all about the work of French spaniels. The dog walks through dense, thorny bushes and can injure his eyes. If there is no extensive damage to the cornea, everything quickly goes away in a few days, if some help is provided.
Dysplasia is a disease of the hip, a type of congenital arthrosis of the hip. Its clinical manifestations are varied. However, dysplasia usually occurs in young dogs, causing severe motor problems. To combat this disaster, all breed clubs have taken serious measures.
The offspring of animals in which this defect is found are rejected from the breed. All manufacturers undergo strict radiological controls, thanks to which they are classified according to the stage. If a disease is found in a dog, then such an individual ceases to be a producer of offspring.
French spaniels are working dogs and overweight specimens are rarely found among them. The physical activity factor prevents you from gaining extra pounds. If your dog is doing nothing and you are feeding him energetic food, then he will quickly get fat. Therefore, keep an eye on the balance of loads and power supply.
To avoid health flaws, they must be properly grown, fed and maintained from an early age. Give anthelmintics regularly and treat external parasites.
French spaniel care criteria, content

- Wool it is necessary to comb out and wash. The dogs are combed twice a week, and when changing the coat every day. They are bathed three times a month with gentle shampoos (so as not to harm the dog's skin), which remove dirt well. Adult pet shows must be properly prepared for the show. For this, in addition to bathing, they make a certain adjustment to their "hairstyle". If curly hair grows on the head, then it is removed with an electric razor so that the hair becomes smooth again. The hairs around the ears are regularly trimmed to keep them low set at eye level. The hair on the paws is cut with scissors to emphasize their roundness.
- Teeth keep clean. It is necessary to teach the dog to clean them or give it to nibble on something solid, but safe.
- Ears Long-eared dogs need to be cleaned systematically. With the help of a pipette, a special agent is poured into the auricles, and their bases are massaged. Then the dog is released, he shakes his head and everything unnecessary flies out of his ears. It remains only to wipe the outer side of the ear with a cotton sponge.
- Eyes Wipe regularly to avoid infections, especially after hunting.
- Claws cut with clippers.
- Feeding depends on the owner. Whether you choose dry food or organic food, always consult a professional.
- Walking - French spaniels take a long time. They must be complete. If the dog lives in a city apartment, you need to go out with it regularly to park areas.
Features of training the French spaniel

From puppies of French spaniels it is necessary to raise balanced dogs. They should not be afraid of a person, and come at his first call. Puppies at seven to eight weeks go through a very important period when the breeder should be engaged in their socialization. With them you need to contact a lot, caress, stroke, talk.
In the training of hunting skills, they try to strengthen the quality of the stance in young dogs. Up to a year they are taught to understand that it is necessary to wait for the owner before the bird takes off. Further, the owner strokes and praises them for this - encourages behavior.
Interesting facts about the French spaniel

French spaniels can hunt almost any type of game bird, in places of various terrain, ranging from swamps to thorny bushes.
Purchase and price of French spaniel puppies

This breed is few in number even in its homeland, so you can buy and find out the price of a French spaniel in France. For this, it is not necessary to go there, there is the Internet, which increases a person's capabilities.
For more information on the French Spaniel, see below: