Anglo-French small hound: maintenance and care

Anglo-French small hound: maintenance and care
Anglo-French small hound: maintenance and care

External parameters of the Anglo-French small hound, manifestations of the character of the dog and its health, requirements for care: walking, diet, training. Puppy price. The Anglo-French Small Hound or Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie is a type of Pointing Dog bred in France. This breed originated from the crossing of English and French hounds. For centuries in their homeland, these dogs served as virtuoso hunters. Its name includes the word petite, which means "small" in French, which misleads many non-English speakers. The designation is not related to the physical characteristics of the dog, but only denotes belonging to a specific type of activity.

Anglo-French small hounds were used to hunt small animals such as rabbits, foxes and other similar animals. Like most French hounds, breed representatives are known almost exclusively in their homeland and are rarely found in other countries. However, in recent years, these canines have gradually gained their popularity in the following countries: England, Italy and the United States of America, where they are sometimes advertised as a rare pet. In the United States, the variety is known as Anglo-Francesco de Moyen Veneri. The word “moyen” in her new name means “middle”. In France, it remains under the old name.

Description of the external parameters of the Anglo-French small hound

The color of the Anglo-French small hound
The color of the Anglo-French small hound

The dog combines the body and color of the English breed, and the head and muzzle of French cops, and, therefore, looks very similar to a number of other varieties, especially the "American Foxhound". This species is the embodiment of a medium-sized animal.

Most of its representatives have parameters between 48, 6 and 55, 8 centimeters in height at the shoulder, and females are about 2, 6 centimeters smaller than males. Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie are well-shaped and usually weigh between 15.9 and 20.5 kilograms, although working dogs may be slightly less. They are hunting dogs and they should look like they are.

The animals are very muscular and athletic, some are rather skinny but not slender. The Anglo-French Small Hound is a very well balanced dog that can reduce its mobility or adapt to any hunting rhythm.

  1. Head - elongated, very similar to the head of other French hounds. It is proportional to body size, but often somewhat narrow. The forehead is slightly flat above, and the occipital part is rounded. Cheekbones are embossed. The skull and muzzle of this breed, in combination with each other, have a smooth transition and in many ways resemble the look of a greyhound.
  2. Muzzle The Anglo-French Lesser Hound is very long, in proportion to the skull, giving the dog maximum area for scent receptors. The bridge of the nose is straight and wide. Has small black lips and a scissor bite of strong teeth.
  3. Nose the dog has a wide, black.
  4. Eyes The Anglo-French Small Hound is large and brown, of medium placement. The expression in the eyes of more members of the breed is gentle, kind, intelligent and a little supportive.
  5. Ears this breed is very long and wide. They hang very low, usually parallel to the cheeks, but sometimes turn forward.
  6. Neck - slightly longer than average, muscular.
  7. Frame - elongated, athletic. The withers are moderately developed. The chest is roomy, oval in shape, not very much down to the elbows. Ribs are harmonious, smooth. The back is long, slightly curved. The loin is strong, the croup is slightly sloping. The belly is tucked closer to the groin.
  8. Tail - is of medium length, usually held straight, or bends smoothly.
  9. Front limbs - long, straight, embossed. Hind legs - erect, with elongated thighs.
  10. Paws - round, gathered in a lump.
  11. Coat Anglo-French small hounds are short, sleek and dense. Hair is usually evenly distributed throughout the body, but may be slightly shorter along the entire length of the limbs, on the legs, head, ears and muzzle. Unlike most British breeds, the hairs on the tail of these dogs are the same length and are completely devoid of tassels at the end.
  12. Color The breed is found in three different color combinations: orange and white, white and black, white and black with orange or brown tan. Many of these dogs display a black saddle, commonly found on the back of many English breeds, often with an orange or brown base coloration.

Manifestations of the character of the dog Anglo-French small hound

Anglo-French small hounds near their masters
Anglo-French small hounds near their masters

Representatives of small hounds have been selected and bred almost exclusively as hunters for small animals. Therefore, a dog has a temperament that one would expect from such an animal. Since few of these canines have been kept as pets, it is difficult to draw accurate conclusions about how they will perform as companion animals. Like most hounds, breed representatives needed to work in close contact with humans, that is, any of the unfamiliar hunters. As a result, they usually do not exhibit aggressive behavior at all.

As with many hounds, some members of the Anglo-French breed can be very outgoing and affectionate, while others are more calm and aloof. There is little information about the relationship of these canines with children. But, most of these dogs behave well with children, if the dogs have undergone proper socialization and training.

Although this species would undoubtedly prefer to spend all its time with its family, in France it is traditionally kept in flocks in nurseries. Therefore, dogs are likely to behave quite tolerantly with their fellows. These pets will almost certainly become very poor watchdogs as they have neither territorial nor aggressive tendencies.

This dog was bred to work in large flocks, which can contain dozens of the same and other species of their fellows. Even the slightest canine aggression is absolutely unacceptable in such an environment and has been carefully discarded. When properly socialized, breed representatives have very few problems with other canines, and most of them are even extremely friendly with them. In fact, this is an animal that seeks to live in a collective and craves a dog's company. The Anglo-French small hound hunts much better in a pair or pack.

However, this animal was bred to be primarily a virtuoso hunting dog. Pets, usually while hunting, demonstrate a very high level of aggression towards the animal. This breed will not only stalk and attack almost every animal it sees, but will potentially kill them if the opportunity presents itself. As is the case with all canines, Anglo-French people who grew up with other pets, such as a cat, probably won't hurt them. Despite this, you should not be sure that the doggies will behave the same with neighboring small animals. They almost always rush to catch the cats of their neighbors.

Health nuances of the Anglo-French small hound

Anglo-French Small Hound with Collar
Anglo-French Small Hound with Collar

Apparently, no studies of the health status of Anglo-French small hounds have been carried out. As a result, it is impossible to draw precise definitive conclusions regarding their health. However, most sources seem to believe that breed representatives have robust immunity. This dog was bred almost exclusively as a working dog.

Any potential genetic defects could impair her ability to fulfill her affiliation and, therefore, were excluded from the gene pool. In addition, this species has never been exposed to the commercial breeding methods of many trendy dogs. Pets get the added benefit of their medium size without suffering from the flaws that are found in large or small dogs.

Based on what is known about Anglo-French Lesser Hounds and similar breeds, the list of problems that may appear in the breed will include: ear infections, demodicosis, hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy PRA.

Requirements for the care of the Anglo-French Lesser Hound

Anglo-French small hound muzzle
Anglo-French small hound muzzle
  1. Wool this species of hounds is short and does not require professional care. Breed representatives need to be combed regularly, since the process of changing the hairline is extremely strong. And if you don't brush your dog all the time, you will find a lot of hairs in your home, on floors and furniture or carpets. To carry out the procedure more efficiently, the instrument should be made of rubber materials or with natural, thick bristles. Excessive cleaning in the house will prevent the dog from combing during a walk. The manipulation not only removes the dead hair from the animal, but also creates a useful massage of the skin and evenly distributes the natural lubricant over the “fur coat”. Bathing of Anglo-French small hounds is carried out quite rarely or as the "coat" gets dirty. Care must be taken when choosing a detergent concentrate. Its ingredients should be soft so that the PH-balance of the skin is not disturbed. The washing shampoo must be rinsed off under running water, but make sure that moisture does not get into the ears of the animal - this will cause problems.
  2. Teeth Anglo-French small hounds need to be cleaned almost every day if the animals do not consume dry food. Ignoring the procedure will lead to a variety of dental problems. The manipulation can be carried out not only with a brush and paste for animals, but also with ordinary activated carbon.
  3. Ears Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie can have many problems with ear infections. The long and drooping ears of this dog are believed to push odor particles towards the nose, increasing its sense of smell while hunting. Although this has never been scientifically proven, drooping ears collect particles from anything it comes into contact with, such as leaves, earth, water, dirt, and food. Often this debris gets into the ear so deep that the pet cannot remove it on its own. Eventually, these trapped particles will irritate the skin and auditory membrane. Symptoms start with great discomfort but can develop into chronic ear infections, which can be extremely painful and even lead to hearing loss. Fortunately, these imperfections are almost completely prevented with regular ear cleaning. Once a week, the ears of the dog are filled with herbal lotion, holding his head, and with the help of a gentle massage, they promote its penetration into the depths. It is necessary to wait a little and only after that, wipe the separated dirt with a clean cloth.
  4. Eyes Anglo-French small hounds need acute attention, especially after the hunt. Constantly check for dust and dirt or traumatic damage on the mucous membrane. If the eye is contaminated, the dog must be wiped with a remedy. Serious injuries require examination by an ophthalmologist veterinarian.
  5. Claws having a great length, interfere with the dog's movement. Usually, the cops do not need to shorten them, since they move enough and grind them down. Well, if you still have such a problem, cut them off with claws or cut them with an ordinary file.
  6. Feeding Anglo-French small hounds must be organized so that their body receives everything it needs. If the dog is working, then its food is richer than that of a pet. Super premium commercial food will provide your pet with the best ingredients for a perfect well-being.
  7. Walking. In order to fulfill their assigned task, the Anglo-French Small Hound needs to work vigorously for long hours on a daily basis. As a result, the breed has quite significant physical demands. This dog needs at least 45 minutes of vigorous exercise, although ideally it should get much more.

It is imperative that the pet is provided with a proper release of the accumulated energy. Otherwise, he will definitely find it on his own. Untrained Anglo-French Small Hounds are prone to developing behavioral problems such as destructiveness, constant barking, hyperactivity, irritability and nervousness.

This breed can be an excellent jogging companion. But, since it is preferable to run with her on a leash, it is better to provide her with a safe enclosed space. It would be very difficult to meet the needs of this dog in an urban environment, and this animal does not adapt very well to apartment life. Potential owners of Anglo-French Small Hounds should be aware that the animal is very vocal. This species was bred to bark loudly while searching and chasing the beast, and so that it could be found by its voice if it disappeared from sight. Pets make noise at much more frequent intervals and are significantly louder than most canines. Training and exercise can greatly reduce this problem, but it will not eliminate it. One of the representatives of the breed, located in the immediate vicinity, is likely to cause neighbors to complain about noise.

Breed training Anglo-French small hound

The owner is engaged with his dog of breed Anglo-French Small Hound
The owner is engaged with his dog of breed Anglo-French Small Hound

Anglo-French small hounds are always excellent hunters. However, since they rarely do anything else, it is unclear how difficult it is to train them and how difficult it is to gauge the dogs' maximum training disposition. Most cops tend to be very stubborn, even deliberately naughty. As a result, training this species requires a serious approach.

In particular, the breed can be extremely difficult to obey. Taking the trail, the dog goes along it, regardless of the obstacles encountered. Once the Anglo-French Small Hound starts tracking something, it will often completely ignore any calls to return. For this reason, these dogs should be kept on a leash at all times and released only when they are in safe territory. The breed's sense of smell also often causes dogs to flee. Any smell will attract the dog, so the enclosure or enclosure that contains one of them should be safe.

Price of an Anglo-French Small Hound puppy

Two small puppies of breed Anglo-French Small Hound
Two small puppies of breed Anglo-French Small Hound

Since skeletal and visual problems are known to occur in closely related breeds (hip dysplasia is common), owners of Anglo-French Small Hounds are strongly encouraged to have their animals tested by both the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) and the Dog Registration Foundation (CERF).).

OFA and CERF perform genetic and other tests to identify potential health defects before they appear. A timely diagnosis is especially valuable until the dog reaches old age, and is especially important for breeders who are planning to breed. Animals must be tested to prevent the spread of potential genetic manifestations of their offspring. The price for a puppy is $ 400-600.

What the Anglo-French Small Hound looks like, see below:
