Features of keeping axolotl at home

Features of keeping axolotl at home
Features of keeping axolotl at home

Pedigree and characteristics of the appearance of the axolotl, habitat, keeping at home, reproduction and metamorphosis, advice on the acquisition of fish. Axolotl is not a maturing mysterious creature. Many people wonder who it is - a water dragon, a fish, an amphibian? In truth, everything is much more interesting. This exotic, extremely cute animal will delight the eyes of its owners and delight their guests. If you are a lover of everything unusual and unique, then you just need to get such a pet.

Pedigree and the emergence of the axolotl

Axolotl in the aquarium
Axolotl in the aquarium

For a long time, there have been disputes between scientists over the division of axolotls into classes and species. It was originally called Siredon pisciformis, and has been recognized as a relative of the European Proteus.

Zoologists had previously known ambistomas, but it never occurred to anyone that there was a considerable relationship between them and axolotls. It was only in the 19th century that the French scientist Georges Cuvier noticed some common features between them. Although the definitive relationship was proved after a considerable period of time.

Axolotls are widely used for laboratory research. These creatures are the larval stage of individual ambistus subspecies. Its characteristic feature is manifested in the fact that it becomes sexually mature and capable of reproduction without experiencing metamorphosis, that is, without turning into an adult form.

The ancient system of water channels, which is located in Mexico, is recognized as the homeland of tame dragons. Throughout their life cycle, they live in water and do not get out on land. They prefer rather deep locations in reservoirs with rich vegetation. This can be explained by the fact that they are not very dependent on aquatic plants.

There is an ancient legend that tells of a bygone time in which the gods inhabited the large planet Earth. Among them was Sholotl, who was credited with being responsible for forecasting the weather. Once, having forgotten to make the nearest forecast, he resorted to deception, which greatly angered his relatives. They subsequently gave the order to kill him. Nevertheless, Sholotl, who by nature possessed special cunning and sophistication, decided to hide in the water and reincarnated into a fish-like creature. There he lives, to this day, taking the guise of a smiling dragon.

Axolotl appearance

Axolotl external standard
Axolotl external standard

There are tiger and Mexican grubs with a smile. In most cases, in the pet stores of the CIS countries, the larvae of the Mexican ambist are found. But in the USA and Europe, as a rule, it is more often possible to meet the tiger axolotl. It is not very easy to distinguish between them, but it is still possible.

The tiger axolotl is dominated by a mostly flat muzzle, thick gills and a barely noticeable pattern, as well as weakly expressed folds on the lateral surfaces of the body. Perhaps this is the whole difference between them.

Body color ranges from white to black, including gray, brown and brown. It is much easier to purchase axolotls in light shades, namely white and pinkish. But still, this is not the whole list of all kinds of colors.

Conventionally, the axolotl by body color is divided into three, the so-called forms: natural form, white and albino. Natural coloration is characterized by either large or small specks, with green, black, and any muted color. The color is influenced by the population, as well as the conditions in which the specimens are kept.

It is interesting to know that the color of a wonderfish can also be influenced by the food it eats. But you, most likely, will not find axolotls, painted in bright colors by nature, in natural form and in other groups. The presence of streaks on the back is a distinctive feature of the white group from the albino group. This is more often expressed in an adult amphibian. Ornaments may not be found on a young larva. Characteristic dull color of gills and dark shades of the eye.

These creatures are pretty hardy. Their life expectancy in some cases reaches 20 years, but on average in captivity, they can live for about 10 years.

Axolotl has an incredible ability to recuperate (restore the lost parts of its body). Scientists have more than once had the opportunity to contemplate how this miraculous larva restores the tail or other severed limbs in a matter of weeks. There is only one part that the water dragon cannot regrow, and that is its head. In axolotls, it is disproportionate to the body, relatively large. Due to the fact that they have a wide mouth and small eyes, it seems that a cheerful smile flaunts on the face of the larva all the time.

As for the gills and skin of these mysterious animals, they are quite delicate and sensitive. So we can conclude that stroking these aquarium inhabitants is not at all desirable. In tame fish, there are almost no bones in the structure of the legs, in particular this applies to young axolotls. A significant part of the skeleton is cartilage. For this reason, it is not recommended to touch them, without special need. If a situation arises in which you need to catch a salamander, use a dense fabric net or a container made of glass or plastic.

The larvae reach sexual maturity at the age of one year. The breeding process is a fairly simple act. During mating games, these cute creatures attach eggs to aquatic plants, and after a while, fertilize them.

Habitat of axolotl

Amphibian gray-blue
Amphibian gray-blue

As mentioned above, the Motherland of the axolotls is Mexico City. There was a time when they lived only in two lakes around the globe - Chalco and Xochimilco, at an altitude of 2290 meters above sea level. Unfortunately, Lake Chalco suffered artificial drainage, because it carried the threat of flooding for local residents. Also following rapid urbanization, the area of distribution of amphibians is significantly reduced.

Features of the behavior of the axolotl

Axolotl near the hand
Axolotl near the hand

Axolotl, in fact, is a very good weather forecaster, with the ability to sense the period when atmospheric pressure changes and changes in weather conditions are approaching. In this case, he rises to the surface, in anticipation of feasting on insects, which were knocked down by falling raindrops. Water salamanders have an incredible weakness for them.

An interesting fact is that, living in an aquarium, a tame dragon does not lose this skill, thanks to which, having acquired an axolotl, you become the owner not only of a pet, but also a personal weather forecast service, which, by the way, is almost unmistakable.

Conditions for keeping axolotl larvae at home

Axolotl larvae
Axolotl larvae

These specimens of fauna live in aquariums. Keeping them at home will not be difficult, but you need to take into account the nuances that to a large extent affect the length of their captivity. The most significant is the temperature level. If it is elevated, it will be very stressful for the axolotl. For many, it seems surprising that the larvae are native to Mexico, and they cannot stand the heat. It turns out that the habitat of these amphibians is located at a high altitude, which means that the temperature level is much lower than in the rest of Mexico City.

  1. Basic requirements for the aquarium. The dimensions of the tame dragons are quite impressive, so their "abode" should be large enough, about 60–90 liters. It is not necessary for the vessel to be completely full. It is enough that the water level is slightly higher than the length of your pet. They are also very picky about the water flow, therefore it is not recommended to place powerful pumps in the aquarium. A weak purifier will suffice, otherwise you will have to change the water frequently. The main thing is that it does not form an intensified current, this will protect the animal's gills from unwanted damage. It is highly recommended to change 25% of the water every week. In the event that there is no filter, such changes should be carried out a maximum of every other day. It is impermissible to completely change the water, as this threatens an extreme imbalance in the aquarium. Often, in our water supply systems, water flows in which chlorine compounds are located, but this problem can be easily solved with the help of special preparations for water in aquariums. Optimal pH values should be in the range of 6.5 to 7.5.
  2. Temperature level. When choosing a place for your aquarium, try to set it up so that sunlight is limited. The average values of the maintained temperature should be in the range from 14 to 20 degrees, the maximum allowed is 24 degrees. As the temperature of the water rises, the amount of oxygen it contains becomes less. Also, there is no need to create an artificial "winter" and lower the temperature below 11 degrees, since in nature these mysterious axolotls do not hibernate.
  3. Flooring and vegetation in the aquarium. If you decide to use soil in the aquarium, then large pebbles are best suited, since small, amphibians can accidentally swallow when feeding. Some aquarists completely exclude the presence of soil in the aquarium, while others, on the contrary, advise you to lay the soil so as not to stress the axolotl. You can also place a number of living plants in the "apartment" of water dragons. You can consider several examples that may be useful: cladophore, villain, riccia, duckweed, hornwort, and others. The latter, by the way, is number one for maintaining an optimal level of water purity.
  4. Lighting. By themselves, axolotls are nocturnal inhabitants, so the clarification should not be powerful. In the aquarium, shelters must be present. Pot halves and aquarium decorations can be suitable for this.
  5. Compatible with other inhabitants of the aquarium. Axolotls practically cannot stand the neighborhood. But if you still want to add fish to them, then it is better to opt for those who are of medium size and calm character. Small fish are often perceived by tame dragons as food, but living with large ones, on the contrary, may themselves be victims. They are very friendly to each other. Gathering in flocks is a characteristic feature of axolotls. If we talk about ideal neighbors, these are goldfish. They are quite slow, and if they are well fed, then they will absolutely not care about the axolotl. In the event that the goldfish dares to disturb the water dragon, it should expect a painful pinch in response. On top of that, water temperatures must be kept low to keep goldfish, just like axolotls. This fact makes them ideal neighbors for smiling dragons.
  6. Diet. What is the best way to feed these tame fish with paws? The most suitable food is earthworms and bloodworms. It is important to know that the worms must be cut into pieces, otherwise the axolotls, when feeding, may accidentally choke. They feed well on special food for predatory fish. It is produced in the form of tablets or granules. You can buy it at any pet store. Your aquarium inhabitant will not refuse from the meat of mussels and shrimps, as well as a few pieces of fish fillets. When feeding, it is imperative to adhere to two main rules - you cannot overfeed your domestic dragons, and also leave food leftovers in the aquarium, as they rot and pollute the water very quickly.

It is forbidden to feed axolotls with mammalian meat, because their stomach cannot over-etch protein. It is also not recommended to constantly feed your pets with fatty foods (maggots, tubules), otherwise they may develop liver disease.

Mysterious amphibians quickly get used to the person who feeds them, but there are times when axolotls can try to swallow a finger. Do not be alarmed, you will not feel pain in this case, since his teeth are not able to bite through human skin.

Possible difficulties in keeping an axolotl

Axolotl at the bottom of the aquarium
Axolotl at the bottom of the aquarium

If your pet refuses to eat, then, most likely, the temperature in the aquarium is very high (over 24 ° C). After its decrease, the axolotl will again begin to eat as usual. If this does not help, it is necessary to carry out a course of treatment with antibiotics, because often food refusal is caused by bacterial infections.

Transportation and breeding of amphibians

Small individuals of axolotl
Small individuals of axolotl

But what if you need to leave for another city or country? There are some nuances for transporting amphibians. Nowadays, you can find special plastic carriers in which there are holes for the drainage of oxygen. In such a container, your pet can withstand up to 12 hours of travel. If the trip promises to be much longer, you can purchase a battery-powered aerator and a thermal bag. With such a set, the axolotl will feel no less comfortable than in the aquarium.

It will not be difficult to breed axolotls. The cloaca is a distinctive feature of the male from the female. In the first, it is embossed and protruding, in the female it is more smooth and inconspicuous.

In the case when the male and female are kept separate from each other, they are placed in the same aquarium with cool water. When one or two days have passed after mating, the male lays spermatophores, then a day later the female is already spawning. It tends to produce up to 1000 eggs in the order. At the end, the pair is taken from the aquarium, otherwise both the female and the male simply eat the eggs. Within 2 weeks, eggs develop, at the end of this period, larvae begin to appear. A necessary measure is to control the level of purity of the water and remove larvae from the aquarium that could not survive.

At a temperature level of 20 degrees, the larvae grow to 1.5 cm per week. After about 3 weeks, young axolotls develop hind limbs, an average length of 4–4.5 cm. The length of amphibians that have reached adolescence (85 days) varies from 12 to 14 cm.

The "kids" are fed with grated feed or brine shrimp.

There are cases when axolotls become terrestrial. Scientists still cannot fully explain this fact, but it takes place. Water ambistomas lead a sedentary lifestyle, but amphibians, on the contrary, are active and even climb trees.

Tips for purchasing an ambistoma

Variety of axolotl
Variety of axolotl

Buy smiling dragons only in trusted stores and trusted people. If people do not care about their population and interbreed blood relatives, weak amphibians are born, which live up to a maximum of 1 year, and then various diseases appear. Such pets do not live long and often get sick.

A very curious fact is that the axolotl has a nickname - "water dog", translated as "water dog". And the very name "axolotl" means "playing in the water." These are creatures that are distinguished by incredible intelligence and ingenuity. We can say with confidence that anyone will like them, they will always amuse your eyes with their wonderful appearance and comic habits, they will recognize you and joyfully react to your presence. The price for it ranges from 500 rubles. up to 750 rubles.

What an axolotl looks like, see here:
