If you are interested in learning about the habits of skunks, what they eat, whether it is possible to keep them at home, then by all means read this article. The content of the article:
- Family Description
- Keeping a skunk at home
- What to feed
- Hygiene and disease
- Life span
Skunk belongs to the Mammals of the order of Carnivores. Previously, these animals were thought to belong to the Mustelidae family, but recent studies suggest that these are separate families. Scientists suggest that skunks are closer to Pandas than to Raccoons and Kunim.
Description of the Skunkov family

The Skunk family includes 4 genera: Pig-nosed skunks - Conepatus, Smelly badgers - Mydaus, Striped skunks - Mephitis, Spotted skunks - Spilogale. Animals of this species are easy to recognize by looking at their coloration, which consists of white spots and stripes on a black background.
Nature has taken care of the safety of animals in this way, bright patterns act as a kind of warning for the enemy. But not only the coloring of the animal allows it to resist dangerous predators. The persistent unpleasant odor that the anal glands give off is also a weapon from the enemy. Such a jet, hitting the enemy, will discourage him from attacking a skunk for a long time.
A secret that gives off a pungent odor is not easy to wash off. If, for example, the jet hits the boots, then even after 4 months of treatment with a chlorinated solution, they will still "smell".
Skunks live in the New World, striped specimens live from southern Canada to Costa Rica. The spotted skunk has taken its fancy from southern British Columbia to Costa Rica, and pigs can be found from the southern United States to Argentina.
Keeping a skunk at home

Skunk is a cute animal, it is easy to tame, so these animals have long been bred as domestic animals in America. In Russia, these exotics are still a novelty, especially since many are alarmed by the strong smell emitted by animals in danger. If you want to keep your skunk at home, get an animal that has removed the glands that secrete foul-smelling secretions.
But the skunk itself is also "odorous", the skin emits an unpleasant aroma. To remove odor, special deodorant agents are used, which are designed to remove odors from clothes. If furniture and things smell like your pet's aromas, you can clean them by making a cleaner from hydrogen peroxide, soap, and baking soda. It neutralizes odors.
Unfortunately, skunks often cannot be bathed, as their skin is delicate, and degreasing it will lead to irritation. For the same reason, deodorants that eliminate odors should not be used frequently. If you are determined to buy a skunk, you need to come to terms with the scents that the animal emits.
Skunks are very affectionate. They use their "weapons" only in extreme cases. First, the animal stands with its back to the enemy, lifts its tail, shifts from paw to paw. Thus, he shows that he is ready to stand up for himself. If the enemy nevertheless attacks, then a stream of liquid is directed from the glands, which can reach the enemy located at a distance of 5 meters. Then the enemy will not be good, from a strong "smelling" agent he can lose consciousness, and if it gets into the eyes, then even go blind.
There are cases when a bear attacked a skunk, then he tried to defend himself in this way. Although the fight ended sadly for the skunk, the enemy did not do well. He rolled on the ground, rubbing his eyes with his paws, as a strong "smelling" aerosol product had an effect.
After reading this side of the question, you decide whether to buy a skunk or not. It must be borne in mind that a tamed animal will not use this weapon against its owners if nothing threatens it. But if the animal is in a state of stress, is very frightened of something, then it can be expected to release a jet of liquid from it.
In order for the skunk not to be aggressive during the rut, to be more balanced, such animals are often spayed. A tamed skunk makes an excellent companion. He quickly gets used to the leash, walks with the owner with pleasure.
How to feed a skunk

If you decide to keep this animal at home, then he needs to be provided with a balanced diet. If you purchased a calf at the age of 2-3 months, feed him infant formula with a little bread. In addition to this dish, you can also give him vegetable puree.
An adult animal eats vegetables, grass, nuts, grains, fruits, plant rhizomes. You can give all this to him at home. Since the skunk is a predator, organic food must be present on its menu. In the wild, skunks eat snails, cockroaches, grasshoppers, worms, as well as mice, hamsters, fish, eggs.
You can cook porridge for him, buy in the store and give grasshoppers, cockroaches. At home, this animal can feast on chicken meat, beef. You can also give raw vegetables, fruits, yogurt. Foods for cats and dogs are contraindicated for skunks! The animal should always have water, as skunks drink quite a lot.
Do not forget that these animals have their own habits. Therefore, close grocery cabinets, remove trash cans with leftover food so that the animal does not rummage through them in search of food.
Skunk hygiene and disease

As mentioned above, it is not recommended to wash your skunks frequently. It is necessary to brush their fur regularly so that it does not fall off.
Skunks are burrowing animals, so in nature their claws are grinded when they dig underground passages. At home, a skunk cannot do this, so the marigolds will grow. They must be trimmed periodically and in a timely manner. You can buy a scratching post for cats so that the animal grinds its nails with this item.
Skunks are known to be carriers of various diseases. Rabies is especially dangerous, since the animal does not tolerate vaccinations against this disease, therefore it is susceptible to this disease. Other skunk infections can be protected by vaccination.
Life expectancy and offspring

In nature, these animals live only 2-3 years, while at home they can celebrate their 12th birthday. This is the average lifespan of a skunk.
Pregnancy in females lasts 63 days, as a result, they can give birth to 2 to 10 babies. The eyes of the cubs open on the 14th day, when they turn 4 weeks old, they already know how to raise their tail and take a defensive posture, like adult animals. The female feeds her cubs for up to 7 weeks, after which they become relatively independent and are already able to get their own food on their own.
In the north of their habitat, skunks hibernate during the cold season. At the same time, their body temperature drops to 31 °, the animals hide in the burrow and are characterized by reduced activity.
How to keep a skunk at home - watch the video:

A pet can lie on his knees to the owner and wait for a long time for him to pet him. This animal is very loyal to the people with whom it lives, but it is distrustful of strangers and can become a kind of guardian of the house, especially if its anal glands have not been removed.