Roicissus: description, types, cultivation

Roicissus: description, types, cultivation
Roicissus: description, types, cultivation

Description and types of roicissus, tips for home maintenance, watering, feeding and transplanting recommendations, breeding methods, pests and growing problems. Roicissus (Rhoicissus) belongs to the numerous family of grapes (Vitaceae), which contains 14 genera and more than 950 plant species. The genus Roicissus itself includes up to 10 species. The native habitat is South African subtropical and tropical areas. This plant can be found under several more names - indoor grapes, "birch", cissus.

The plant is distinguished by long shoots with multiple branches. The height of the bush can reach a meter mark, and the diameter is close to 60 cm. Young stems have great elasticity. The leaf plates are painted in a dark emerald hue, and a brown undertone appears on the back. The leaves are located on petioles of medium size. Their shape is rounded, simple or kidney-shaped, but some varieties differ in heart-shaped outlines, with a wide base. When the leaves are still young, they have a slight pubescence on the back. On the upper surface - there is an unexpressed shine and smoothness. The leaf edge has a pronounced coarse serration. The size of the sheet can be up to 15 cm in length. The shoots, on which the dense foliage is located, have antennae covered with microscopic pubescence. They help the rocissus to attach itself to even small protrusions on the support and, over time, completely braid it. Shoot growth is very fast and some stems can reach one and a half meters in length.

In the process of flowering, small and inconspicuous flowers are formed in "indoor grapes", which fold into umbrella-shaped inflorescences. This mainly occurs during the spring months of the year. But in the conditions of rooms, the rocissus practically does not release buds. After flowering, small round fruits appear. These berries, with a beautiful reddish-purple color, can be processed and consumed in cooking.

Rocissus is often confused with cissus (sometimes even called that), since they are from the same family. But the latter, differs in sheet plates of complex shape, with or without dissections. Flowers in dissolution acquire whitish-green tones. The fruits are not round, but elongated and not edible.

This representative of the green world has long and firmly settled in people's homes. It can often be found not only in apartments, but also in various offices, pharmacies, halls of institutions. All this is due to the fact that Roicissus does not require large costs and efforts in its cultivation. The "home birch" grows not only as an ampelous plant, it is well suited for landscaping vertical surfaces - ugly walls that need to be decorated or hidden, bulky interior items, columns or lattices, everything where the plant can reach and braid. At its core, the roicissus is a climbing vine and decorators actively use its properties. Leaf plates of some of the species are actively used for medical purposes.

Tips for keeping rocissus indoors

Roicissus rhombic
Roicissus rhombic
  • Lighting. The plant is very fond of good lighting, but it should be soft and diffused. But a little shading or being in the sun for a short period will also not harm the Roicissus. That is, being on the windowsills of any window, the liana will not feel bad, only on the windows of the southern exposure at lunchtime you will have to shade the pot with a "birch" a little, since the sun's rays can cause burns on the leaf plates. Even by placing the bush at a distance from the light source, the liana will not die in the back of the room. With the arrival of spring heat, the plant can be taken out into the fresh air, since the roicissus loves it very much. If it is not possible to transfer a pot with a vine to a balcony, terrace or garden, then you should often ventilate the room where the "birch" is located. However, care must be taken that drafts do not harm the plant. It is worthwhile to independently look for a place to locate a pot with a liana, while the plant itself will tell you where it likes to be most of all. With complete comfort, larger leaves begin to grow in the Rocissus, which are denser, the color becomes more saturated and the plant quickly starts growing.
  • Content temperature. In the period from spring to late summer, "indoor grapes" prefers moderate temperatures, which are in the range of 20-23 degrees. With the arrival of cold weather, the plant should be kept at low heat values of 10-12 degrees. Since the roicissus does not like drafts, then low temperatures will be fatal for him, if the indicators hold for a long time at the 5 degrees mark, then the vine will die. In general, the plant prefers quieter (cooler) temperatures. But if it is not possible to create this, then the "birch" will be able to get used to any indicators of the gradsnik, it is worth slightly correcting other conditions of detention. Even if the leaves begin to fall off, this is not a cause for concern - the rocissus will restore them very quickly. Since the plant loves to spend the warm season in "nature", it is considered as a garden dweller.
  • Air humidity for rocissus. The plant is absolutely not whimsical to the humidity indicators and will perfectly tolerate the dry air of the rooms during the operation of the central heating batteries, and the steam-saturated air of the bathroom or kitchen. However, the vine is very fond of spraying during those periods when temperatures rise. You can wash it under the shower, which will not only refresh the roicissus, but also wash away the accumulated dust from the leaves. These procedures are necessary if it is not possible to arrange a cool wintering for the bush. You can wipe the leaf plates of the plant at least once a week with a sponge soaked in water. For spraying, soft or settled water at room temperature is suitable.
  • Watering the creepers. The plant, although a resident of subtropical and tropical territories, but loves that the soil in the pot does not dry out too much, but it also does not become waterlogged. The signal for moistening the soil is its drying to a depth of 1–2 centimeters from above. The water that is glass from the pot must be immediately removed, it is impossible for it to be there even for 5 minutes. After the substrate has been moistened, it is recommended to slightly loosen the soil, but try to do this carefully so as not to hurt the root system. If the soil cannot be loosened every time it has been moistened, then this should be done at least once every 2-3 weeks. As soon as the cold months of the year come, the moisture is reduced, but it depends on the temperatures at which the "birch" is kept. If they are elevated, then the humidification takes place according to the "spring-summer scheme". But if Roicissus winters at temperatures close to 10 degrees, then watering is already so abundant and often not worth it. It is necessary to ensure that the soil in the flowerpot is always evenly moistened. Irrigation water also affects the appearance of Rocissus leaves. Liana absolutely does not tolerate hard water and saline soil. It is required to take settled, filtered or boiled water, and its temperature should correspond to room temperature (20-23 degrees). It should be remembered that even with a single watering with cold and hard water, the Rocissus will lose its leaf mass.
  • Fertilizers for indoor grapes. Although the plant has a decent growth rate, it is necessary to apply top dressing in a moderate dosage. It is required to maintain the roicissus from the beginning of spring to mid-autumn; in the winter season, they refuse to feed. For this purpose, fertilizers are chosen corresponding to decorative deciduous plants that are grown in rooms, containing various microelements. Fertilization frequency ranges from 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Transplanting and soil selection. If the liana is large enough, then it is possible to replace the pot and substrate when the land in the flowerpot has been completely mastered, and the root system has filled the container. Also, if the plant is still a seedling and has not matured enough, then such a change should be carried out annually. When rapid growth is not observed, even young Roicissus should change containers and soil only "on demand" once every 2-3 years. The "birch" does not have a period for a possible transplant - the whole spring is suitable. The pot must be taken 3-4 cm larger than the previous one, since its change is carried out for a long period, and this increase will make it possible for the liana to develop normally. A sufficient drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the container and a support for the Rocissus is installed there, before the plant has been planted. It is recommended not to destroy the earthen lump of the bush (the transshipment method is used). If the plant is grown in a tub, then every year new soil is added and the transplant is carried out only after the container itself has rotted.

After transplanting, the Rocissus is gently watered, but not very abundantly, and these procedures are performed often. It is important, while the vine comes to its senses, that the pot is in a shaded place for about 2-3 days, and only then put it in its permanent location. Top dressing can be introduced into the soil only after a month after transplanting. For transplanting Roicissus, you can take a universal soil that has a neutral acidity with indicators of about 6 pH, loose and saturated with nutrients. You can compose a substrate yourself from the following components:

  • leafy soil, sod, humus soil, coarse-grain sand (in proportions 1: 1: 1: 0, 5);
  • loamy soil, with the addition of compost (1: 1 ratio);
  • garden soil, leafy soil, turf, perlite (or river sand), all in proportions 1: 1: 1: 0, 5.

Recommendations for breeding roicissus

Young roicissus
Young roicissus

You can get a new plant by dividing the bush, cutting and planting seeds. Any time of the year is suitable for this operation, but the end of winter or March is preferable.

For grafting, an apical stem is selected and a branch is cut so that it has a certain number of buds (3-4 nodes). It is placed in a pot with a peat-sand mixture and covered with polyethylene. Rooting takes place at a temperature of about 20 degrees, while, do not forget to ventilate and moisturize the soil. After about 3 weeks, the plant will take root. You can also wait for the roots to appear if the cutting is placed in water. As soon as it can be seen that the roots have appeared, the cutting is planted in a pot with a diameter of 8 cm, with the usual substrate for the plant.

During transplantation, you can divide the bush into several parts, it is important that the part has a sufficient number of root processes. The root system is neatly divided. The parts are planted in moist soil, which is suitable for permanent growth. The main thing is not to expose the Rocissus division to sunlight, it is necessary that rooting and adaptation take place in partial shade. As soon as the plant confidently starts to grow, then it can be put in a permanent place.

Having sown seeds in a substrate, there is no chance that they will be able to germinate in a room. And since, at home, this plant practically does not bloom, and its seeds are very rare in stores, it is better to propagate Roicissus using the methods described above. To give the desired appearance to the "birch" requires regular pruning of its shoots. This will help not only to make the bush thicker, but also to give the chosen shape. Every spring, when inspecting a rocissus, if too bare, thinned or dried out branches appear, then they are cut off almost to stumps. "Birch" requires good support for growth. It is best to choose special reliable ladders or trellises along which the plant will climb. Roicissus shoots can be used to create phytowalls and green screens, but it is necessary to guide the stems of the vines by combining the pruning and garter of the plant.

Potential Rocissus Pests and Cultivation Problems

Scabbard on rocissus
Scabbard on rocissus

May be affected by scale insects, aphids, spider mites, mealybugs and various rot. When pests appear, the plant must be treated with insecticides. When roots or stems decay, fungicides are used.

Among the problems are:

  • whitish spots on the leaves appear from sunburn;
  • stretching shoots and small leaf plates indicates a lack of lighting;
  • yellowing of leaves and their discharge occurs with a lack of nutrients or a small dose of watering.

Rocissus species

Roicissus cape
Roicissus cape
  • Roicissus rhombic (Rhoicissus rhomboidea). Liana with evergreen leaves. Stems can reach 1.5 m in length, have light, thin and flexible shoots with large distances between nodes. Complex leaf plates, consisting of three lobes in the form of rhombuses, grow on long petioles. Arranged in sequential order. On the upper side, the leaves have a rich emerald hue, which is combined with a lighter and matte color on the reverse side. The venation is clearly visible on the surface of the leaf, which ends in a sharp point in the form of a tooth. The entire leaf mass and the stems themselves are distinguished by pubescence with a reddish tone. There are also thin antennae on the stems. This species can be grown as a hanging plant in flowerpots and as a straight-growing liana, for decorating walls or columns (any vertical surfaces, creating phytowalls).
  • Roicissus Cape (Rhoicissus capensis). Decorative climbing liana, which can be grown as an ampelous crop or for cultivation on supports. The growth rate is high. It stands out for its beautiful leaves with symmetry of the edges, which vaguely resemble grape leaves. The leaf plates are solid without lobes, but along the edge they are beautifully outlined with curly grooves of large sizes. Measured 20 cm across. If located on a trellis, then the length of its stems will never exceed 2 meters. Most often used to create large phytocompositions. The variety of this type "Evergreen Grapewine" amazes with the beauty of its leaf plates, which are painted in rich malachite shades and have an impeccable shape with beautiful grooves.
  • Finger roicissus (Rhoicissus digitata). This plant variety is very different from its relatives. Its name justifies the appearance of the leaf plates, which resemble the shape of fingers. The variety is highly decorative, actively used to create phyto-figures. The leaves are whole-edged. The surface of the leaf is leathery, painted in a rich emerald color, on the reverse side it is covered with microscopic red hairs. The flowers, when opened, are greenish-yellow in color.
  • Roicissus felt (Rhoicissus tomentosa). The evergreen liana is distinguished by simple rounded leaves. The color of the leaves is dark malachite, with a wavy edge, 20 cm in length. On the upper side there is a smooth gloss, the reverse has pubescence with red hairs. Inflorescences-brushes consist of small flowers with a creamy green tint.
  • Roicissus tridentata (Rhoicissus tridentata). Liana has complex leaf plates that are divided into three parts. The lobes are obovate with a coarse toothed edge, leathery, glossy. The top is painted in dark malachite and the back is pale green. The flowers are greenish yellow.

For more useful information on growing Roicisus, see this video:
