Paphiopedilum: description, cultivation

Paphiopedilum: description, cultivation
Paphiopedilum: description, cultivation

Description and types of papiopedilum, an overview of advice on the content, recommendations for replanting, soil selection and reproduction, possible problems, pest control. Paphiopedilum (Paphiopedilum) belongs to the Orchid family (Orhidaceae) or as it is also called Orchids. This family is very numerous and diverse, it also has up to 5 families. The genus itself includes about 80 species of representatives of the green world. Forests of East Asian countries (China, India, Thailand and others) are considered the birthplace of this amazing flower. The name of the orchid comes from the combination of two Greek words, one of which defines the place of the birthplace of the goddess Aphrodite (among the Romans - Venus) - the city of Paphos, which is located on Crete and the second meaning shoe or sandal - pedilom. Direct translation sounds like "Paphos slipper" or a slipper from Paphos. Also, the lip of the flower is very characteristic of resemblance to a shoe, a shoe or a slipper, and because of this, all representatives of the genera Paphiopedilum and Cypripedium bear the name "Venus shoe". That is, there are many versions for the name of this orchid. The plant was first described and collected in the northeastern Indian territories at the beginning of the 19th century (1816) by the Danish botanist Nataliel Wallich. Until the beginning of the 21st century, 70 species have already been described, each year new species are described and collected.

All species of this genus are epiphytes (plants growing on the trunks or branches of other plants) or growing on the ground. They are considered herbaceous plants. They differ in the sympodial type of growth - the rhizome-rhizome is formed by shoots of a horizontal arrangement, those that grow vertically form thickenings (or pseudobulbs). These bulbs may be virtually absent or subtle.

The leaf plates are vaginal and have a hard surface. A leaf rosette consisting of 4–8 leaves is assembled from them. The leaf shape is belt-like, elongated, reaching a length of 5 to 60 cm (length depends on the type of orchid). The central vein is cut and the leaf blade is slightly folded along it. The creeping ground stem (rhizome or rhizome) is distinguished by short internodes, because of this, leaf rosettes are very densely located relative to each other. The root system of the orchid is quite developed and has a fibrous appearance. The root processes themselves are thick, their fleshy ones are covered by a sufficient layer of dead tissue with a hygroscopic spongy structure, called velamen. The color of the leaf plate in some types of papiopedilum is one-color - a pure emerald hue, while others differ in marble stains on the surface.

The flowering stems extend to a height of 4 to 60 cm. There are single inflorescences at the tops, with slight pubescence. Usually 1-3 large highly decorative flowers are formed on the peduncle. But there are species (Paphiopedilum victoria-regina) in which the flower-bearing stem can consistently bear up to 30 flower buds. Flowers are very varied in color. The structure of the corolla gave the name to this orchid - the lip has the shape of a rolled tube, which has grown together with its front edge. It resembles a shoe, with a rounded toe, a flat sole and an "instep support-heel", which is formed by an outgrowth at the base of the lip in the form of a shield. It covers the column and completely covers its reproductive parts. Petals (real flower petals) of orchids are located with a slight slope downward or horizontally relative to the surface of the earth, growing opposite each other. Their edge is wavy, the shape is elongated and slightly narrowed.

Another difference is the sepals (usually the sepals of an orchid), which are sometimes taken on the actual petals of a flower. The Lady's Shoe has not three of them, like many orchids, but two. Those that are below, fused into one small "petal", are almost invisible because of the jug of the lip. The upper one, which is located diametrically opposite to the lower ones, is so enlarged that sometimes it becomes the brightest large element of the bud. Sometimes it resembles a sail in shape (the name that stuck to the upper sepal of this orchid) or differs in the type of visor (bowl tilted forward) that can cover the lip.

The flowering process of this orchid is also different from similar ones. If single flowers are formed on the peduncle, then flowering can last 2-4 months, multi-colored representatives can delight the eye from six months to a year with their flowers.

Review of tips for keeping papiopedilum

Blooming papiopedilyum
Blooming papiopedilyum
  • Lighting. It all depends on the type of orchid; this sets different requirements for the level of luminous flux. If papiopedilum has leaf plates of the same shade or a flower-bearing stem contains multiple flowers, then soft bright diffused light is needed, but without direct access to sunlight. Window sills of eastern, western orientation are suitable for such an orchid. But types of orchids with "marble leaves" or with a small number of buds will normally grow in a semi-shaded place - they should be placed on window sills with good lighting, but a gray focus. If the papiopedilum still stands on the windowsill, where the sun's rays constantly fall, then you will have to shade with curtains made of lightweight fabrics or gauze curtains. However, with the arrival of the winter period, all types of these orchids require an extension of daylight hours up to 12-14 hours, for this it is necessary to carry out supplementary lighting with special phyto-lamps or fluorescent lamps.
  • Humidity in the air. For this flower, moisture indicators are an important condition for normal growth - they should not be less than 45–70%. But it is not recommended to spray papiopedilum, as this can provoke spotting on the leaves and the development of fungal diseases, and if moisture gets on the flower petals, they will fall off very quickly. It is best to install a flower pot in a deep tray filled with expanded clay and water to raise moisture indicators. You just need to make sure that the bottom of the flowerpot does not come into contact with moisture - you can put the pot on an inverted saucer. Humidifiers are also used for the successful development of an orchid. It is important to observe this condition if the temperature of the content is high enough or the plant is in a room with operating central heating batteries or heating devices.
  • Watering the Lady's Shoe. For this type of orchid, it is necessary to develop a good hydration system, since excessive moisture, as well as overdrying of the substrate, negatively affects the plant. Excess moisture can provoke rotting of the roots and stems of papiopedilum. Water the plant often and abundantly throughout the year. For humidification, soft water is used, in which there are no salt and lime impurities. Its temperature may be slightly higher than room temperature (22-25 degrees). It is recommended to arrange shower procedures for the orchid - this will slightly resemble the conditions of natural growth. In this case, the water temperature should be about 30-45 degrees. There is a rule that it is best to water the orchid in the morning, so that by the end of the day its roots can dry out completely, especially the part of it that is above the ground. Not a drop of moisture should remain on the leaf plates or in their sinuses, so that it does not become the causative agent of fungal or bacterial diseases. If water gets into the vagina, then it must be immediately blotted with a napkin. You can use rainwater or melted snow, sometimes it is softened by the addition of oxalic acid, but this does not apply to calciophilic species.
  • Top dressing. The plant must be fertilized throughout the year. For this, fertilizers for orchids are used in the usual dose. Top dressing is applied with 2–3 weekly regularity. Many flower growers advise fertilizing on the leaf - by spraying with a regular dose diluted several times. Top dressing should contain a high content of nitrogenous elements.
  • The dormant period for papiopedilum. The plant, which has spotty leaf plates, has a pronounced resting period - its beginning falls in mid-November. At this time, the orchid should be kept in cool temperatures, with limited moisture and top dressing. Heat readings at night should be around 15 degrees Celsius. Soil moistening is replaced by a small sprinkling of the substrate in the morning. As soon as the flowering stem appears, the spraying of papiopedilum is stopped, and the moisture of the substrate continues as usual, the temperature of the content should rise slightly. If you do not adhere to the conditions for keeping the orchid during the dormant period, then you can not wait for it to bloom.

In order to create good conditions for growing this orchid, you need to know which of the species it belongs to. They can be divided into 4 groups according to the mode of keeping heat:

  • warm, suitable for those plants that have spotting on leaf plates, the range of summer indicators should not exceed 22-25 degrees, and during autumn-winter it should fluctuate within 17-20 degrees Celsius;
  • moderate, prefer papiopedilums with narrow emerald-colored leaves, summer temperatures should not go beyond 20-22 degrees, while winter temperatures should be within 16-19 degrees;
  • moderately warm, inherent in orchids with a "revolving" type of flowering (multiple flowers on the peduncle) they correspond to summer temperatures of 20-23 degrees, and in winter - 17-20 degrees;
  • moderately cool, necessary for "Lady's shoes" with wide leaf plates of green color, their content is optimal at 18-22 degrees Celsius, and in the winter months - 15-18 degrees.

The difference in indicators for any type of these orchids between day and night should never exceed 3 degrees Celsius. As soon as daytime temperatures allow (somewhere from mid-May), the papiopedilum can be taken out into the fresh air - a terrace, balcony or garden, but it is important to find a place that will be protected from the direct rays of the luminary.

This type of orchid is grown exclusively as a pot crop. There are recommendations to change the pot and soil immediately after the papiopedilum has faded, every 1, 5–3 years, since the substrate tends to deteriorate, rot and get greasy. When transplanting, it is necessary to examine the root system and remove spoiled roots with sharpened and sterilized garden tools. Sections are carefully sprinkled with crushed activated charcoal or charcoal. The soil is well moistened with water before planting. To change containers, it is preferable to choose transparent plastic pots, since it will dry out faster in ceramic soil. If you choose a pot that is too large, then until the root system grows, the orchid will not bloom. If the soil does not cover enough orchid roots, they will stop growing.

The soil should be loose and allow air and moisture to pass through well. When planting, it cannot be tamped so that the plant does not suffocate. The substrate can be taken with a mark for orchids or you can make up the soil mixture yourself using the following ingredients:

  • chopped coniferous bark (cleared of resin), fraction 0, 6–1, 5 cm, peat soil, crushed charcoal (in a ratio of 5: 1: 1);
  • "Forest litter" (bark and needles of conifers, rotted leaves), humus, crushed charcoal (3: 1: 1), also add a little chalk or dolomite flour to the mixture.

The soil in the pot can be covered with chopped dry or live sphagnum moss, it will retain moisture.

Recommendations for breeding papiopedilum

Young papiopedilum
Young papiopedilum

In the conditions of greenhouse (industrial) cultivation, it is possible to propagate "Lady's shoe" by planting seed. This method is very laborious and sometimes does not bring a positive result, therefore papiopedilum did not win such a great passion of flower growers.

This orchid is mainly propagated vegetatively - by dividing the bush. This is best combined with the timing of a pot or substrate change. In order to divide the bush, it must be removed from the pot, carefully shake off the soil from the bark system. Cut the rhizome with a well-sharpened knife so that each section has at least three sufficiently developed leaf rosettes. Place the pieces in prepared pots with substrate. Sprinkle the voids with soil - no need to tamp it. Put chopped moss on top. After planting, young plants about a crescent do not need to be watered so that the cut points are properly tightened. For papiopedilum during this period, it is preferable to spray.

Problems when growing papiopedilum and possible pests

The defeat of papiopedilum with a fungus
The defeat of papiopedilum with a fungus

Of the harmful insects that infect papiopedilum, orchid aphids, red spider mites and scale insects can be distinguished. Spotting appears on the leaf plates, yellowing and deformation. It is necessary to treat the plant with insecticides. Also, a flower can, with high humidity and stagnant air, be affected by various rot of fungal origin, or peduncles can get stuck. When this problem appears, it is necessary to adjust the watering regime and during putrefactive processes the plant is treated with a fungicide, the pot is disinfected and the substrate is changed.

Types of papiopedilum

Paphiopedilum of different colors in flowerpots
Paphiopedilum of different colors in flowerpots
  • Paphiopedilum delenatii. Grows in Vietnam. Leaves measuring 6-10 cm in length and 3-4 cm in width, elongated-lanceolate, are distinguished by a marble pattern on the upper side, with the addition of purple tones below. Peduncle length up to 25 cm, bears 1-2 flowers. The diameter of the flower is 8 cm, the petals are white, the lip and the rhombus-shaped shield have a lilac speck, in the center of the shield there are two bright lemon spots.
  • Paphiopedilum premium (Paphiopedilum bellatulum). It is found in territories from Thailand to southern China. An elongated elliptical leaf plate with dimensions of 25x8 cm (length and width). The leaf has a marble pattern in dark and light green shades. The short peduncle bears a single flower with a diameter of 6–9 cm. The flower is colored with a white or cream tone, over which a small burgundy spot is scattered. The lip looks more like an egg-shaped thimble than the toe of a shoe.
  • Paphiopedilum venustum (Paphiopedilum venustum). It grows in the mountainous regions of Nepal and India. Leaf plates can take both an elongated-lanceolate and an elongated-elliptical shape with dimensions of 22x5 cm (in length and width). It is distinguished by a gray-green color of the leaf on top and a marble pattern. The peduncle reaches 23 cm with a single flower of a very complex color (diameter 8 cm). The flower is painted with light green shades, and only towards the edge the color of the petals changes to burgundy. The lip is of a pale burgundy color, the body of which is permeated with a “venous” pattern of dark green color. From where the plant grows, its color can vary greatly. The burgundy color can be replaced by red-orange, ocher, pink, whitish.

In more detail about papiopedilum, you will learn from this video:
