How to plant and grow walnuts? Outdoor care

How to plant and grow walnuts? Outdoor care
How to plant and grow walnuts? Outdoor care

Description of a walnut, recommendations for planting and growing a tree in the garden, how to properly reproduce, combating possible pests and diseases, interesting notes, varieties.

The Greek walnut (Juglans regia) is one of the varieties of the genus of the same name Juglans, which originates from the Juglandaceae family. In nature, the plant is quite widespread, however, real relict plantations of walnut forests are still in the southern regions of Kyrgyzstan. In the wild, it can be found in the lands of Asia Minor and the Caucasus, but it is not uncommon in the northern Chinese and Indian regions, as well as on the Balkan Peninsula, in Greece and Ukraine. On the territory of Western Europe, it grows as a wild-growing representative of the flora. Prefers to settle in very nutritious soil with good aeration and moderate moisture.

Family name Nut
Growing period Perennial
Vegetation form Tree-like
Breeding methods Seed (nuts) or vegetatively (grafting)
Landing time in open ground When the soil warms up to 10 degrees Celsius
Landing rules Seedlings are placed at a distance of 3.5 m, row spacing of about 12 m
Priming Wet carbonate, loam
Substrate acidity values, pH 5, 5-5, 8 (slightly acidic)
Lighting level Well-appointed place
Humidity parameters Watering young plants regularly, as well as during the dry season of adults
Special care rules Does not tolerate the proximity of groundwater
Height values Up to 25 m
Inflorescences or type of flowers Male flowers are single or in groups at the tops of the shoots, from female earrings are collected
Flower color Delicate greenish
Flowering period From late May to mid-July
Fruiting period August-September or third decade of September
Fruit shape and color Light brown drupe - walnut
Application in landscape design As a specimen plant or in group plantings
USDA zone 4–8

The genus got its name thanks to the Latin word "juglans", which translates as "walnut", but Juglans, in turn, is an abbreviation of Jovis - "nut of the god Jupiter". It is called Greek due to the fact that useful fruits were delivered to Europe by Greek merchants; it can also be called by the people Volosh or Tsar's nut.

The first notes about the plant date back to the 5-7th century AD. In his writings, the ancient Greek polymath and writer Pliny says that such trees appeared on the Greek lands, where they were brought from the gardens of the king of Persia - Cyrus. After that, when this culture appeared in ancient Rome, it began to be called in no way other than "walnut". Later, walnut trees began to be successfully grown throughout the European territory: in Switzerland and Bulgaria, in France and Germany. And only in the middle of the 19th century, walnut trees were brought to American lands, where they were successfully engrafted.

Walnut has a tree-like shape, height parameters can approach 25 meters with a trunk girth of about 3–7 m. The bark covering the trunk has a grayish tint, but over time it acquires a brownish-gray tint and becomes covered with deep cracks. Through the branches and dense foliage, a beautiful and voluminous crown is formed, the span of which is almost 20 m. Leaf plates are characterized by imparity, their shape is complex, including leaflets with elongated outlines. The length of the leaves varies between 4-7 cm. The color is beautiful greenish-olive color. When the leaf is rubbed in the fingers, a pleasant aroma is heard.

Walnut buds open at the same time with flowers. The size of the flowers is small, the color is pale green. Pollen is transported by wind, as both female and male flowers form on the same tree. Hanging earrings are formed from female (staminate) ones, pistillate (male) ones are located singly or grouped on the tops of annual branches. The flowering process directly depends on the plant variety and on average this period starts from the end of May to the beginning of July, or the second time from June. Leaves unfold together with flowering.

Of particular value are nuts, represented by a single-seeded drupe, which has a rather thick and leathery pericarp and a spherical bone with fragmentary septa. There are 3-5 partitions. The kernels are edible and are found in the inner part of the shell. Such a fruit is usually called a nut and its weight varies between 5-17 grams. The main sign that determines when it is time to harvest is yellowing of the leaves and cracking of the pericarp shell. So, if flowering occurred in the spring, then the fruits are harvested in the period from August to September. If flowering began in June, then the harvest will be ready by the third decade of September.

Despite its not too high frost resistance, and the nut can withstand a temperature drop only to 25–38 frost, some specimens are able to step over the 400-year-old line of growth.

How to grow a walnut: planting and caring for a tree in the garden

Greek nut grows
Greek nut grows
  1. Landing place the royal nut must be selected in such a way that its crown is constantly illuminated by the rays of the sun. The plant reacts poorly to the proximity of "neighbors" and groundwater.
  2. Soil for walnut try to choose medium moisture, saturated with natural minerals. It is better that the amount of groundwater in the soil is small. If the soil is boggy or dense, then the tree will not be able to develop normally and produce crops. The best indicators of soil acidity are pH 5, 5–5, 8, that is, slightly acidic. To make the soil nutritious, compost or humus, peat chips and sand are mixed into it in a 1: 1: 1 ratio. Fresh organic matter is not used when planting walnuts. To improve the properties, the substrate is also enriched with fertilizers such as: potassium chloride, superphosphate, dolomite flour and wood ash, taking each component at 0.8; 2.5: 0.75: 1.5 kg, respectively.
  3. Planting a walnut. If the temperature of the soil has reached 10 degrees Celsius, you can start planting seedlings of walnut. A pit for it is prepared with a size of 40x40 cm, if the substrate is nutritious. Otherwise, these indicators are increased to 1 meter. The planting depth is maintained so that the root system can easily fit into it, but the root collar is left at soil level. It is possible to stimulate the development of lateral root processes by placing a plastic wrap on the bottom of the pit. When the seedling is set in a hole, its root system is carefully straightened, then a crumbly and nutritious substrate is added. This is done without haste: first, covering the lower roots with soil, moving slightly towards the root collar itself. When planting, the depth of the upper roots will be 6-7 cm. When several plants are planted, 3-5 m are left between them, and 12 m are kept between the rows.
  4. Watering when caring for walnuts, it is performed regularly in spring and summer for young trees - they need a large amount of moisture. However, for mature trees, the soil is moistened during dry periods. Each copy of the king's nut will require 30 liters of water per 1 m2 of soil. Watering is carried out twice a month. If the height of the specimen reaches 4 meters, then humidification is carried out much less often.
  5. Fertilizers during the care of walnuts, it is recommended to apply twice a year: in spring and autumn. With the arrival of spring, it will be necessary to use nitrogen-containing preparations; fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus are introduced into the substrate in the fall. For an adult specimen of the walnut that has reached 20-50 years old, you need to use ammonium nitrate, potassium salt and superphosphate in a ratio of 7: 2-3: 10 kg, respectively. It is important to remember that when using nitrogen preparations, you need to adhere to some rules. First of all, do not abuse them, since nitrogen-containing agents will serve as an opportunity for the reproduction of bacteria harmful to the walnut. Also note that the first 2-3 years of cultivation, when the king's nut began to bear fruit, nitrogen fertilizers are not used, so that the next harvest will be higher.
  6. Walnut pruning it is not considered an important procedure, since the plant itself is able to form its crown. However, in August or early autumn, branches growing in the center of the crown can be removed. Due to the loss of nutrient juice, the walnut is not pruned in the spring, otherwise it will lead to a weakening of future growth and yields. They are engaged in the removal of interfering branches in the summer, dividing the operation into two parts. In the first growing year, the shoot is cut so that a branch with a length of 7 cm remains. When the next spring comes, you can remove the remaining dried part from the tree. The cut is recommended to be generously smeared with garden var.
  7. Wintering when growing a walnut, it will not be a problem, although the plant is quite thermophilic. However, there are varieties with the ability to tolerate a decrease in the thermometer to -30 frost. If the tree is large, it is not covered, but young and still immature specimens will need shelter, which can be burlap or agrofibre (for example, spunbond). The trunk circle should be sprinkled with a layer of mulch, but at the same time approximately 10 cm recede from the trunk.

See also how the cashew nut grows.

How to properly reproduce a walnut?

Greek walnut in the ground
Greek walnut in the ground

To get a young plant of the king's nut on the site, it is recommended to propagate it with seeds (nuts) or vaccinate.

Propagation of walnuts using seeds (fruits)

This process will be quite lengthy, it is recommended to use the fruits harvested only from healthy trees that bring a good harvest, growing in the places of intended cultivation. The nut is selected large, the nucleolus of which can be reached without effort. You can understand that the fetus is fully ripe by its pericarp. Either it is covered with cracks, or by cutting its core it can be easily removed. The nut is taken out and left for a week in a sunny place outside to dry. After that, the nuts are brought into the room, where the heat readings are 18–20 degrees for further drying.

Planting can be done in the autumn, or you can wait for the arrival of spring. However, in the latter case, with a thick shell, stratification will be required for 3–3, 5 months, at a temperature of 0–7 degrees. Such a place can be a section for vegetables in the refrigerator. If the shell is medium or thin, stratification is recommended for 1–2, 5 months at a temperature of 15–18 degrees.

After stratification, for the fastest germination of nuts, they are placed in sand, which is thoroughly sprayed with water. The temperature is maintained in the range of 15-18 degrees until walnut sprouts emerge from the nuts. Even then, "seedlings" can be planted in the ground, laid in seedling boxes. The substrate is nutritious, it can be peat-sandy.

If the planting material does not have sprouts, then it is placed at a large distance, and the gap between the hatched nuts is left smaller. Planting such material can be carried out only when the soil temperature reaches 10 degrees Celsius. When planting nuts in rows, the spacing of the rows is maintained at 0.5 m, leaving 10–15 cm between the nuts. If the size of the nuts is medium, then the depth of the embedding should be 8–9 cm, for larger sizes - within 10–11 cm. When April will come, you can see the first germinated seedlings of walnuts.


Stratified nuts have a germination rate of 70% higher than unprepared ones.

After a pair of real leaves unfold on the seedlings, the seedlings are transplanted into the school (the bed where the seedlings are grown in the first year). In this case, it is recommended to pinch the central root at the tip. But in the school, walnut seedlings will grow for quite a long time. Only after 2-3 years will such a plant turn into a good stock, and after 5-7 years it will become a seedling suitable for transplanting into open ground on the site.

In order for the growth rate of the seedling to become higher, greenhouses are used for its cultivation. The stock can then be obtained in a year, and a finished seedling in two.

Propagation of walnuts by grafting

It is recommended to use budding here. It is important to remember that the plant has rather large buds, so the size of the shield will also be large. The scutellum will be cut from the scion cuttings and inserted under the bark on the rootstock. The function of the flap is to provide the eye with moisture and the necessary substances. However, when vaccinated in places with a mild winter climate, the buds that have already taken root in the fall may freeze in winter, since the walnut does not have frost resistance.

To avoid this, experienced gardeners recommend that in the fall, when all the foliage has fallen, the grafted seedlings should be removed from the ground and moved to the basement, where the heat indicators will be maintained at zero. Until spring, walnut seedlings do not change their location, and already when the substrate warms up to 10 degrees, planting in a nursery is recommended. The height of such plants by the end of this growing season can be 1–1, 5 m and then they are transplanted immediately to a permanent growing place.

Fight against possible pests and diseases when growing walnuts

Walnut leaves
Walnut leaves

The king's nut is very easy to care for and practically does not suffer from diseases and pests, but if the growing rules are systematically violated, this will weaken the plant and then it will be necessary to carry out measures for treatment and pest control. Among the diseases of the walnut are:

  1. Bacteriosis manifested by the formation of black mottling on the leaves, followed by their deformation and falling off. At the same time, the nuts are also exposed to infection and crumble immature. If the variety has a thick shell, then the disease is not so severe. Prolonged rainy weather and fertilizers with a high nitrogen content in the composition provoke the disease. To combat, it is recommended to spray trees with a fungicidal agent, like Bordeaux liquid or copper sulfate. Processing is carried out twice. In the fall, it is necessary to collect and destroy all crumbling foliage.
  2. Marmoniosis or brown spot, which is easily distinguishable due to the appearance of brown marks on the leaf plates. Gradually the spots grow and can cover the entire leaf. All foliage of the affected plant dries up and flies around. Infected nuts also do not ripen and begin to fly around. The disease is also provoked by prolonged damp and cold weather. If symptoms of the disease are noticed, then all affected parts (branches and leaves) must be removed immediately, since the infection is transferred to healthy shoots. Often the reason is abundant and frequent watering of the walnut. To stop the disease, use the drug Strobi (4 g of which are diluted in 10 liters of water) or Vectra (2-3 g of the substance are dissolved in 10 liters of water). The first spraying is performed when the buds have just begun to unfold, the second time in the summer months.
  3. Root cancer, affecting the root system of a walnut. The infection penetrates into cracks in the bark of the trunks or damage. Then, in such a place, outgrowths of convex outlines are formed. If the damage is too strong, the growth of the plant stops, there is no fruiting, the tree often dries up and its subsequent death. For treatment, all formed growths are opened and cleaned. After all "wounds" are treated with caustic soda at a concentration of 1%. Then all sections are thoroughly washed under running water, which can be supplied using a hose.
  4. Bacterial burn Leads to damage to leaves, buds, flowers and formed catkins of the walnut. Prolonged rains provoke the disease. At first, the leaves become dotted with black spots, and depressed spotted marks appear on the surface of the branches, black in color, going round. Infected foliage and branches die after a period of time. Male flowers acquire a dark color and fly around, the pericarpels are also covered with black spots. If these symptoms appear, then you need to immediately remove all affected branches, and treat the cut sites with copper sulfate. Spray the entire walnut tree with fungicides, which contain copper.

Among the insects that harm the king's nut, there are:

  1. American white butterfly - its caterpillars eat foliage and young branches. To remove the pest, it is recommended to remove and burn those areas where there are a large number of pupae and hatched caterpillars. The entire tree is subject to treatment with a microbiological preparation, such as Lepidocide, which is diluted with 25 g in a bucket of water, Dendrobacillin (30 grams per 10 liters) or Bitoxibacillin (dosage per bucket of water 50 g). Prepared solution for one plant should be used 2-4 liters. Spraying is not recommended when flowering is at its peak.
  2. Nut wart mite can completely destroy the young foliage of the walnut. Typically, its appearance is preceded by high moisture readings. Usually, the appearance of a pest is indicated by tubercles on the foliage of a dark brown color. It is recommended to use acaricidal agents from the Aktara or Kleschevit category to exterminate the pest.
  3. Walnut moth or apple moth, spoiling the fruit of a walnut. The pest gnaws the kernel, penetrating through the shell, then the empty fruits fall off earlier. Since the insect breeds two generations during the growing season of the plant, pheromone traps, which the males fall into, should be used to fight. It is imperative to destroy the flying nuts, as well as to remove all moth nests on the tree.
  4. Walnut moth famous for laying "mines" on the leaf plates, while the caterpillars emerging from the clutches eat the leaves, leaving the skin intact - they skeletonize the leaf plate. Distinguish the presence of a pest by tubercles on the leaves of a brown shade. To combat, the affected plant should be treated with Decis, Decamethrin or Lepidocide.
  5. Aphid, which is harmful to any garden crop, as green bugs suck out nutritious juices and can cause the transmission of incurable viral diseases. If the leaves turn yellow ahead of time, insects are visible from their back side and on the branches, then they are treated with Aktellik, Fitoverm or Biotlin.

Interesting notes about walnuts

Walnut photo
Walnut photo

First of all, it is customary to talk about the benefits of walnut kernels and plant parts. They contain a large number of biologically active substances. The bark, leaf plates, pericarp and membranes are also saturated with vitamins and active substances. From these parts, infusions, decoctions and other medicinal drugs are prepared. Walnut oil is also actively used for medical purposes.

Even without knowing all the substances with which the parts of the walnut are filled, doctors have long noted the positive effect of drugs based on them on the human body. Fully ripe walnut fruits are very high in calories. If we compare bread made from the highest grade flour from wheat grains, then the number of calories in walnuts is 2 times higher. It is recommended to eat nuts as a preventive measure against atherosclerosis or if the body lacks cobalt salts, vitamins and iron. If the patient suffers from constipation, then the fiber and oil that walnut kernels are full of will eliminate the problem.

A decoction of leaves can be used to lubricate wounds so that they heal faster. This remedy is recommended for scrofula or rickets. You can rinse your mouth to eliminate inflammation and bleeding from the gums. Also, funds obtained on the basis of walnut parts have a general strengthening effect, astringent, antihelminthic and laxative effect, help relieve inflammation of the epithelium, and reduce blood sugar levels.

The recommended dose of walnut kernels that can be taken per day for a healthy person is only 100 g. Exceeding this value in some people can provoke severe headache, swelling of the throat and inflammation in the tonsils.

Contraindications for the use of walnuts are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • skin diseases, as the condition may worsen;
  • bowel disease;
  • problems with the pancreas;
  • high blood clotting.

However, the walnut is famous not only for its medicinal properties, its oil is used in cooking and for the preparation of varnishes, ink used in painting. The wood of this plant, which is used for the manufacture of furniture and other items, is also highly appreciated.

Walnut varieties

Walnut fruit
Walnut fruit

There are a lot of varieties that appeared thanks to the labors of breeders today. At the same time, they are distinguished by increased resistance to diseases and pests, dry periods and frost. Varieties are also divided according to the harvest time:

  • in the last week of August or the first days of September - early maturing;
  • from mid to late September - mid-season;
  • from the last week of September to the first days of October - late maturing.

Although different countries already have their own varietal garden forms, we will present the most successful works of specialists from Russia, Moldova and Ukraine.

Moldovan varieties:

  1. Skinosky, characterized by early fruiting, high frost resistance and productivity. The nuts are large, about 12 g each. The shell is of medium thickness, the kernel can be easily removed. At high humidity levels, it can be affected by brown spot for a long time.
  2. Codrene has a late ripening of large fruits, characterized by a thin and smooth shell surface. They split easily and the core can be removed without breaking or splitting in two. The yield is high. It is resistant to frost, diseases (marsoniasis) and harmful insects.
  3. Lunguece - a variety with large fruits of an elongated oval shape, the shell is smooth, simply cracking. Allows you to extract the core intact. Shows resistance to low temperatures and brown spot.

A large number of other good varieties are also distinguished: Chisinau and Kalarashsky, Kazaku and Korjeutsky and many others.

Ukrainian varieties:

  1. Bukovinsky 1 and Bukovinsky 2 recognized as varieties with medium and late ripening of fruits, respectively. Yield indicators are high. There is resistance to marsoniasis. The shell is thin, but strong. The nut breaks easily, the kernel is removed whole.
  2. Carpathian differs in late terms of fruiting and stable yield indicators. High resistance to brown spot. The kernel is easily separated when a thin and strong shell is split.
  3. Transnistrian characterized by an average ripening period. The harvest is always high, there is a high resistance to frost and marsoniasis. The average weight of a nut is 11-13 grams. The shell is strong, but thin. When cracked, the core can be easily removed as the internal baffles are thin.

Here you can also distinguish the following varieties that are popular in gardening: Yarivsky and Klyshkivsky, Toporivsky and Chernivtsky 1, as well as Bukovina bomb and others.

Russian varieties and bred in the Soviet Union:

  1. Dessert characterized by early ripening, high yield and drought resistance. The kernels have a sweetish pleasant taste. Recommended for cultivation in the southern regions.
  2. Elegant characterized by high drought resistance, does not lend itself to diseases and attacks of pests. Indicators of frost resistance are average. The average weight of a nut is 12 grams. The taste of the kernel is sweet.
  3. Aurora can be as with average ripening of fruits and differ in early maturity. It is resistant to frost and disease. The yield increases from year to year. On average, a nut weighs 12 grams.

The most popular varieties:

  1. Ideal, characterized by increased frost resistance and productivity. During the season, the fruits ripen twice. Nuts can weigh 10-15 grams on average. The taste of the nucleoli is quite pleasant with a sweetness. Reproduction only in a generative way (nuts), but the parental qualities will all be preserved.
  2. Giant also has high yields. Fruiting is systematic. The mass of nuts reaches 12 grams. Cultivation is possible in any region of Russia.

Related article: How to grow a chestnut in a garden plot.

Video about growing and caring for walnuts:

Pictures of walnut: