Neodipsis (dipsis) - indoor palm

Neodipsis (dipsis) - indoor palm
Neodipsis (dipsis) - indoor palm

General description and types of palm trees, recommendations for maintenance, choice of soil and fertilizing, transplantation and reproduction, problems with cultivation, pest control. Palm trees from the genus Neodipsis, which are better known under the broad name Dypsis (in Latin Dypsis), grow in southern Africa, on the island of Madagascar and the Comoros archipelago. At the moment, science knows more than one and a half hundred different varieties that are part of the large family of Palm (in Lat. Palmaceae) or Arekovy (in Lat. Arecaceae). Changes in taxonometric classification introduced not so long ago allowed the genus Dipsis to include some others. In particular, now it includes the rather popular Chrysalidocarpus, thanks to which neodypsis was first noticed in Europe.

Description of neodypsis

Chrysalidocarpus in the interior
Chrysalidocarpus in the interior

In the historical places of their habitat, representatives of the genus Dipsis are multi-barreled or single-barreled, growing up to 10–12 m, and sometimes even more. In indoor floriculture, palms of this genus are not so large and grow to a height of up to 3 meters, pleasing the eye with beautiful openwork leaves.

Individual types of dipsis are quite diverse and among the predominant number of single-barreled ones there are the so-called reed palms. They are exotic bushes with multiple leaves growing directly from the ground. Also, the genus neodypsis contains original species that look like full-fledged palm trees with a beautiful crown and textured trunk.

Indoor representatives of the genus dipsis always look very impressive and at the same time are absolutely unpretentious to the conditions. On oblong thin stems there are wide feathery leaves, consisting of paired lanceolate leaves 1–2 cm wide. In common species, the number of such pairs reaches 5–6 dozen, and the leaves themselves reach 1 m in width and up to 3 meters in length.

When grown in residential premises, neodypsis almost never blooms, only in greenhouses or conservatories. Flowers are formed in the axil of the leaf and represent a paniculate inflorescence, consisting of separate groups. Each of them has 1 female and 2 male flowers. The latter self-pollinate the female flower and soon yellowish fruits appear on the palm.

Common types of dipsis

Young dipsis in a sprinkler
Young dipsis in a sprinkler

Dypsis lutescens or yellowish dipypsis (synonym for Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) has become widespread among florists around the world. Sometimes it is called yellowish chrysalidocarpus. Among sellers, the name of the areca palm will be more common. This is due to the use of a common name for the entire Arecaceae family.

Neodipsis grows on the east coast of the large island of Madagascar, located near the southern part of the African continent. Today, representatives of this beautiful species are under the threat of complete extinction, and no more than a hundred specimens remain in the places of their historical growth. Together, this palm is one of the most common species that have become actively grown in tropical climates and home gardening around the planet. This medium-sized and extremely graceful palm tree gained particular popularity on the islands of Haiti, Cuba, Antilles, Jamaica, El Salvador, etc.

Neodipsis is a multi-stemmed palm, where thinned daughter stems grow on the base of the mother. This is how a group of 5–20 stems is formed, each of which, under appropriate conditions, can stretch up to 10 m in height, reaching 10–11 cm in diameter. Over time, the trunk of a palm tree begins to look more and more like bamboo, becoming covered with specific scars that leave fallen leaves behind.

At the top of the dipsis, there are wide arched leaves, which are adjacent to the stem and directed upward. The petioles of small leaves, from which a long palm leaf is formed, has a beautiful yellowish tint. It was he who served as the reason for the formation of the specific name of this plant. However, science knows certain varieties in which the petioles have acquired a green or bluish tint, and their surface is covered with small black scales.

If the necessary conditions are met, then the flowering period of the palm tree falls at the end of the spring or the beginning of the summer period. In the atmosphere of a dwelling, it is extremely difficult to achieve flowering, so you should not rely on getting yellowish fruits that palm trees from the genus Dipsis bring.

Features of palms of the genus Dipsis

Neodipsis in a flowerpot
Neodipsis in a flowerpot

The yellowish chrysalidocarpus has been awarded by the Royal Horticultural Society for its aesthetic appearance. However, the palm tree became widespread after special studies organized by NASA scientists. The aim of the trials was to find out which plants are likely to provide the most benefits when grown at home. As a result, it was found that dipsis removes hazardous gases of toluene and xylene from the air, while enriching it with oxygen and increasing humidity.

Of all the types of palms that have become popular for indoor cultivation, neodypsis is the most difficult to maintain. It is not recommended to use it when landscaping commercial premises, since periodically very aggressive external factors arise in them, the appearance of which is not allowed and can greatly harm. It is best to grow varieties of areca palms in conservatories and greenhouses, as well as in the rooms of residential buildings, providing suitable conditions.

To create the right atmosphere, you need to provide a sufficient level of illumination, a lot of fresh and warm air. The presence of drafts is not allowed, especially if the plant has not yet matured. Adult palms are already less whimsical and can withstand insufficiently comfortable conditions, while young plants often die due to lack of light or moisture.

Favorable conditions for growing dipsis

Neodipsis yellowish
Neodipsis yellowish

Neodipsis loves places where there is a lot of diffused light. At the same time, the palm tree feels great in partial shade, which is why it perfectly complements the design of living quarters. The shoots of a young plant quickly stretch in the direction of the light source, therefore, in order for the dipsis to look harmonious, and its leaves show an equally magnificent shape from all sides, it is required to turn the palm tree with the other side in relation to the light once every 7-10 days.

Dipsis leaves are negatively perceived by direct sunlight, therefore, in the summer, when the plant is exposed to the open air, it should be protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Otherwise, the delicate leaves of the palm will turn yellow and dry out.

It is important to know that the shoots and leaves that have begun to fade do not need to be torn off, since neodypsis will select the remaining nutrients from them until the last. Only completely dried leaves and shoots can be carefully separated, taking care not to damage the areas where they were attached to the trunk. In the process of dying off of the leaves, an original textured pattern appears on the trunk, which looks very beautiful.

Caring for neodypsis palms

Neodipsis in the greenhouse
Neodipsis in the greenhouse

It is not difficult to care for areca palms, it is only important to get acquainted with the basic recommendations.

  • Illumination. As already mentioned, neodypsis loves light, but is afraid of direct sunlight, which carries large portions of ultraviolet radiation. When exposed to the sun, the leaves lose their beautiful green hue and become painfully yellow in appearance. In the summer, for the benefit of plants, they should be exposed to fresh air, choosing places that are reliably protected from the wind and are in the shade of trees. At home, for the location of the palm tree, you should choose the south side, installing a neodypsis pot near the window. Despite the fact that the plant is thermophilic, it reacts negatively to high temperatures, which is why it is necessary to guarantee intensive ventilation and high humidity during the hot period. In winter, it will not hurt to provide a source of additional lighting.
  • Air humidity for the palm tree is of great importance. Quite often, those whose dipsis dies at home do not take into account the importance of this factor. If no additional devices are used to increase the humidity level, then it is required to spray the palm tree with a spray bottle and wash its leaves on a regular basis. If special humidifiers are used, it is not recommended to install them in the immediate vicinity of the plant.
  • Indoor temperature should be moderate throughout the year, since the genus Dipsis is thermophilic and is accustomed to a fairly even tropical climate. In the period from spring to autumn, the normal temperature is 23-25 degrees Celsius, and in the winter season, 17-18 degrees will be enough.
  • Watering neodypsis. The plant should be watered abundantly, but at the same time it is important not to allow water to stagnate near the rhizomes, as from this they can easily be subject to decay processes. Palm trees are usually watered with soft, settled water. The frequency of watering is adjusted in accordance with the observation of the condition of the soil. Naturally, in a warm season, it will be necessary to water the drying soil more often, and in the winter, moisture can be done less often. It is important to take into account that the soil that is chosen for neodypsis must pass water well. Usually, a special palm substrate with a high perlite content is bought for these purposes.
  • Transplantation of neodypsis requires knowledge of the procedure and care, since an inadvertently carried out transplantation process may well lead to the death of the plant. Young palms are loaded very carefully so as not to damage the roots, leaving an earthen lump in which they grow. For transplanting, pots of great height are chosen, since the rhizomes grow rapidly. As a rule, the transplant is carried out in early spring. When preparing the soil for replanting, it is imperative to ensure a good level of drainage in order to eliminate the possibility of stagnant water. Typically, palms are replanted at least every three years, but the topsoil is changed every 12 months.
  • Top dressing applied regularly during the period of active growth of the palm from spring to late autumn. However, in winter, neodypsis does not have a characteristic dormant period, therefore, the plant should be fed in the cold period, cutting in half the amount of fertilizer applied.

Reproduction of neodypsis in an apartment or office

Overgrown dipypsis
Overgrown dipypsis

To obtain a new palm plant from the genus Dipsis, it is possible by separating daughter shoots or planting seeds. The latter method requires patience, since the seeds rise for a rather long period of time, which takes 3-4 months. In order for a palm tree to grow lush and beautiful, usually a small group of seeds is sown in one pot of peat. Before planting, they are pre-soaked in water of 30-degree temperature for 3 days, and after planting, it is required to provide them with enough light, moisture and an appropriate temperature of 23-25 degrees.

If the first method is used, then it is necessary at the bottom at the base of the stem to collect the adventitious buds that appear there, which are then transplanted into separate pots with light soil.

Common Dipsis Diseases

Signs of root rot on dipsis leaves
Signs of root rot on dipsis leaves

If you do not follow the rules for caring for the plant, then the leaves of neodypsis can become stained and dry. Depending on the lack of certain attention, the following external signs appear:

  • if brown spots are seen on the leaves, then it is usually a consequence of an excess of moisture, low temperature or extremely high water hardness;
  • when the leaves at the base of the palm turn brown, in most cases this is a consequence of the natural aging process;
  • if only the tips of the leaves dry up and turn brown, then this indicates a weak level of air humidity or a lack of moisture in the soil;
  • the rounded shape of the dark spots that appear on the leaves most likely indicates a sunburn, so the plant should be placed in the shade, avoiding the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Due to improper care, the following dangerous diseases can occur.

  1. Due to waterlogging, the appearance of root rot … Symptoms are yellowing of the leaves, which darken over time and dipsis dies. If, against the background of the onset of the disease, the temperature drops or there is a lack of useful minerals in the soil, then the disease will rapidly progress and then it will become impossible to save the plant. It is possible to fight root rot only in the early stages, when neodypsis is transplanted into another pot, while cutting off the affected areas of the roots. Before planting in new soil, the roots are immersed in a solution with a fungicide for 20-25 minutes. In places where the roots are cut off, the wounds are sprinkled with ash or cinnamon, after which the dipypsis is planted in disinfected soil. Then the plant is watered twice with a fungicide solution.
  2. Often young leaves suffer penicillosis, which usually affects the apex of the neodypsis. The first sign of the disease is the appearance of small necrotic spots. Over time, they grow and the presence of a whitish coating can be detected in the infected areas. It is left by fungal spores, under the influence of which the leaves of the palm tree lose their natural shape. Fungal infection always originates and develops in the soil, and only then gets over directly to the plant itself.
  3. In addition to penicillosis, dipsis can also be attacked by others. fungal infections … An indicator of their appearance is the leaves of the plant, on which lonely spots of various shapes and shades appear. If the palm is over-watered, it serves as a catalyst to accelerate the development of the fungus, which quickly spreads to the stems and leaves. To combat it, a fungicide solution is used, which is sprayed 2-3 times a day on all affected areas.

The main pests of neodypsis

Mite on the stem of neodypsis
Mite on the stem of neodypsis

Most of the hassle when growing a palm tree is delivered by ticks, worms and thrips.

  1. Mites different species usually attack the plant at the beginning of spring. It is almost impossible to detect them with the naked eye, but the result of their vital activity quickly becomes noticeable. On the leaves of neodypsis, small dotted spots of a yellow, brown or brown hue are formed. Ticks actively move to neighboring plants, therefore, in case of a disease, it is necessary to treat and apply preventive methods to all flowerpots in the house. To combat ticks, insecticide solutions are used. Leaves and stems of plants are sprayed for 3-4 days, then repeat after a week. After that, using a magnifying glass, you need to carefully examine the plant and, if mites are found, repeat the spraying procedure.
  2. Schervets settles in the axils of dipsis leaves, and it is easy to notice it by its characteristic white bloom. To combat it, the lesion sites are wiped with a sponge, which is pre-moistened in an alcohol solution. If this gentle method does not help, then you will need to treat the leaves with insecticides.
  3. Settlement signs thrips - the appearance of a silvery sheen and brown spots from the lower part of the leaf. The insect is afraid of moisture, so high humidity prevents its appearance. If thrips nevertheless settled, then to combat it, the leaves are wiped with an alcohol solution and a composition of soapy foam with ash.

For more useful information on transplanting chrysalidocarpus, see this video: