Flowers pillows will become a bright accent in the interior. See how a pillow in the shape of a rose, daisy and peony is sewn. Ideas for beginners and advanced ones are presented. Decorative pillows decorate the interior, emphasize its style and give a person an opportunity to relax after a busy day. There are many options for making such things. Novice seamstresses will find simple ideas for themselves, and more experienced ones can embody complex ones.
Pillows flowers for beginners
See how amazing such items look, add coziness and decorate the space.

For such work, you will need:
- soft fabric that keeps its shape, such as fleece;
- synthetic winterizer;
- ball pen;
- 4 round stencils of different sizes and one large;
- zigzag scissors;
- glue or needle and thread.
Attach a large stencil to the fabric, first cut one circle along it, then the second. Measure the arc length of the workpiece. This length will be the strip of fabric that you sew between these circles, the part will become the side of the pillow.
Do not overstitch it to the end, leave a hole to fill the pillow with padding polyester. Then sew it on your hands. Find the center of the piece to match the center of the circular patterns. First attach the small one, outline, then in turn, the other three. Zigzag the edges with scissors.

Here's how to make the next flower pillow. With your own hands, you have to cut the petals for her. On the one hand, they are semicircular, on the other, straight. They can be attached with glue or sewn on the hands with a needle and thread.
Start at the outside edge. Attaching the petal, on its straight part, which is opposite to the semicircular, make a fold. After completing the first row, go to the second. In this case, the petals of each subsequent row are located above these elements of the previous one.

You can decorate the center of the pillow by sewing or gluing a core made of fabric of a different color here. If you know how to knit, complete this element using this technique.

To make petals, cut 4 blanks from green fabric. Sew them along the edge in pairs. Sew along the veins to indicate them. Use zigzag scissors to scissor the edges and lay the pillow on your bed or sofa to add a touch of beauty to those parts of the room.

Such a product will be a wonderful gift, like the next one. The flower pillow will make your interior unique. If the previous model seemed a little complicated to you, check out a very simple option.

These pillows are made from two types of fabric. The base is created from dense plain cotton, and the decorations for it must be made of red fleece. To make it easier, check out the list of prerequisites, these are:
- light cotton fabric, for example, linen;
- red fleece;
- black buttons;
- needle;
- threads;
- filler synthetic winterizer.
From the equipment you will need:
- two circles of different diameters for the template;
- sewing machine;
- scissors;
- ruler;
- crayon or pencil.
Decide on the size of the product. If you have a ready-made pillow 48 cm long and 30 cm wide, then the main fabric should be 100x32 cm in size (taking into account sewing allowances). Cut out such a rectangle from cotton fabric, place it in front of you. Let's start by decorating the front side.
To do this, you need to cut out circles of two sizes, you can circle a glass, lid or other round object.

We connect these blanks in pairs so that the small one is at the top of the large one. Attach them to the surface to be decorated, sew on a button in the center of each flower.

Using a ruler and crayon or pencil, draw straight lines, then sew along them with dark thread to indicate the stems of the flowers.
You can make the stems using thin braid or lace. These tapes need to be cut into pieces of a certain length and stitched on the hands or on a typewriter to the base.

It remains to fill the product with padding polyester, so that you get a flower pillow. It is very pleasant to create such things with your own hands.

Master classes for seamstresses with experience
After reviewing the previous ideas, it will be easy for you to implement the next one.

To do this, take:
- red soft cloth;
- compass or template for a circle;
- scissors;
- thread with a needle;
- cardboard;
- filler.
This pillow consists of two rectangles, what are their dimensions, such is its size in the finished form. But you need to cut the canvas with allowances for seams on all sides.

Draw a circle on a piece of cardboard with a compass or with an object of the appropriate shape. Cut it out. When applying to fabric, circle with a ballpoint pen. Cut out these circles.

Now each needs to be folded in a certain way. To do this, take the first circle, connect its opposite edges to make a semicircle. Fold in half again to make a quarter circle. Now you have the most painstaking work - you need to sew these blanks on the outer part of the pillow.

If you don't have enough patience, decorate only the center strip.

Place the petals as close to each other as possible to create a composition like this.
Fold the front and back of the pillow with the right sides to each other, grind from three sides. Turn out the product through the fourth. You will sew this side on your hands. You can sew a zipper here to be able to remove this beautiful case, wash it, then put it back on.
And here's how to make a pillow with your own hands so that it looks like a chamomile.

Take for needlework:
- variegated plain fabric, matching color;
- thread with a needle;
- synthetic winterizer;
- scissors.
Such a flower pillow is good because it does not need a sewing machine. Therefore, even if you do not have such a unit, you can still sew this wonderful thing.

For five petals, you will need 10 identical blanks.
If you want the front and back of the product to have different colors, and you get, as it were, two pillows, then cut out five petals from the fabric of one color, another 5, taking another. Stitch each petal on the wrong side, leaving a gap at the bottom. Turn the workpiece out onto the front side, fill with padding polyester.
Cut out a circle of fabric that is 2 times the diameter of the core. After sewing this circle along the edge with a basting stitch, tighten, but not yet completely, but so as to fill the core with padding polyester. Now you can tighten the thread, tie a couple of knots to secure it.
Here's how to make the pillow next. On the front side, sew the bottom of the first petal, without removing the thread, sew it with the second. So sew all the petals in a circle. Place the center of the flower in the center, fix it. Flip the pillow over. Sew the second core here. An exciting job completed with a great result!
If you wish, you can make another daisy flower pillow.

This sample has one-piece petals. Enlarge this pattern. Where the dotted lines are indicated - the junction of the petals. For the front and back blanks, identical parts must be cut out of the fabric. Do not forget to cut out the core of the flower from the fabric, which differs in color. You will sew it into the center of the chamomile on one side, on the other you need to sew the same detail.

Fill the product with padding polyester through the remaining hole, sew this gap.

This is what the pillow will look like after you make it.

This can be put on a chair to make it even more comfortable to sit in. Flowers will add bright accents and remind you of a colorful summer in the cold season.
Rose decor element: master class
When creating such things, it is impossible to forget about the queen of flowers. Rose will give wonderful ideas, for example, this one.

The petals are very easy to cut. They are in three sizes and are made of squares. We cut everything so that we get pentagons. Connect the opposite lower corners, fix with a stippler or with a needle and thread.

You can glue the petals together, but then such a pillow cannot be washed. Cut a circle of the required diameter, we will sew the largest petals to it first, to the outer edge. As you understand, you can also glue them or attach them with a stipener.
We decorate the second tier with medium-sized petals. The smallest will be closer to the center.

Using zigzag scissors, cut out a circle to be attached to the center.

Such a pillow is not stuffed with padding polyester. But if you want, you can do this by stitching another circle on the back side, put the filler inside. You can make a rose in a different way by twisting a strip of fabric or lace in the shape of its petals.

To make a pillow like this, take:
- fabric, lace or ribbons to match;
- synthetic winterizer;
- pins;
- scissors.

Cut a circle out of the fabric to match your pillow. You can decorate it with a strip of the same material. But then you need to cut a tape out of it, fold it in half lengthwise, and stitch it up. Such work is more troublesome, so it is better to decorate the pillow with ready-made lace, satin or cotton braid.
Begin to grind it to the workpiece of the circle, from its outer part, gradually moving towards the middle. In this case, the tape is located in a spiral.

How the rose pillow is made, the master class tells further. Having issued its front part, you need to attach a second circle, combining these blanks with the front sides. Sew these two parts, leaving a gap for stuffing the product with padding polyester.

Sew up this edge and admire how wonderful the rose pillow turned out.

But these are not all ideas, look at what other similar products can be.

If you liked this flower pillow, then take a fabric of a suitable color. From it you need to carve out a few details.
The core consists of two parts. Also, each petal should have a back and front side.
Please note that the inner and outer dimensions are different in the pattern. This is necessary in order to form folds at the bottom of the lower petals, then these details will look realistic.
- Cut out the core of the flower, we will not fill it with padding polyester. This blank consists of an external and an internal part, we sew them on the wrong side, we turn this part out.
- Let's take care of the petals. Fold the inside and outside with the right sides, stitch on all sides except the bottom. Fill the petal with padding polyester, also decorate others.
- Sewing the first one at the bottom on the hands, attach the second to it on the side. Sew it down below. Five petals make up the lower tier, and four are the upper tier.
- Insert the twisted core into the center, also fix it with a thread and a needle.
How to make a peony flower pillow from fabric?
A flower pillow can be not only in the form of a chamomile, a rose, but also resemble other wonderful plants.

Sew on the petals while decorating a regular small pillow or sew a new one. To do this, they must first be cut out and cut out. The petals resemble a semicircle. For each you need 2 blanks, which are sewn in pairs on the wrong side.

Now they need to be attached to the pillow or to the rectangle of the fabric from which you will sew. If you are decorating a ready-made pillow, then you will have to grind it on your hands. If you are sewing a new one, then use a typewriter.
We start with the outer circle. Lay out 8 petals, stitch them, then complete the second tier, it consists of 6 blanks. Lay them in a checkerboard pattern, moving towards the center to fill this entire part with petals.

Let's make the core. To do this, you need to cut out several circles of the same size, fold each in half, again in half, fixing, sew. Now these blanks are grinded together, they should fit snugly against each other.

See what a wonderful creation you get.

If you liked the peony master class in which it turned into a pillow, then check out another one, here the flower is made not of white, but of red fabric.

For needlework you will need:
- red and other colored fabric;
- Cup;
- scissors;
- pencil.
The glass is needed so that the bottom is smaller than the neck. If there is no such thing, then take two different volumes. Attach them to the red canvas, cut out 30 large and 20 small circles.

Draw a large circle on the fabric that will become the pillowcase - this is the size of the peony. When folding large workpieces in half, stitch them to it. Then, in a checkerboard pattern, sew on other petals.

You just have to sew the pillowcase to the end and enjoy one more finished work. You can also make other household items out of thin white felt.

Cut out the petals. Make a fold in the center of each, securing it with a glue gun. With the help of it, fix them on the basis.

Also, having completed the outer edge first, move towards the center. And make the core from circles that need to be folded twice in half.

Now you have in your house not only never-fading chamomiles, roses, but also peonies. If you still have questions, see how the rose pillow is sewn: