Care for nerte at home

Care for nerte at home
Care for nerte at home

Description of nertera, recommendations for its cultivation, reproduction and watering of nertera, feeding, possible diseases and pests, types of nertera. Nertera is a bizarre plant. Due to its bright orange berries, it is also called "coral moss". Nertera is translated from Greek as small, short. If your small city apartment lacks free space, this plant is for you!

Nertera not only does not take up much space, but it will delight the eye even in winter, when there are gray cold days outside. At first glance at nertera, it seems that tiny mandarin fruits are growing on the bush. It is with these bright red-haired fruits that the whimsical nertera attracts its attention. In other varieties of "coral moss", the fruits are white, brownish and red.

Oddly enough, but the white with a greenish tinge of nertera flowers are not as beautiful as its fruits. Creeping stems of a plant with small oval-shaped light green leaves, spread out like lianas. It grows in tropical and subtropical zones.

Nertera or "coral moss" is a perennial, herbaceous, ornamental plant from the madder family. The genus has approximately fifteen species. Some of the varieties of nertera:

  • nertera pressed, the most common type;
  • nertera balfura, the smallest of the family, pear-shaped fruits;
  • nerthera ciliate, flowers and leaf plates with cilia;
  • nertera cannigema, very red berries;
  • nertera astrid, has more bright red berries than other species;
  • nertera is blackberry, has black fruits.

Nertera is able to improve the energy in the house, and has a very positive effect on members of the whole family, so it is better to have several types of plants. However, "coral moss" has poisonous berries, so the contact of children and animals with this exotic must be limited in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Growing nertera in a home or office

Nertera fruits
Nertera fruits

Nertera is a ground cover perennial plant. Some species can be grown outdoors, but only in mild climates. When grown in a city apartment, this plant is also quite picky. As a rule, “coral moss” lives with careless housewives only one year. But nerte lovers can create conditions under which the plant will delight the eye with its fruits for several years!

  • Lighting and temperature of the content. In living quarters, for better development and growth of decorative nertera, bright, but diffused lighting is needed. The plant also feels good in semi-shaded rooms. Nertera does not like drafts very much, but prefers fresh air. In summer, you need to take it out to the balcony or garden, under diffused sunlight with a temperature of no more than 22 degrees. In winter, in order for the plant to be in good shape, it must be kept at 11 degrees Celsius, no less.
  • Plant wintering feature. In the winter season, if you cannot provide the plant with good lighting, due to the characteristics of the apartment, it is necessary to acquire fluorescent lamps. Place the nerte at a distance of no closer than fifty centimeters from the lamps. Near batteries and electrical appliances, "coral moss" is placed further away - dry air harms it. Also, it is necessary to regularly and thoroughly ventilate the room. If you provide the plant with these conditions, then nertera will delight you with mandarin fruits every year.
  • Air humidity. For the best ovaries, nertera is regularly sprayed with distilled or boiled water. When the plant blooms, the spraying procedures are stopped altogether.
  • Watering nertera. During the period of active growth and development of the plant, it is watered regularly. In winter, nertera rests, so soil moisture is reduced. When the flowering process of "coral moss" begins, watering is carried out from below, through the sump.
  • Feeding Neters. To grow beautiful mandarin berries, when nertera is in bloom, it must be actively fertilized. Top dressing is applied for the "coral moss" every month - once. Fertilizer type - universal, liquid.
  • Planting, transplanting "coral moss". If you have tried, and the nertera has successfully overwintered, it can be transplanted in the spring before the start of the vegetative process. The capacity for this plant should not be high and wide, since nertera is a ground cover. The bottom of the pot is lined with drainage. The soil for replanting "coral moss" should be well mixed, using the same parts of humus, sand and turf. After transplanting, the plant must be watered.

Breeding tips for nertera

Nertera in flowerpots
Nertera in flowerpots

Nertera can be propagated by sowing seeds, and only after the growing season, by dividing the rhizomes. The plant is placed in a large container of water so that the roots are soaked and the earth is separated. The root system is divided into middle parts. Each part is planted in a container with drainage and moist soil. Further manipulations are the same as when caring for an adult specimen of "coral moss".

Propagating nertera by sowing seeds is quite simple. When the plant blooms, a flower is left from which the planting material is separated. Seeds of "coral moss" are planted evenly in a container with a well-mixed substrate of humus, sand and turf. After planting, the top layer of the soil is moistened by spraying, covered with a transparent "insulation" and placed in diffused light. Water as needed and wait for shoots.

Diseases and pests of nertera


Nerteru in winter, during the dormant period, should not be kept with too warm, dry air. Such content leads to improper growth and deformation of the plant, due to which it loses its decorative appeal. Also in winter, under too warm conditions, aphids can be affected. Spider mites, whiteflies, mealybugs and scale insects can also be pests that parasitize the "coral moss".

The most common types of nertera

Nertera in a pot
Nertera in a pot
  • Nertera depressed (Nertera Depressa). This is the most common type of plant. Of all the species, it has the smallest leaves up to about 5 millimeters. A bush of "coral moss" reaches up to 34-40 centimeters in diameter. The berries are not quite round, slightly flattened. As they ripen, they change color. At first, the fruits are white, and then gradually turn yellow and become bright red.
  • Nertera Balfouriana. The smallest of the family. Also, this type of neter differs in the shape of the fruit. They are pear-shaped. Fruit color is orange. The leafy part of the plant is no more than 20 centimeters in diameter.
  • Ciliated nerthera (Nertera ciliata). The plant has an unusual appearance, due to flowers and leaf plates at the edges covered with cilia. The berries are bright orange, like most species. The leafy part of the plant is about 25 centimeters in diameter.
  • Nerter Cunningham (Nertera cunninghamii). This species differs in color and fruit-berries. They have a deep red color. The leafy part of the plant is 20 centimeters in diameter.
  • Nertera Astrid (Nertera Granadensis Astrid). It has more bright red berries than other species. The fruits of the "coral moss" cover her cap so densely that the green leaves are almost invisible. Fruit color is bright orange.
  • Blackberry Nertera (Nertera Nigricarpa). This plant is a very rare species. Only her, in comparison with other types of neters, has black fruits. It looks like a small blueberry bush.

You will learn more information about growing nertera from this video:
