Narcissus: species, care, reproduction

Narcissus: species, care, reproduction
Narcissus: species, care, reproduction

Description of the daffodil and its varieties, methods of reproduction and storage of bulbs, their planting and digging, the main difficulties in growing. Narcissus (Narcissus) belongs to the genus of monocots and belongs to the large family "Amaryllis". In Latin, its name sounds like Narcissus. Narcissus flowers are one of the first to appear after winter, and at the moment more than 60 varieties of them are known to science. This flower is distributed throughout southern Europe, Asia and the Mediterranean region.

Description of the appearance of Narcissus

Daffodils bloom
Daffodils bloom

Daffodil grows from dense bulbs. Its leaves are distinguished by a beautiful ribbon-like shape and a rich green tint. Individual bulbs differ from each other and can be oval, pointed, round, or ovoid. New bulbs grow annually, and after harvesting they last up to 10 months.

Narcissus flowers are usually yellow or white with yellow tints, drooping or straight. They are able to grow both singly and by forming brushes with the number of 2–8 pieces. The perianth looks like a tubular funnel, and the perianth can take the form of a bell, bowl, or tube. Narcissus flowers are 2–10 cm in diameter. After the flowering period, a box is formed, inside which the seeds ripen in 3 nests. Daffodils can be grown in the garden, in the flowerbed, or in pots. The flowering period is April-May.

Varieties of daffodils

Narcissus tacitic
Narcissus tacitic

All narcissus species are monitored and recorded by the Royal Horticultural Society. At the moment, 12 groups of plants have been identified, which include varieties for planting in the garden, and a separate 13th group includes natural varieties found in the wild. Below is a description of the main species that can be found in gardens and flower beds:

  • Have Trumpet or a tubular variety, a distinctive feature is the presence of a large flower with a lobe and tube of equal length. Although it is allowed that the tube is slightly longer in length. Usually the flowers are yellow, but they can also be 2-colored - white and yellow. The bulbs are round, 4, 5–5, 5 cm in diameter.
  • Next grade Large-cupped or coarsely crown. These are solitary plants with a smooth or corrugated crown. Usually its length is 1/3 of the size of the petal. The bulbs are small, the size of the peduncles is varied.
  • In contrast to the previous variety, there is Small-cupped … That is, finely crowned. Its main characteristics are the same as that of Large-cupped, only the color of the flowers is mostly delicate cream.
  • Into the group Triandrus, which in Russian is called Triandrus, includes daffodils with 2-3 flowers located on one peduncle. They grow no more than 250 mm, are distinguished by a narrow crown and the shape of the petals, which are slightly bent to the sides.
  • Variety Double denotes a very beautiful variety of terry daffodils. Representatives of this species can grow singly and form several flowers. Their size, shape and color can vary greatly, since the main feature by which the plants of this group are united is their doubleness.
  • A separate group was created by crossing the daffodil Jonquille Jonquilla … A distinctive feature of the variety is the leaves of a dark green hue, late flowering and the formation of several flowers on one peduncle. The cup-shaped crown is usually 2/3 the size of the perianth. Plants can do without annual replanting for about 6 seasons.
  • As a result of selection, a variety was obtained Cyclamineus … This group includes varieties of cyclamen daffodil - plants with single flowers and petals bent back. Representatives of this group bloom very early.
  • The next group has a double name. It is based on a daffodil daffodil. Therefore, the first name of this species is tacetate. In latin Tazetta … But the plants of this group also have 2–20 flowers with a pleasant, delicate scent, which is why the group is called multiflorous. In Latin, Bunch-flowered.
  • A beautiful daffodil with a snow-white single flower and a small crown received the original name Poeticus … Translated - poetic. Representatives of this group are not afraid to grow in dense shade, they easily tolerate cold weather, and their bulbs are oblong and small in size. Individual characteristics such as size, shape and flowering time vary greatly among the individual varieties included in this group.
  • Small bell-shaped flowers are named Bulbocodium hybrids … The basis was a daffodil called Bulbocodium, which is now actively crossed by Australian breeders.
  • Plants from the group look very interesting Split-Corona … In translation, the name sounds like cut-crown. Daffodils belonging to this variety received fringed petals and a crown, which, as if torn at the edges.
  • The last well-defined group includes species Palmares … This daffodil has pale pink flowers with a slightly compressed and notched crown.
  • Closes the description of the main groups Others … This includes all varieties of daffodils whose characteristics do not allow them to be ranked in one of the above groups.

How to grow daffodils in your garden?

Daffodils in a box
Daffodils in a box

Daffodils are an early flower species. Their beautiful flowers and pleasant smell appear in the garden at the same time as other early plants bloom, including tulips, crocuses, hyacinths, etc. Narcissus does not belong to the class of those flowers for which the strictest care is needed, but it is all a hassle -taki delivers, so those who do not really like to burden themselves with taking care of plants, it is better to look for other options.

If it is not a problem to spend a little time on leaving, then you should start by choosing a sufficiently illuminated area of land that is neutral in acidity for planting daffodils. Daffodils do not like acidic soil, therefore it is not recommended to fertilize it with manure, but if this was done, then lime can be "extinguished" the soil, which will even out acidity and give the plants strength. If the soil is too alkaline, then dolomite flour helps.

How to choose and store narcissus bulbs?

Daffodil bulbs in a flowerpot
Daffodil bulbs in a flowerpot
Daffodil bulbs in a flowerpot
Daffodil bulbs in a flowerpot

The bulbs can be planted on the first warm days of spring. Buying them is also very good during this period, since many sellers sell old products very cheaply. This is a great opportunity to buy even very valuable varieties at a budget cost.

But when buying, you should not lose your vigilance, so as not to accidentally buy weak limp onions that will no longer sprout. If you need to purchase strong bulbs in large quantities, then it is best to do this within 3 months from the moment the daffodils bloom. It is not recommended to buy bulbs:

  • dug out with the root, flowers, stems during the flowering period or immediately after its end;
  • with processes;
  • poorly developed with a large number of peaks, if only 1 bulb protrudes large, and the others are small and inexpressive.

For storage, daffodil bulbs are scattered over a flat, dry surface. In no case should they be covered with foil, as the bulbs must breathe. The room chosen for storage must have intensive ventilation, since the bulbs of the daffodil release gas, from which they themselves can suffer.

A dark, well-ventilated area is best suited for storage, where bulbs are stored on wooden pallets. Optimal climatic storage conditions: air temperature is about 11 degrees (+/- 1), and humidity is not higher than 70%. If the bulbs are stored in this way throughout the winter, then they will need to be inspected regularly. All loose or darkened bulbs must be thrown away, as they can have a negative effect on neighboring strong bulbs. The appearance of white and yellow spots is a sign of incipient rot, and darkening of the bulb usually causes fungus.

When to plant daffodils in the ground?

Planting daffodil bulbs in the ground
Planting daffodil bulbs in the ground

When planting, they are guided by the climatic conditions characteristic of the region. Usually, all plants of the bulbous family are planted in the fall. So that the daffodil has time to take root, for which he needs a period of about 4 weeks, it is advisable to plant the bulbs in September in a temperate climate.

It is recommended to plant narcissus bulbs at the end of winter, but in this case the bulbs must first be stored in refrigerated chambers. If this condition is not met, then it is likely that the daffodil in the future will have difficulties with rooting, and the flowers will not appear. The bulbs from the refrigerator are usually planted as soon as the snow melts, and the air temperature is already kept at the level of 5-6 degrees Celsius:

  • Disembarkation of narcissus in spring. In the spring, before planting, the site where they plan to grow daffodils is pre-dug up and a little humus and sand are added to the soil. Then shallow holes are made in the ground under the bulbs. Their approximate size should be 3 times the size of the bulb, which is installed in the recess and half filled with fertilized soil. Then the onion is watered moderately and the hole is then closed entirely. When choosing the distance between individual plants, they are guided by the planned breeding period for daffodils. If they are not going to be planted for the next season, then it is better to plant the plants at a distance of 150-200 mm from each other. Otherwise, they can be placed more compactly - at a distance of 70–100 mm. Once the bulbs have been planted, it would be a good idea to do mulching, which will keep the soil from drying out and prevent weeds from overgrowing.
  • Planting daffodils in the autumn. Since planting is usually carried out in September, you need to prepare the soil at the end of summer. To do this, it is dug to a depth of 1 shovel bayonet and fertilizer is applied. Enough compost, but you can also distribute 2 tables per square meter. spoons of fertilizer superphosphate. If the ground is "heavy", then you can add sand and humus to it at the rate of half a bucket per 1 square meter. After that, you need to re-dig the area, but not very deep. Half a bayonet is considered sufficient.

How to care for a daffodil?

Watering the daffodil
Watering the daffodil

If the planting was carried out in the spring, then after the appearance of the sprouts, nothing special needs to be done. But in those cases when the bulbs have wintered, it is required to give them strength and feed the plant with any mineral fertilizer. Then this procedure is repeated a second time at the end of spring, when the buds are being formed. In order for the flowering process to please as long as possible, you will need to feed it again during this period, and the last time the fertilizer is applied immediately after the daffodil has faded.

Immediately after applying top dressing, the plants must be watered abundantly, and the soil must be loosened, if mulching was not used. The daffodil loves water, so during the dry period, plants outside need to be watered additionally at the rate of about 20-30 liters of water per square meter.

When to do a narcissus transplant?

Daffodil bulbs
Daffodil bulbs

You can dig up the plants after the flowering period ends and the leaves wither. When daffodils are propagated vegetatively, about 2-3 on average are taught from the 1st bulb. The bulbs are dug up, thoroughly cleaned and examined. Those that have been attacked by pests or show traces of the disease should be thrown away. The rest are soaked for 30 minutes in potassium permanganate and divided into 2-4 parts.

Usually, the bulbs are the first to be removed, which themselves come off well. The rest must be loosened, gradually increasing the effort. In this case, when the disconnection occurred with great reluctance, it is required to additionally process the joints with ash. After that, the bulbs, from which in no case live roots should be removed, are dried somewhere in a shaded area and stored for further storage. The optimum temperature for this is 15-18 degrees, at which the bulbs can lie before planting for about 2 months.

How do daffodils breed?

Daffodil seeds
Daffodil seeds

The simplest and most obvious way of reproduction is the vegetative way, when the bulbs are divided into 2-4 parts. You can also make seedlings from the seeds immediately after they are ripe. It is possible to grow daffodils from seeds in separate boxes and in the open field, making small indentations for them by 3 times the diameter. After planting the seeds in the next couple of years, it is not recommended to disturb such daffodils, and they will begin to bloom no earlier than in 4 years.

Description of dangerous diseases of narcissus and insect pests

Narcissus Disease Leaf
Narcissus Disease Leaf

Usually, with proper planting and care, there are no difficulties with daffodils, but in some cases the plant will still require additional attention:

  • Fungal diseases act as the most common problem. Whichever fungus causes a plant disease, the symptoms and treatment are usually the same. Most often, the plant is affected by a fungal infection of Fusarium, which develops on the bulb, and then spreads up the stem. Under the influence of a pathogenic factor, the bulb becomes soft, its surface is covered with a pale pink bloom, and the leaves dry up and fall off over time.
  • Gray rot also a frequent visitor to daffodils and it manifests itself in the form of a thick gray bloom with dark dotted foci that form under the leaves. Over time, brown spots appear and grow on the leaves of the plant, and the bud and stem rot.
  • Fight against fungal diseases are carried out prophylactically, soaking the bulbs immediately before planting in a solution of potassium permanganate. When the plant gives the first shoots, they are additionally treated with Bordeaux (1.5%) liquid.
  • Viral diseases bring the most problems, since it is difficult to deal with them, and in most cases it is impossible. Regardless of the viral infection that struck the narcissist, the manifestations are always the same: spots, stripes, weakening of the bulb, deformation of flowers, etc.
  • Harmful insects, which can cause trouble, these are first of all: slugs, daffodil fly, bear, ticks and others. To prevent damage to the plant from daffodil flies and nematodes, the bulbs are kept in hot water (40-45 degrees) before planting in the ground. If prevention does not help, then fufanon is used against the daffodil fly and carbation or nemaphos if a nematode is started.

How to provide narcissus with wintering conditions

Sprouted daffodil bulbs without soil
Sprouted daffodil bulbs without soil

By itself, the daffodil bulb can easily withstand frosts under a layer of snow and sit out the winter without much difficulty. But recently, snow in many regions has ceased to fall in sufficient quantities, and periods of thaws are destroying the plant, since a daffodil who feels warmth can begin to grow earlier than the required period and die in severe frost.

To prevent this, you need to thoroughly clean the land where the daffodils stay for the winter, loosen it and cover it with a 15 cm layer of mulching mixture. These can be fallen leaves, ash, straw, peat, etc. Mulching is performed closer to the frost period, and this layer is removed immediately after the risk of severe frosts returning is behind.

More on planting and caring for a daffodil in this video:
