Apple jam: composition, preparation, recipes

Apple jam: composition, preparation, recipes
Apple jam: composition, preparation, recipes

The chemical composition of apple jam, its beneficial properties and contraindications for eating. How is this product eaten and what recipes are popular with hobbyists using it?

Apple jam is a favorite delicacy of children, a healthy and complete product that does not require additional preparation, an irreplaceable filling for baked goods and desserts. It tastes like fruit puree and differs from it only in increased density. Making jam in your home kitchen will not be difficult. What is included in this product and what interesting facts should modern consumers know about it?

Composition and calorie content of apple jam

Apple jam in a jar
Apple jam in a jar

The standard composition of apple jam includes sugar and fruit. Some recipes contain water, various stabilizers and spices. The recipe depends on the wishes of the manufacturer, although there is a GOST that determines the ingredients of the jam and its taste.

If you want to purchase a product without adding artificial ingredients, choose a product made in accordance with GOST.

Jam, which was produced according to technical conditions (designated as TU on the package), does not always correspond to the highest quality. It may contain additives that are not provided for in the standard recipe.

The calorie content of apple jam per 100 g is 250 kcal, of which

  • Proteins - 0.4 g;
  • Fat - 0 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 65 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 1 g;
  • Water - 32, 9 g.

Vitamins per 100 g of product

  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.01 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.02 mg;
  • Vitamin PP, niacin equivalent - 0.2 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.02 mg;
  • Vitamin B9, folate - 0.5 mcg;
  • Vitamin C, ascorbic acid - 0.5 mg.

Minerals in 100 g of product

  • Potassium (K) - 129 mg;
  • Calcium (Ca) - 14 mg;
  • Magnesium (Mg) - 7 mg;
  • Sodium (Na) - 1 mg;
  • Phosphorus (P) - 9 mg;
  • Iron (Fe) - 1.3 mg.

Interesting! In various countries of the world, the apple is considered one of the healthiest fruits, therefore, jam from it is eaten with special enthusiasm. In England, it is believed that a person who eats one apple every day will never get sick with a serious illness.

Useful properties of apple jam

Girl spreads apple jam on bread
Girl spreads apple jam on bread

The benefits of apple jam are in the content of a large amount of vitamins, which help to strengthen the immune system, healthier skin and hair. However, if the product was prepared in violation of the technology, the percentage of vitamins in it can be critically low.

Also, the degree of usefulness of jam directly depends on the characteristics of the products for its manufacture. The more ripe, sour and juicier the apples were, the more vitamins and other nutrients there will be in the finished product. Therefore, experts recommend buying it only from trusted manufacturers. And it is better to take the preparation of apple jam on yourself.

Useful properties of the product

  1. Cleansing blood from cholesterol and heavy metals. Fructose contains a large amount of pectins, substances that remove harmful impurities from the blood.
  2. Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract and fast saturation of the body without the deposition of subcutaneous fat. Fiber optimizes digestion, detoxifies the intestines, and quickly makes you feel full. It is almost impossible to recover from fiber, it is present in dietary diets.
  3. Improving morale. Like all sweets, this jam promotes the production of serotonin in the body - the hormone of happiness.

Contraindications and harm to apple jam

Overweight woman
Overweight woman

The harm of apple jam for diabetics and overweight people is obvious, the product contains a large amount of sugar - about 60%.

For the same reason, it is not recommended to give a large amount of sweets to children; tooth enamel may suffer from this.

How to make apple jam?

Woman cuts apples into jam
Woman cuts apples into jam

Few think about it, but substandard fruits are used to make jam. Industrial producers rarely buy first-class apples for this product. Slightly lying fruits with rot and dents are thoroughly washed, cleaned of missing fiber and mixed with sugar.

Therefore, if you have accumulated a lot of "substandard" fruits at home, you can safely cook a delicacy. It is easy to prepare apple jam at home, but it takes a long time. For him, apples with sourness are chosen, preferably summer ones. Such fruits contain a large amount of pectin - a substance that helps thicken the fruit mass.

To make the sweetness aromatic, you can add all kinds of spices to it: cinnamon, cloves and other ingredients. To achieve the original taste, even food acid is often added to the product.

A simple step-by-step recipe for homemade apple jam, medium, without any additives

  • Prepare 2.5 kg green sour apples for baking. To do this, peel the fruit from the peel and seeds, cut them into 4-6 pieces and place them on a baking sheet.
  • Bake the apples in the oven until cooked through. If your oven breaks down, apples can be boiled in a little water or cooked in a double boiler.
  • Rub the baked fruit through a fine sieve.
  • Add 1.5 kg of sugar to the resulting mass and send to the stove. Simmer until the jam thickens. You can check the thickness of the product as follows: spread a drop of jam on a plate, if the mass does not spread, then the delicacy is ready!
  • If you are preparing apple jam for the winter, place it in sterilized jars and seal it tightly with the sealed lids. Wrap the jars in a warm blanket and leave in this position for several hours. If you plan to eat the prepared delicacy in the near future, the containers can be closed with a nylon lid and stored in the refrigerator.

The resulting jam will resemble jam in consistency. To make the product thick and elastic like marmalade, you will have to cook it for several hours.

Detailed instructions on how to make an apple jam that can be cut with a knife

  1. Cut the peeled fruit into 6 pieces each.
  2. Boil the apples for 15 minutes in a large container, after pouring 3-4 tbsp. l. water (so that the fruit does not burn).
  3. Crush soft apples into puree.
  4. Add sugar to the jam at the rate of 500 g granulated sugar per 1 kg of fruit. Simmer the fruit porridge over low heat in a saucepan with the lid open for 4-5 hours.

Apple jam recipes don't end there. It is enough to add lemon, orange or vinegar to it at one of the stages of preparation, and the product will acquire a completely unexpected taste and aroma.

Need to know! Many people are mistaken in thinking that jam and jam are synonymous. The composition of the jam includes not only fruits and berries, but also the peel of these fruits, and sometimes the seeds. Jam is made from ingredients wiped through a sieve. The structure of such a product is more uniform and thick.

Apple Jam Recipes

Apple jam patties
Apple jam patties

Jam can be consumed in its pure form - for this it is enough to cut it into pieces and eat it with tea. But if you have free time, why not use the product as a filling for delicious homemade baked goods?

A few simple recipes for baking with jam that will not take the chef much time:

  • Sponge roll … Whisk 3 (5 tbsp) sugar-filled chicken eggs. Add salt to the resulting mass to taste, 1/3 tsp. soda, quenched with vinegar, 5 tbsp. l. flour and the same amount of milk powder. Stir the dough thoroughly and distribute it on the surface of the prepared baking sheet (cover with parchment paper, spread it with butter and heat it in the oven). Bake the dough for about 10 minutes. Spread the finished pie with jam and roll into a roll. It is important to do this gently and quickly while the cake is hot. Otherwise, it may crack.
  • Muffins … Sift 280 g of flour to oxygenate it and make a fluffy dough. Add 1 tbsp to the flour. l. baking powder, 2 g salt, 1 tsp. vanilla and 120 g granulated sugar. In another bowl, beat 2 eggs, add 200 ml of milk and butter (about 80-90 g) to them. Mix dry mixture with liquid. The consistency of the dough should resemble thick sour cream. Divide the dough into the muffin tins, only half full. Put a spoonful of jam in each mold with the dough and pour the rest of the dough to the top. Bake the dessert for 20 minutes, cover the top of the finished muffins with butter and dipped in sugar. The dish is ready to eat!
  • Apple Jam Sand Pie … Beat 2 eggs with 1 tbsp. Sahara. Add 1/2 tsp to the resulting mass. soda, quenched with vinegar, 3 tbsp. flour and a pack of softened margarine. Knead the dough so that it doesn't stick to your hands. Divide it into two parts, different in weight. Leave the dough in the freezer until completely frozen. Grate the largest piece of frozen dough and pour into a baking dish. Place the middle layer of jam on top. Grate the remaining piece of frozen dough and cover the jam. Bake the cake in a preheated oven for 20 minutes. The browned dessert can be garnished with powdered sugar.
  • Fried pies with apple jam … Peel, boil and chop 4 potatoes in a blender. If you do not have this device, use a regular pusher. Add 85 g soft butter and 3 tbsp. l. vegetable. Stir the mixture and add 2 tsp into it. dry yeast, a pinch of salt, 5 tbsp. l. sugar, 150 ml of water and the same amount of warm milk. Knead the dough; for this, add 800 g of flour to the prepared potato mass (less). Leave the finished dough in a warm place to fit. Please note that it should turn out to be soft and a little sticky to your hands. If your dough is too runny, add a little flour to it. When it is infused and increases in volume several times, it should be divided into equal pieces and formed into pies. To facilitate this process, soak your hands in vegetable oil. Fill the pies with jam and fry in vegetable oil. Put the finished pies on a paper towel to get rid of excess oil. Bon Appetit!

Interesting facts about apple jam

Apple and jam on a tray
Apple and jam on a tray

Today, no one can answer where apple jam was invented and in what year. Some scientists believe that this delicacy comes from the Far East, others are sure that the inhabitants of the Roman Empire invented the jam. The first mentions of this product appeared in the 1st century after the birth of Christ. The name "Jam" is derived from the Polish "powidla".

In ancient times, Polish masters cooked apple jam for 60 hours! No sugar was added to such a product. They kept the sweetness in earthenware vessels, where it could be kept absolutely edible for several years.

Modern manufacturers, in pursuit of increased sales, add synthetic substances to their products. So, in addition to flavor enhancers and preservatives, dyes can be added that are not always useful for the human body.

Remember, a natural product has a darkish tint. If there is bright red or green jam on the counter of the store, there is a high probability that dyes have been added to it.

Many consumers are mistaken in the belief that apple jam is full of vitamins and indispensable for the diet of children. In most cases, vitamins evaporate from the fruit mass during digestion. In the finished product, in comparison with fresh apples, only 10-30% of the nutrients remain.

How to cook apple jam - watch the video:

Apple jam is an indispensable product for those with a sweet tooth, a source of nutrients and a hearty snack that can quickly saturate a person during a short work break. At the same time, experts recommend using the delicacy in reasonable doses, especially for children. It contains too much sugar, which has a negative effect on blood glucose, tooth enamel and weight. You can learn how to make apple jam in your home kitchen from any source: from the Internet, thematic magazines, TV shows. A home-made product is much healthier than a store-bought product.
