TOP-4 simple recipes for harvesting canned cherries for the winter with and without seeds. Secrets and preparation of jam, compote, jam, jam from cherries. Video recipes.

Sweet cherry is one of the favorite berries. Its fruits ripen earlier than other crops, therefore they are mainly consumed fresh. At the same time, the berries of a fruit plant are an excellent raw material for canning. This is a good opportunity to preserve the taste of the fruit for the long winter. Various preparations for the winter are prepared from cherries: jam, jam, compotes, confiture, jam. The recipes are pretty simple and easy to make at home without much skill.
How to prepare berries for harvesting
- After the berries are fully ripe, they begin to rot. Therefore, collect them before it rains, because it promotes the fastest decay of cherries.
- If you are harvesting from your tree, pick the stemless berries. By pulling off the petioles, you harm the tree, which will negatively affect the number of ovaries next year.
- Use the berries immediately after picking, as in a day, half will not be suitable for harvesting for the winter.
- If you buy cherries for preservation, give the choice to berries with cuttings. This will extend their shelf life and will take a couple of days to prepare.
- For blanks, take fresh and strong berries. Spoiled, pecked and overripe will not work, because they will lose their shape during heat treatment.
- Dark and light yellow cherries are suitable for canning. Experienced housewives advise using the francis, trushensk, black and pink napoleon varieties.
- To get rid of the worms inside the berries, fill them with cold water and salt. For 10 liters of water 1 tsp. salt. Soak for 2 hours, drain the water and rinse the crop.
- In all preparations for the winter, use well-washed and completely dried berries.
Subtleties and secrets of cherry preparations for the winter

- When canning cherries, citric acid, lemon juice, or other sour berries are often added. Since the fruits contain little acid. However, these additives will also add aroma and piquant sourness to the workpiece.
- Sweet cherries love sugar, so they put it in a one-to-one ratio or even more.
- You can diversify the recipe by adding currant berries, walnut kernels, spices (cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, star anise, vanilla, saffron) to the preparation.
- Cherry jam and compotes are cooked with and without seeds, but with seeds they are more aromatic. In addition, it is problematic to carefully separate them from the pulp.
- To prevent pitted cherries from wrinkling during cooking, first pierce it with a pin or pour boiling water over it for 1 minute.
- For the same reason, cook in 2-3 stages, keeping the berries in hot syrup. Since during cooking in one step, the fruits often burst.
- Stir the jam with a wooden or stainless spatula when cooking, otherwise you risk spoiling the color of the workpiece.
- Be sure to collect the foam from the jam and jam, otherwise they will not be stored for a long time. Do this with a stainless steel slotted spoon.
- Cook preserves, marmalades, and confiture in an aluminum, stainless, or brass container.
- Take a container for jam no more than 7 liters. In a large container, the cherries will choke under their own weight, and the jam will turn out to be boiled.
- Pour the preserves and marmalades into small glass jars. The ideal volume is 0.5-1 liters.
- When preparing compote, so that the liquid from the jar with the berry is more convenient to drain, it can be closed with a plastic lid with holes.
- Wash glass jars with lids thoroughly and sterilize over steam or in the oven.
- Preservation lids can be boiled for 5-6 minutes.
- Before laying raw materials, the container must be dry.
- Store the jam in dry, cool and protected from light rooms at t 8-12 ° C in order to preserve useful substances for the body in the product.
- In order to detect swollen and cloudy cans in time, keep them in sight for 15 days.
See also how to prepare cherry compote with seeds for the winter.
Sweet cherry jam with seeds

The proposed recipe for sweet cherry jam for the winter is "Five Minute", because cooked in 3 doses for 5 minutes with intervals of 6-12 hours between brews. But you can cook a blank for the winter in 1 reception with a cooking duration after boiling for 30-40 minutes. But in the first case, the berries will turn out to be more juicy and retain more vitamins.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 329 kcal.
- Servings - 1.8 kg
- Cooking time - 40 minutes of active work
- Sweet cherry - 1 kg
- Lemon - 1-2 pcs.
- Sugar - 1 kg
Making cherry jam for the winter:
1. Sort out the cherries, remove the twigs, wash and dry.
2. Wash the lemon and pat dry with a paper towel. Rub the zest off it and squeeze out the juice.
3. Cover the prepared fruits with sugar, add lemon zest and juice.
4. Place the berries on a low heat and heat, stirring, until they flow. If the sugar dissolves for a long time, the jam runs the risk of sticking to the bottom and walls. Therefore, pour in 100 ml of water. But cherries are good at letting in a lot of juice, the main thing is to wait for this moment and not let it burn.
5. After boiling the fruits, cook them for 5 minutes and turn off the stove. Cover the container with a lid and leave to soak in the syrup for 6-12 hours.
6. Carry out stage 2 of cooking and bring the jam to a boil. Boil it for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and leave for 6-12 hours.
7. Repeat step 3 of cooking, bringing the jam to a boil and boiling for 5 minutes.
8. After that, immediately pour it into clean jars and close with clean lids.
9. Turn the cans over and place them on the lids. Wrap in a warm blanket and cool slowly. Store cherry jam with stone for the winter at room temperature in a dark place for 1 year.
Cherry compote

A wonderful recipe for preparing for the winter is cherry compote. It does not require long and tedious fiddling in the kitchen. You can drink it on its own, or dilute it with carbonated or mineral water. You can also make fruit jelly or jelly cake from cherry compote with seeds.
- Cherry - 500 g
- Granulated sugar - 400 g
- Citric acid - 0.5 tsp
- Purified water - 2.5 l
Cooking cherry compote for the winter:
1. Sort out and wash the cherries with cold water. Leave it to drain excess liquid.
2. Pour purified water into a saucepan and boil.
3. Fill the sterilized three-liter jars with prepared berries in half of the container.
4. When the water boils, pour it into a jar of cherries.
5. Leave the berries for 10 minutes to warm up.
6. After 10 minutes, pour the water back into the pot and put on fire.
7. Add citric acid to the water, add sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved. Boil the syrup for 2 minutes.
8. Pour the prepared syrup into jars and quickly roll up the lids.
9. Turn the container over to check the quality of the closure.
10. Leave the delicious cherry compote upside down until it cools completely.
Cherry jam

Pitted cherry jam can be spread on toast, cookies, used as a filling in pies and pies, added to tea. For the recipe, it is advisable to take dark berries, they color the blank with a solemn ruby color. But yellow fruits often add bitterness.
- Cherry - 700 g
- Sugar - 350 g
- Water - 100 ml
- Jelly-forming substance - 25 g
Making cherry jam for the winter:
1. For jam for the winter, discard berries with signs of fermentation and mold, leaving small or slightly unripe, but strong.
2. Wash the selected fruits in several waters and put them in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes. You can sprinkle a pinch of salt to pop up small insects and worms.
3. Remove the bones with a special tool or a pin.
4. Grind the cherry pulp in a meat grinder or grind with an immersion blender until smooth and smooth.
5. In the puree from cherries, pour sugar and a gelling bag, which it is advisable to choose on the basis of agar-agar or pectin with citrus or citric acid in the composition. If using regular gelatin, add citric acid (2.5 g) or lemon juice (3 tablespoons) to quench excessive sweetness and for long-term storage of the workpiece.
6. Pour water into the food, mix everything and put it on fire.
7. Remove the formed thick foam from the surface.
8. Boil for 15-30 minutes at moderate temperature, but stirring constantly. All the sugar will gradually dissolve and the liquid will thicken. Complete gelation will occur after cooling.
9. Place the cherry jam in hot sterilized containers and seal with lids.
10. Turn the jar over, place it on the lid, wrap it with a warm towel and cool. Store cooled cherry jam for the winter in a pantry or cellar, and open jars in the refrigerator.
Sweet cherry jam

Pitted sweet cherry jam is the easiest recipe for preparing for the winter. It turns out to be moderately sweet and has a delicate taste. It is delicious to eat with pancakes or use as a filling for buns. For the recipe, take cherries with red, firm and sweet flesh. Although you can use cherries of any type and color. But the most delicious and beautiful preparation will come from dark berries.
- Sweet cherry - 300 g
- Sugar - 450 g
- Citric acid - 1 g
Cooking sweet cherry jam for the winter:
1. Sort out the cherries, rinse, remove the tails and bones.
2. Place the fruit in a food processor with a metal knife attachment and chop until smooth.
3. Transfer the mass to a thick-walled saucepan, add citric acid and cook, stirring occasionally, until thick, about 10 minutes.
4. Add sugar and continue cooking, stirring for 10-15 minutes. When the dripped drop of jam on a cold saucer does not spread, the cherry jam is considered ready.
5. Pour the blank for the winter into hot sterilized jars and roll up the lids.
6. Turn the container over and place the containers on the lids, wrapping them in a blanket. After complete slow cooling, transfer the jars to the pantry or cellar, where you store the jam for 1 year.
Video recipes
Tinned cherries.

Cherry compote.

Sweet cherry dessert.