Tea bagels with jam - recipe

Tea bagels with jam - recipe
Tea bagels with jam - recipe

An excellent recipe for baking tea is bagels with plum jam. Delicious dessert for beginners from a minimum of products.

Ready-made bagels with plum jam
Ready-made bagels with plum jam

Often housewives do not want to bother with the dough, knowing that this is a laborious process, and there is a risk that something will go wrong. I propose to cook a dish that will change your outlook on baking and help even novice housewives gain confidence in their own abilities. Plum jam bagels are a dish that will be successful a hundred times out of a hundred. In addition, you will need a minimum of food and very little time to cook it.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 390.47 kcal.
  • Servings Per Container - 12
  • Cooking time - 2 hours


  • Butter - 125 g
  • Sour cream - 120 g
  • Wheat flour - 240 g
  • Jam

Bagels with jam for tea: step by step preparation with a photo

Butter, flour and sour cream in a bowl
Butter, flour and sour cream in a bowl

1. In order for the pastries to turn out to be great, you need to choose the best products - there are only three of them! Take well-chilled butter (in this recipe it can be replaced with high-quality baking margarine) and, finely chopped, combine with pre-sifted wheat flour. If you are kneading the dough by hand instead of in a food processor, chop the butter and flour well until the base is smooth and crumbly. Next, add cold sour cream. Choose 30% or homemade - the fatter the better - it will make the dough elastic and tender.

Bagel dough
Bagel dough

2. Combine all three ingredients together and knead a soft dough. We wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 60 minutes. This step is important as it will help keep the dough from blurring and form cute bagels.

Divide the dough into 4 parts
Divide the dough into 4 parts

3. After the expiration of time, divide the finished dough into 4 equal parts, and while we deal with one of them, return the rest of the dough back to the cold.

Twisting bagels
Twisting bagels

4. On a wooden board, roll out the dough into a thin circle, up to about 2 mm thick and cut it according to the principle of a birthday cake into 8 equal segments. On the base of each of the resulting triangles, put a teaspoon of jam or jam. I chose plum as it is both sweet and has a pleasant sourness, which will not make the baked goods unnecessarily cloying. Roll the bagels from the edges to the center.

Bagels with jam on a baking sheet
Bagels with jam on a baking sheet

5. Put the bagels on a baking sheet covered with parchment and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Having cooled well, bake until golden brown in the oven at a temperature of 180 ?.

Premade bagels with jam on the board
Premade bagels with jam on the board

6. Such a simple but tasty dish does not need additional decoration. It is enough to sprinkle the bagels with jam with icing sugar before serving. Now invite everyone to the table and pour tea!

Premade bagels with jam in a bowl
Premade bagels with jam in a bowl

See also video recipes:

1) How to make homemade jam bagels

2) Sand bagels with jam
