Do you have any proteins left over from cooking a dish? Then prepare protein cakes with walnuts, which can be used as an integral part of a complex cake or simply as a stand-alone dessert. Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

Treat yourself to a delicious cake with protein crust and walnuts. For example, Kiev cake and Esterhazy cake are prepared on the basis of protein cake. Of course, this is a rather laborious baking, but you can still make such a delicacy with your own hands in your kitchen. In addition, it is worth noting that a delicious and simple meringue cake is very easy to prepare: beat the whites with sugar, bake and enjoy the snow-white and crispy dessert.
Dessert is usually prepared according to the French recipe, because this is the easiest way. For Swiss meringue, sugar is dissolved in proteins in a water bath, and then whipped. In the Italian version, sugar syrup is cooked, with which the proteins are brewed while whipping. Therefore, many chefs stop at the French version. Today we will prepare it on the basis of egg whites and sugar.
Having mastered the basic meringue recipe, then you can experiment with it. For example, not so long ago it became fashionable to cook bright meringues. By experimenting with color, you can get a completely new result every time! Dyes of various shades are sold in supermarkets in pastry hotels.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 289 kcal.
- Servings - 2 cakes
- Cooking time - 1 hour 45 minutes

- Eggs - 5 pcs.
- Sugar - 150 g
- Walnuts - 100 g
Step by step preparation of protein cakes with walnuts, recipe with photo:

1. Wash eggs with running water and dry with a paper towel. Use a knife to break the shells and carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Make sure that the yolks do not get into the container with proteins, because even one small drop of them will not allow whipping the whites to the desired correct consistency. It is also important that the protein container is perfectly clean, dry and free of grease. Otherwise, proteins will not work either.
You won't need yolks for this recipe, so cover them with cling film and refrigerate.

2. Peel the walnuts. In a clean, dry skillet, fry them for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally until golden brown.

3. Finely grind the walnuts with a rolling pin or chop them with a knife. The crumb should be small, because large kernels will weigh the proteins down.

4. Begin to beat the whites with a mixer at a moderate speed.

5. When the proteins are converted into a white foam, begin to gradually add sugar, 1 spoonful.

6. Increase the mixer speed to the maximum setting and beat the whites until stable peaks and sugar dissolve. Turn the bowl of squirrels over and check that they are ready: they should not fall out of the bowl and remain motionless. If your mixer is weak and cannot completely break sugar, then use powdered sugar. You can buy it in the store or make it yourself in a sugar grinder.

7. Into the whipped egg whites, add the crushed walnuts and stir gently in one direction to prevent the whites from falling off.

8. Cover a baking sheet with parchment and lay out the protein mass, forming it in a round flat shape. The height of the crust can be from 1 cm to 2 cm. This affects the baking time. Send the protein crust with walnuts to a preheated oven to 100 degrees and cook it for 1 to 1.5 hours. When it is covered with a light caramel shade, turn off the oven, but do not take out the cake. Leave it to cool completely. So the cake can be easily removed from the parchment.
See also a video recipe on how to cook a protein cake with nuts.