Chocolate toffee sour cream

Chocolate toffee sour cream
Chocolate toffee sour cream

Toffee - sweets from our childhood during the Soviet past. Remembering this delicacy, nostalgia immediately flows. Since it is not possible to buy just such today. But you can cook delicious sweets yourself.

Ready-made sour cream chocolate toffee
Ready-made sour cream chocolate toffee

Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

Sweets, and especially sweets, are loved absolutely and at any age. From a wide variety of all kinds of sweets, there are fans of "butterscotch". Unfortunately, it is impossible to find out the real composition of the Soviet-era in-store dessert. Therefore, many housewives empirically found a recipe for sweets made on the basis of sour cream, of course, homemade. But if you do not have sour cream, and even more so homemade, then you can just as well use milk or cream.

The advantage of homemade sweets is that they are made from natural products. Therefore, you can be sure that your child will eat an exceptionally high-quality dessert. It turns out toffee, toffee. And in order to diversify this dish, you can add all kinds of additives to the composition. For example, chocolate, nuts, peanuts, coconut and more. Instead of sugar, some housewives put honey or their favorite jam. In this recipe, I used cocoa powder, from which the sweets turned out to have a chocolate flavor. The taste of butterscotch turns out to be not rich and not sugary sweet, but unobtrusive, with a light sour cream flavor.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 560 kcal.
  • Servings - 250 g
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes for boiling, plus time for hardening


  • Homemade sour cream - 250 ml
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar - 100 g

Cooking chocolate toffee from sour cream:

Sour cream is poured into a frying pan
Sour cream is poured into a frying pan

1. Pour the sour cream into a clean and dry skillet or saucepan with a thick bottom to prevent the food from burning.

Sugar added to sour cream
Sugar added to sour cream

2. Then add sugar. If you use honey, add it at the end of cooking.

Sour cream is boiled
Sour cream is boiled

3. Place the skillet on the stove and heat. Sour cream will immediately melt and acquire a liquid consistency.

Sour cream is boiled
Sour cream is boiled

4. Reduce heat to medium and simmer food, stirring continuously. Sour cream will boil and a foam with bubbles will form on the surface.

Sour cream is boiled
Sour cream is boiled

5. After 10-15 minutes, the mass will begin to acquire a light caramel shade.

Added cocoa to sour cream
Added cocoa to sour cream

6. At this point, add the cocoa powder. You can also use chocolate icing or melted chocolate. But these products should be used at the very end of cooking, because when boiled, the chocolate becomes bitter.

Chocolate mass is brewed
Chocolate mass is brewed

7. Stir the ingredients and continue to cook until thickened. But keep in mind that after hardening, it will become even thicker. The degree of boiling of food affects the consistency of the candy. If you want a softer treat, cook the food for less time, about 20 minutes. If you prefer hard candies like hard candies, it will take 35-40 minutes. The average cooking time is half an hour, then the sweets will turn out to be moderately dense and not very soft.

Chocolate mass is poured into molds
Chocolate mass is poured into molds

8. Prepare the molds. These can be silicone molds for small muffins, muffins, candies, etc. Pour the mass over them and send the treat to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to harden.

Ready sweets
Ready sweets

9. When the mixture becomes dense, remove it from the molds and serve in a tea party.

See also a video recipe on how to make homemade sour cream toffee.

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