Properties and uses of hemp oil

Properties and uses of hemp oil
Properties and uses of hemp oil

Find out what are the benefits of such a unique and valuable product as hemp oil, how to use it correctly for health and beauty. Hemp oil is gaining more and more popularity every day, as it is one of the natural, modern and valuable products. World famous nutritionists claim that this remedy is becoming simply indispensable for people who are trying to adhere to a healthy and proper diet.

Hemp oil: composition

Hemp oil in packaging
Hemp oil in packaging

Hemp oil has been used successfully for several centuries. For example, in ancient Russia it was used during cooking, but today it has been replaced by the usual sunflower.

Several decades ago, certain narcotic substances were discovered in the composition of hemp oil. That is why it was decided to carry out the complete destruction of this plant.

Modern scientists have conducted a number of studies, thanks to which it was possible to establish that 80% of hemp oil consists of fatty acids that are beneficial to human health. This is a very rare and valuable plant product, which contains vitamin D.

Natural hemp oil looks like a clear and slightly greenish liquid, which has a light and pleasant nutty aroma. This product contains valuable vitamins E, K, B6, B2, B1 and A, including a complex of minerals necessary to ensure the full functioning of the whole body.

Hemp oil has a truly unique balance of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which is 1: 3. This combination is versatile and may rarely be found in certain types of fish as well as fish oils.

Natural hemp oil is extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant using cold pressing. Due to the fact that hemp is practically not grown on an industrial scale in Russia, valuable hemp oil is imported from Great Britain, the Czech Republic or Canada.

The benefits and uses of hemp oil

Cannabis leaves
Cannabis leaves

Today hemp oil is widely used in various fields due to its valuable properties.

The healing properties of hemp oil

Hemp juice, oil, tincture and extract
Hemp juice, oil, tincture and extract

The unique composition of hemp oil and a large number of beneficial properties provide a wide range of uses for this natural product:

  1. Hematopoietic system. Hemp oil contains a large amount of iron and zinc, which are directly involved in the process of hematopoiesis. That is why this natural product is recommended for use when diagnosing a disease such as anemia.
  2. Respiratory system. This tool is useful for treating various diseases of the respiratory system - for example, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis.
  3. The cardiovascular system. The use of hemp oil helps to normalize blood cholesterol levels, an effective cleansing of the blood vessels is carried out. This product is recommended to be taken as a permanent dietary supplement for patients with hypertension, heart disease, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis. Hemp oil contains valuable trace elements and vitamins that have a positive effect on the work of the heart muscle. That is why it should be used as a prophylaxis for stroke and heart attack.
  4. Nervous system. Thanks to the regular use of this natural product in food, there is a positive effect on childhood autism, neurosis, hyperactivity of the child.
  5. Skin diseases. Hemp oil is recommended for complex therapy of various dermatitis. It can be used as an excellent wound healing agent during the treatment of abscesses, burns and difficult healing wounds.
  6. Oncological diseases. It is often used in complex therapy during the treatment of people suffering from cancer in order to reduce the negative consequences after chemotherapy. Hemp oil has a green tint due to chlorophyll, which also has anti-cancer effects.
  7. For women. Doctors recommend adding hemp oil to food regularly to improve overall well-being in premenstrual syndrome, during menopause and menopause. It is used in the complex therapy of ovarian cysts and mastopathy.
  8. Diseases of the digestive system. This natural product is simply invaluable in the presence of various diseases of the digestive system. Hemp oil has a wound healing, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect during the treatment of diseases of the intestines and stomach, biliary tract, as well as hemorrhoids. It is useful for combating constipation that has spilled over into the chronic stage.
  9. For men. This product is useful for the prevention of prostate adenoma, impotence in men. For this, it is useful to add hemp oil in small quantities to food.
  10. It is recommended to consume hemp oil and during pregnancy, thanks to which it proceeds without complications, the born baby will be completely healthy. Also, this tool helps to increase lactation in women during breastfeeding.
  11. Diseases of the spine and joints. Hemp oil contains alpha-linoleic acid, thanks to which the body absorbs calcium much better. As a result, the bones are strengthened. That is why the oil is recommended to be used during the complex therapy of osteochondrosis, arthritis and osteoporosis.

It is important to remember that hemp oil will have a stronger therapeutic effect if it is used in complex therapy with medications, which must be prescribed by a doctor after confirming the diagnosis.

Cosmetic properties of hemp seed oil

Hemp oil cream
Hemp oil cream

It has long been noticed that natural hemp oil has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. This remedy has been widely used in a variety of ancient recipes designed to strengthen weak and thin hair, as well as to effectively treat the epidermis.

Natural hemp seed oil has the following cosmetic effect;

  • aged and dry skin is perfectly moisturized;
  • the elasticity of the epidermis is maintained at the required level;
  • a pronounced rejuvenating effect appears on the skin, all small wrinkles are quickly smoothed;
  • the skin returns to its natural shade;
  • the oil is quickly absorbed by the cells of the epidermis, after which there are no greasy traces on the surface of the treated skin, due to which this product is also called "dry oil";
  • there is an accelerated restoration of the epidermis after prolonged exposure to sunlight, as well as burns of various origins.

Thanks to its positive qualities, hemp oil is widely used today in the preparation of masks and creams for facial skin care.

Natural hemp oil helps accelerate the recovery of injured and weakened hair, making curls silky, soft and smooth. At the same time, gentle care of the scalp is provided, a stimulating effect on the hair growth process occurs. That is why most nourishing hair masks contain hemp seed oil.

How to take hemp seed oil properly?

Hemp seeds and oil
Hemp seeds and oil

Natural hemp oil is a great addition to fresh salads. It can also be used to dress sauces, vegetable dishes and cereals. This oil is recommended for vegetarians, as it contains valuable Omega acids.

To strengthen the immune system and prevent various diseases, it is recommended to take hemp oil twice a day, 1 tbsp. l. You can take hemp oil in courses for several weeks, while it is recommended to simply add it to food.

In the case when this oil will be used as a supplement during the treatment of various diseases, it is useful to take it about 20 minutes before a meal 3 times during the day for 1 tbsp. l. In certain cases, the doctor will help determine the exact dosage.

Despite the fact that hemp oil has a lot of positive qualities, in some cases its use can cause serious harm to the body instead of benefit. Even small amounts of this product can provoke an exacerbation of pancreatic diseases or cause severe diarrhea.

It is not recommended to combine the use of hemp oil with blood thinners. This product is no longer contraindicated.

In some cases, only external treatment with hemp oil is carried out:

  • Hemp seed oil is recommended for use during therapeutic and prophylactic massage.
  • Treatment of burns of varying degrees. To quickly restore injured skin, it is recommended to regularly make a compress, which consists of hemp oil and egg white (all components are taken in equal amounts). The compress itself is left for exactly 2 hours.
  • Helps during the treatment of hemorrhoids. For this, a cotton swab is taken, pre-moistened in hemp seed oil and carefully inserted into the anus, left overnight.
  • During the treatment of corns, it is useful to apply this natural remedy, mixing it with honey beforehand. Then the composition is applied to the steamed corn.
  • Recommended during the treatment of erysipelas and mastitis. In this case, it is helpful to apply local compresses using warm hemp oil.
  • The product is widely used in the treatment of persistent chronic constipation. It is recommended to do enemas from this remedy, but first it must be warmed up. For this, warm oil (100 g) is taken and injected overnight directly into the rectum.

You can buy hemp oil at almost any pharmacy or specialty store. Today, an imported product from the UK or Canada is on sale, you can also find Altai hemp oil, for the manufacture of which old Russian recipes are used.

This valuable product is packaged in small dark glass containers of 250 ml, costing 500–650 rubles. The cold-pressed method is used for the production of Altai hemp oil. In terms of quality, this product is no worse than foreign and may even surpass imported counterparts.

For more information on hemp oil, see here: