Milk thistle meal - liver restoration

Milk thistle meal - liver restoration
Milk thistle meal - liver restoration

Review of a herbal product that has a positive effect on the function and health of the liver: description, useful properties, composition and method of application, results, reviews. Milk thistle meal, like any vegetable meal, is a one-component, simple vegetable product. Milk thistle, which is crushed and prepared for consumption, contains several trace elements that restore liver cells, prevent their damage and increase local immunity. For example, Silymarin, very valuable for the health of this organ, resists the multiplication of viruses by protecting liver cells. It is easy to use this natural medicinal and prophylactic agent, because the manufacturer packaged the meal in tea bags, it remains only to brew it and drink it as a pleasant drink. The product has the necessary quality certificates and has been tested.

Milk thistle cost and where to buy quality goods

Milk thistle seed meal can be purchased at specialty health food stores or pharmacies. As a rule, the first option is preferable, as health food stores sell quality products. Also, the original product can be ordered in the official online store with home delivery.

Buy Milk Thistle Meal
Buy Milk Thistle Meal

The price of one pack of milk thistle meal (100 g):

  • in Russia - 499 rubles.
  • in Ukraine - 249 UAH.
  • in Kazakhstan - 2690 tenge
  • in Belarus - 119,000 Belarusian rubles.

Milk thistle meal properties

Milk thistle meal
Milk thistle meal

Anyone knows how the liver is useful for the body, and protects this hematopoietic and cleansing organ, because without the liver, the human body dies. Before starting the fight against ailments, you should know what damages the liver, and try to avoid:

  • the use of fatty and spicy foods, alcohol, as well as adhere to extreme diets;
  • infections, viruses, as well as medicines;
  • sedentary lifestyle and bad habits;
  • polluted water and, globally, the environment.

Any disease "betrays" itself with unpleasant symptoms. In the case of liver disease, you feel:

  • discomfort and pain in the right side;
  • you swell and even the skin changes its color to jaundiced or grayish;
  • metabolism is disturbed;
  • sweating increases;
  • your head hurts more and more and you get tired quickly.

Some symptoms indicate temporary problems and a vital organ can be healed with a diet, clean water and tablets that promote proper digestion. But others are about a serious viral illness that can lead to fatal results. A doctor can determine this, but in order to stop or prevent the destruction of the liver, doctors advise drinking decoctions from plants. For example, milk thistle is used for the prevention and treatment of the liver.

Meal is a finely ground product. It is prepared from milk thistle by grinding this plant. The meal is made so that the plant can give the most useful substances. Unlike harvests, in which several plants are collected, one-component meal acts on one organ, but quickly and efficiently. Herbal remedies are harmless to other organs and do not deposit toxins (like chemically-based medicines).

Milk thistle only helps the liver:

  • cleans from harmful toxins and other toxic substances;
  • reduces intoxication in the body during medication treatment;
  • improves the transport function of the liver and its local immunity;
  • restores damaged liver cells - hepatocytes (building material);
  • promotes the outflow of bile, normalizes its composition;
  • optimizes the metabolism of lipids and proteins.

Milk thistle meal can always be with you: at work on the road, on vacation. It is packaged in special tea bags, so it is no more difficult to prepare it than regular tea. A packet of milk thistle meal is dipped into a cup of boiling water and a pleasant, aromatic, healthy drink is ready.

Milk thistle nutrients or meal composition

Flowering milk thistle
Flowering milk thistle

Our ancestors were treated mainly with herbs, which means that their beneficial properties are known. In order to establish exactly what milk thistle is useful for, what constituents make it healing for the liver, in the German city of Munich on the basis of the university, in 1986 they conducted thorough research. And here are the final conclusions they came to: Milk thistle meal contains a lot of trace elements, and among them:

  1. Iron (Fe), supports hemoglobin in the blood, participates in hematopoietic processes, supports the protective functions of the body and the liver in particular.
  2. Zinc, contained in all tissues of the human body, is necessary for the rapid healing of wounds and tissue regeneration.
  3. Milk thistle contains fatty amino acids … It is a building material for any fabric. Amino acids nourish the mucous membranes of any organ. They have anti-inflammatory effects and help eliminate toxins.
  4. Silymarin. An antioxidant not found in all plants. Milk thistle meal contains a lot of it, but it is useful in large quantities, because blocks the spread of viruses and infections.
  5. B vitamins … They are also a building and nutritional material for liver cells.

Milk thistle plant contains several other trace elements, for example, iodine, manganese, copper, cobalt, boron, vanadium, but in small quantities.

Method of using meal

Dried milk thistle leaves
Dried milk thistle leaves

The manufacturers of this valuable product not only packaged milk thistle meal in sachets, but also correctly arranged the sachets according to courses. Each course corresponds to a specific treatment or prevention. So, for example, course No. 1 for the prevention and maintenance of the liver in a healthy state is designed for 14 days. During this time, you can cleanse the liver of accumulated toxins.

  • Course # 1 contains 14 teabags of milk thistle meal, designed for 1 sachet per day.
  • Course number 2 contains 28 medicinal sachets with milk thistle. This course is enough to establish the protective and transport function of the hematopoietic organ. It is necessary to take it for those who suffer from primary biliary cirrhosis and liver failure. Enough to brew and drink 1 sachet per day.
  • Course number 3 is designed for a course of 90 days. The instructions for the use of milk thistle meal indicate that those who already suffer from cirrhosis of the liver drink it on drink. It is also taken once a day, and in the 3 months that the patient uses these sachets with milk thistle, hepatocytes are restored, the secretion and composition of bile are normalized.

From the recommendations of those who leave reviews about the Milk Thistle meal, you can learn about the ways to use the drink from this medicinal plant. For example, having brewed the meal, you can drink it while eating, or you can drink it in one gulp and wash it down with 100 ml (about half a glass) of warm water. It will be useful in the same way.

The results of using the meal

Milk thistle seed oil, stems and flowers
Milk thistle seed oil, stems and flowers

With regular use of milk thistle meal at the time recommended by the manufacturer and (or) the attending physician, you can alleviate or completely save yourself from:

  • cirrhosis of the liver (including biliary primary);
  • liver failure;
  • infectious or viral damage to the liver tissues (including tuberculous, syphilitic);
  • alcoholic and drug steatohepatosis.


The girl drinks a drink from milk thistle meal
The girl drinks a drink from milk thistle meal

Among the numerous reviews about herbal preparations and methods of treatment, there are reviews about Milk Thistle meal. Even more than half of the reviews are positive, which include advice on using a particular course. Negative reviews about the meal are written by people who missed / forgot to drink milk thistle drink on a regular basis, so their result was not more effective and sustainable.

Elvira Sergeevna, 52 years old

After a long course of treatment with various medications, including antibiotics, I cured one disease and got another. Constant pain in the right hypochondrium and headache made me turn to doctors again. To calm the liver, I began to follow a strict diet and brew milk thistle meal. Quite quickly, I felt relief without the treatment of chemicals prescribed by the doctor. 2 months have passed, and I still drink a glass of milk thistle infusion at lunch.

Vasily, 35 years old

In our family, everyone takes care of their health and leads an appropriate lifestyle. That I had problems with the liver, I learned after the medical examination, and remembered how at times I was plagued by heartburn and a bitter taste in my mouth. To restore the organ, I was recommended milk thistle meal (drink like tea once a day). At first I drank it, but then I liked to pour it into salads and soups. The taste is specific, but the intestines began to work like a clock, I even dropped a couple of kilos, and the unpleasant symptoms of poor gallbladder function disappeared.

Olga, 27 years old

They found a stone in my gallbladder and suggested trying to reduce its size by means of cholagogues, among them the Milk thistle meal was recommended. I brewed a bag of herb like tea, and there was always a nasty taste in my mouth. I began to sprinkle them on vegetable dishes, chew, and in this way I lasted 3 weeks. During this time, ultrasound did not reveal any changes in the gallbladder. True, there were no severe pains in the right side during this period either.
