Can't collect your thoughts? Does your child have learning problems? Review your diet and eat foods that improve memory. Many are skeptical about nutritional advice from nutritionists. However, sometimes you have to make an effort to feel better. Although a special diet here, in fact, you do not need to adhere to any. Just enter healthy foods for the brain into the menu, and then degradation will bypass the side! Doctors have compiled the necessary list of foods that can improve memory and overcome stress.
Product # 1: Walnuts

Walnuts are rich in vitamins, protein, fatty (omega-3) and folic acids. They increase serotonin levels. It is a substance that helps fight depression. In addition, nuts are perhaps the most important vitamin for the brain - E. Multiple studies have shown that vitamin E prevents memory impairment (including age-related) and the destruction of brain cells. 5 young walnuts and the RDA is met. The only negative is calorie content, so you shouldn't get carried away with the product.
Product # 2: Fish

The most healthy varieties of seafood, high in polyunsaturated fatty acids. These types include: salmon, herring, mackerel, catfish, capelin, tuna. Due to its high omega-3 content, fish is an essential food for the nutrition of brain cells and the supply of oxygen to them. Nerve fibers transmit information between brain cells, as a result of which we absorb it faster and remember it longer.
Also in fish (especially sea fish) there is a lot of iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc - essential components for mental abilities and proper brain development. Scientifically proven - eating 100 g of fatty fish per day will improve memory and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease (sclerosis, dementia).
Product # 3: Eggs

Eggs are a source of quality protein. In addition, they are high in good fats, vitamins and choline, which help to focus and improve the ability of neurons to transmit nerve impulses between cells. However, it is impossible to abuse this product, it is enough to eat 1-2 eggs a day.
Product # 4: Blueberries and blueberries

The berries are obscenely high in antioxidants, polyphenols, and anti-inflammatory. Their chemical composition normalizes blood pressure, makes vascular walls elastic, improves coordination, vision and brain function. In addition, berries contain a lot of vitamin C, PP, B1, B6, potassium, calcium, magnesium. Also, these products have a low glycemic index, which makes them suitable for those who monitor blood glucose levels. By consuming them, you can prevent age-related brain diseases. In the summer season, eat fresh berries, and twist the blanks for the winter.
Product # 5: Apples

The most affordable product, and all the year round - apples. The benefits of fruits for the walls of blood vessels are great. They strengthen and improve the elasticity of the cerebral vessels and prevent their blockage. Consuming them regularly reduces the risk of strokes and cerebral hemorrhages.
Product # 6: Cocoa

Cocoa beans contain the antioxidant flavanol, which improves blood circulation in the brain and protects it from oxidative processes leading to sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. In addition, anandamide is found in sweet hot chocolate. It is a substance that helps to generate a sense of life satisfaction, as well as dopamine and the hormone "joy", which are responsible for a good mood.
Product # 7: Green tea

Many people drink coffee, recklessly believing that it has an awakening property. Of course, the drink enhances concentration and stimulates the brain, but only for a short period of time, which is immediately followed by a decline. And in order not to overdo it with coffee, there is a great alternative - green tea.
This drink contains less caffeine and is mild to health benefits. In addition, green tea removes the effects of alcohol, rehabilitating liver damage, so it was classified as an ideal hangover cure.
Product # 8: Garlic

This spice contains useful substances that activate the brain. Consuming garlic systematically, age-related changes in mental activity will be less pronounced. Two slices of vegetable are enough a day and normal brain function will be provided.
Product # 9: Green vegetables and greens

Separately, we note lettuce, broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. In addition to useful acids and a vitamin complex, they contain high-capacity iron, folic acid, vitamins E, C and K. In addition, there is a carotenoid, the lack of which leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes in the brain, as a result, memory and concentration deteriorate.
Product # 10: Olive oil

The product, of course, is not cheap, especially virgin oil. However, the cost of drugs in pharmacies is also far from acceptable. Therefore, you do not need to save on health, but use olive oil as a salad dressing. It will help to avoid age-related intellectual disabilities and normalize high cholesterol.
Summing up, we note that our brain is the most complex tool that we use every day. For its full work, proper nutrition is necessary. Do not cheer him up with coffee and chocolates, solve the problem with the help of healthy products. Organize the right food, and you will always be in a good mood, with bright thoughts, optimism and a cheerful spirit.
Find out which foods help brain function in this video: