How to improve complexion at home?

How to improve complexion at home?
How to improve complexion at home?

The main causes of deterioration in complexion. How to improve skin tone with masks, vitamins and other products?

A deterioration in complexion is the appearance of an unhealthy skin tone, which is a consequence of age-related changes and the state of health of the human body. Many women do not pay attention to this at all and try to mask all the imperfections that appear with the help of cosmetics. However, such actions are incorrect and will not completely solve the problem. Let's find out what to do in such a situation and how to improve the complexion at home.

Causes of deterioration in complexion

Deterioration of complexion
Deterioration of complexion

In the photo, deterioration of complexion

Before you start looking for funds or buying expensive cosmetics and wondering how to improve your complexion at home, you need to try to establish as accurately as possible the reasons that led to such a result.

Of course, you need to start dealing with the problem immediately, but many women do everything wrong. As a result, you have to mask the accumulated results every morning after leading an improper lifestyle and skin care. It will be much easier to simply use a foundation or powder, with which the complexion quickly regains freshness and the skin becomes more attractive. But the use of cosmetics can only make the situation worse.

In cosmetology, the term “unhealthy complexion” includes dull skin, tired look, gray skin, spots, unevenness, lethargy and redness.

First of all, it is required to establish as accurately as possible the reason why the skin becomes dull and rapidly loses its attractiveness. The most common are:

  • The presence of a genetic predisposition. If you cannot establish the cause, it is worth taking a closer look at the skin of the parents. For example, if mom or grandmother has pale and thin skin, everything becomes clear. In this case, nothing needs to be done. It will be quite enough to resort to a healthy diet and not forget about the need for proper and regular care.
  • Diseases of the heart, stomach, pancreas, liver, kidneys or blood vessels.
  • Acute lack of valuable nutrients in the body. First of all, these are proteins, iron, etc.
  • The presence of cancer.
  • Constant overstrain, frequent stressful situations, emotional instability, diseases associated with the state and work of the nervous system.
  • The presence of infectious skin diseases.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Medicinal, food or other types of poisoning (for example, chemicals).
  • Improper nutrition - a lack of vitamins in the diet, can occur during fasting or strict diets. There may also be an overabundance of fast carbohydrates and fats in the diet, which leads to a deterioration in complexion.
  • Abuse of sugary carbonated drinks, store juices, drinking a lot of coffee and tea.
  • Oxygen starvation and prolonged stay indoors (if there is no supply of fresh air) leads to a deterioration in complexion.
  • The presence of bad habits - alcohol abuse, smoking. All this negatively affects the condition and appearance of the skin.
  • Uncontrolled and prolonged use of medications (these include antibiotics, diuretics, hormones).
  • Severe fatigue, insufficient rest, a violation of the correct sleep pattern, too much physical exertion.
  • Prolonged stay in one position, constant work in front of a computer or watching TV - all this negatively affects the condition and beauty of the skin.
  • Age-related changes - a change in the hormonal background begins after 45 years, a slowdown in metabolic processes in the body begins. All these changes negatively affect the condition and beauty of the skin.
  • Too frequent visits to the solarium, stay on the beach in direct sunlight without applying a protective cream to the skin.
  • Use of substandard or unsuitable cosmetics, improper skin care.

Low or too high air temperature, bad weather conditions, lack of vitamin D and dry air can adversely affect the skin condition.
