Foods containing calcium. The benefits of the macronutrient for human health, the harm and symptoms of hypercalcemia. Recommended daily intake. To avoid hypercalcemia with normal calcium levels in the body, you should know which foods contain calcium and partially reduce their intake.
TOP 11 foods high in calcium

You can replenish the reserves of Calcium in the body with the help of medications or just by eating right. To get the optimal amount of this macronutrient and not cause its excess, it is enough to use the calcium in foods table, which describes the content of the substance in 100 g.

Let's move on to the list of the most popular and healthy foods that contain large amounts of calcium:
- Hard cheese … All dairy products are known to be very high in Ca. But the content of this macroelement in them is different, so some may be more useful than others. So, the most attractive in terms of replenishing Calcium reserves is hard cheese of the Parmesan variety, because it contains about 1200 mg of Ca per 100 g. The varieties "Gollandsky", "Poshekhonsky" and "Cheddar" supply the body with 1000 mg of the useful substance, and other types - less than 1000 mg.
- Milk … The highest calcium content in non-fat milk powder is 1155 mg. Dry 15% provides replenishment of 922 mg of the substance. It is also useful to use condensed, which contains about 317 mg of Ca. The lowest concentration is observed in fresh product (goat - 134 mg, cow - 126 mg).
- Soy … An excellent option for vegetarians and those who have been diagnosed with lactose intolerance. Soybeans are very rich in protein, so all foods that are made from it, such as soy milk and tofu, saturate the body well and strengthen bones. 100 g of soy milk contains 60 mg of Calcium, and together with 100 g of tofu, 350 mg of the macronutrient is already supplied to the body.
- Almond … Almonds are considered a valuable product that can not only restore the balance of substances, but also protect a person from the development of osteoporosis. It is incredibly rich in calcium - there are 273 mg of Ca per 100 g of nuts. At the same time, magnesium is also included, so the value of this product for the cardiovascular system increases.
- Poppy … It boasts a high calcium concentration of 1667 mg. In addition, proteins and oils enter the body. In the aggregate, the beneficial effect is manifested in the normalization of digestion, elimination of pain, relieving fatigue and getting rid of insomnia.
- Sesame … It is also rich in this macronutrient - 1474 mg. This is a fairly high-calorie product that will replenish energy reserves, provide a quick set of muscle mass, and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and obesity. But during heat treatment, sesame loses most of its beneficial properties, so it must be consumed raw.
- Fig … A very useful fruit for metabolism, the immune system, blood health and the cardiovascular system in general. Every 100 g of figs provides 144 mg of Calcium.
- Greens … The highest concentration of calcium is found in parsley (245 mg) and dill (223 mg). It is not only a delicious spice, but also a useful addition to dishes.
- Milk chocolate … Even some confectionery products can not only increase glucose levels, but also restore the calcium content. So, natural milk chocolate contains 352 mg of this macronutrient.
- Sardines … This fish strengthens bones, because contains more than 50 mg of calcium. In addition, she is credited with preventing cancer, lowering cholesterol levels, and relieving inflammation.
- White beans … Easily replenish the stock of the element, because its content is 200 mg, while the composition includes magnesium (126 mg), coarse fibers. In this regard, the benefits of white beans are multiplied. Useful properties include the normalization of the nervous system, digestive tract, heart and blood vessels, and the elimination of harmful substances.
Daily Calcium Requirement

The most in need of additional Ca consumption are 4 groups. These are men and women over 65 years old, postmenopausal women, pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as all people aged 11 to 24 years. The maximum daily requirement is 1500 mg.
Children aged 6 to 10 years should consume 800 to 1200 mg of calcium.
1000 mg per day is a sufficient norm for postmenopausal women, provided that they receive additional estrogen, as well as for the fair sex aged 25 to 50 years and men 25-65 years old.
It is not recommended to exceed the daily dosage of 400 mg for newborns and children under 6 months of age. Boys and girls between the ages of 1 and 5 should receive 600 mg per day.
Calcium in food fully fulfills all its functions in the body, so it is vitally important to include healthy plant foods, dairy products and other foods containing Calcium in the daily diet, in accordance with the recommendations of specialists.
Watch the video about calcium-rich foods:

Even with sufficient intake, this macronutrient is not always fully absorbed. Its intake into the body will be maximum in the presence of vitamin D. Calcium leaching occurs with the use of proteins, caffeine and salt.