Find out what role zinc plays in a man's body and why athletes actively include this nutrient in their diet. Testosterone in the male body performs a huge number of functions. It should also be recalled that this hormone is also found in small concentrations in the female body. Since testosterone has a strong anabolic effect and affects muscle growth, athletes should try to increase the concentration of this hormone. Today we will tell you how zinc is used in sports to raise testosterone.
Why is testosterone so important?

Testosterone produces not only anabolic but also androgenic effects in the body. The anabolic properties of the hormone are manifested in somatic tissues and are aimed at increasing the rate of production of protein compounds. As a result, the cross-sections of the fibers increase, as well as the power parameters.
The androgenic effect is expressed in the formation of secondary sexual characteristics of a man. Androgenic properties are most actively manifested in adolescents when the formation of a male figure occurs. Outwardly, this is expressed in a change in the voice and the proportion of the genitals.
In adulthood, the male hormone allows you to maintain and improve physical fitness, and also regulates a man's sexual activity. If the concentration of testosterone in a man's body falls below the minimum permissible value, then various disturbances in the functioning of the body are possible:
- Decreased sex drive.
- Muscle mass is lost.
- Adipose tissue accumulates in accordance with the female body type.
- Sperm activity decreases.
- The work of erectile function is impaired.
- Memory deteriorates and attention decreases.
Athletes try to increase the concentration of the male hormone by all available means. Very often they have recently used zinc in sports to raise testosterone.
The importance of zinc for the male body

Back in the middle of the last century, scientists found out that zinc is extremely important for the normal functioning of the reproductive organs. This mineral is part of various enzymes that are actively involved in metabolism. At the same time, scientists have discovered that the substance also has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive, nervous and immune systems.
This micronutrient is found in the liver, hair, nails, skin, and the prostate gland in men. Thus, zinc in sports for raising testosterone can be very effective. It is well established that with a deficiency of this mineral in the body of men from 25 to 27 years old, the concentration of testosterone is reduced by half.
When using preparations containing zinc in sports to raise testosterone, this problem was eliminated in a short time. There is no doubt that zinc is essential for maintaining the normal concentration of the male hormone. But to explain all the processes taking place in this situation is already quite difficult.
Nevertheless, we will try to make it as short and understandable as possible. Zinc acts as a kind of catalyst for the synthesis of the male hormone from androstenedione, and also prevents aromatization (the process of converting testosterone into female hormones).
However, the importance of zinc in sports for raising testosterone, the features of this mineral are not limited to. Zinc is essential for the process of cell division and is also used by the body to produce semen. With a deficiency of the substance, the quality of sperm drops sharply and this can even lead to infertility.
Among the main reasons for the decrease in the concentration of zinc in the body, we note three main ones:
- Incorrect diet - throughout the day you need to consume from 10 to 20 milligrams of zinc.
- Slow absorption - in case of disturbances in the work of the digestive system, the trace element is poorly absorbed.
- Mineral loss associated with chronic disease.
Zinc deficiency symptoms

Of course, only special analyzes can give an exact answer to the question of the concentration of a mineral. However, symptoms of zinc deficiency can also appear externally:
- Separation of nail plates and their increased fragility.
- Long-term healing of wounds on the skin.
- Decrease in the quality of the skin.
- The appearance of acne on the face.
- Memory impairment and decreased concentration.
- Problems with erectile function.
If you notice these symptoms in yourself, then you should check the concentration of zinc in your body.
Main sources of zinc

We have already noted that very often the problem with the concentration of zinc is associated with an incorrectly formulated diet. Even athletes are often guilty of this, and this primarily applies to fitness enthusiasts. Most often, athletes pay a lot of attention to carbohydrates and protein compounds, but they do not attach much importance to micronutrients. However, you yourself can see for yourself using the example of zinc that this should not be allowed. The body needs a variety of nutrients, not just protein compounds.
As noted, the daily zinc requirement for an adult male is about 20 milligrams. Given the current food situation, it is not always possible to satisfy the body in terms of zinc supply. The maximum amount of a trace element is found in oysters, which have been considered a strong aphrodisiac for more than one century. Zinc is also contained in other types of seafood and the mineral from these food products is absorbed by the body at the maximum speed and in full. Thus, before you start using zinc in sports to raise testosterone, you should reconsider your diet.
The next in terms of zinc content are sunflower and pumpkin seeds, bran, and peanuts. But the microelement from these products is absorbed much worse in comparison with seafood. In many ways, the consumption of food only of plant nature is the main reason for the drop in testosterone levels in vegetarians.
In addition to the above products, zinc is found in mushrooms, beef liver and butter. Moreover, one kilo of these products accounts for about 140 milligrams of zinc. Fish contains a slightly smaller amount of this micronutrient, namely from 35 to 85 milligrams per kilo.
Even less is this figure in rabbit meat, legumes, tea, squid, egg yolk - about 50 milligrams per kilo. Least of all zinc is found in milk, fruits and vegetables. Among other things, these products contain special acids that dramatically slow down the rate and quality of zinc assimilation.
Of course, you do not need to use a calculator to calculate the exact amount of zinc that can be obtained from food. The optimal solution is to use supplements containing zinc in sports to raise testosterone. At the same time, there is no need to increase the dosage recommended by the manufacturers of additives, since this mineral becomes toxic in high concentrations.
How to increase the concentration of zinc?

Even having organized the right diet, you cannot be completely insured against a decrease in the concentration of zinc in the body. According to available information, one in three men has a deficiency of this micronutrient, which negatively affects overall well-being. Since the substance is extremely important for the production of the male hormone, it is possible to recommend all men to use supplements containing zinc in sports to raise testosterone.
If the athlete is deficient in the mineral, then the concentration of testosterone will invariably decrease. As a result, the indicators of strength and endurance will decrease, and it will also be extremely difficult to gain muscle mass. As soon as scientists proved the relationship between testosterone and zinc levels in the body, all professional athletes began to use special supplements.
Scientists have conducted a large number of studies that have shown that using three milligrams of zinc daily in sports to raise testosterone, you can achieve excellent results, you can achieve excellent results, you can achieve excellent results. It is important to say that these experiments were attended by young athletes who regularly train. This is worth paying attention to, as results from ordinary men and athletes can produce different results. First of all, the presence or absence of physical activity affects the dosage of supplements.
We also note that during the studies, athletes consumed quite high dosages throughout the day, reaching 0.3 grams. At the same time, in the amount of 0.15 grams, zinc becomes toxic. Therefore, we recommend using additives in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Nowadays, zinc is very often used in sports to raise testosterone together with magnesium, which is scientifically justified. Magnesium is actively used in many biochemical reactions and is no less important for athletes in comparison with zinc. For example, magnesium deficiency leads to an increased supply of sodium and calcium to the muscle tissue, which significantly reduces muscle contractility. Moreover, it can lead to seizures.
Among athletes, a supplement is now very popular, which includes magnesium, vitamin B6, and zinc. As a result, this product produces a complex effect on the body and is significantly more useful than the use of zinc alone in sports to raise testosterone.
For more information on the role of zinc in the athlete's body and its effect on testosterone levels, see here:
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