The main principles of raising children without punishment. Why is it so important to adhere to such a strategy and what methods can be used to replace this impact. Variants of modern measures of suppression and encouragement of children's actions in the family.
Tips for parenting without punishment

Many parents, despite their efforts, fail to learn to root out punishment in their daily lives. Difficulties arise more and more often, and the nerves are enough for a very short period of time. So that this still does not happen, you need to completely change your attitude to education without shouting and punishing. It is best to do this from a very early age, so that later you can only adjust your methods. It often happens that the child's relatives understand all of the above points and pay enough attention to him, but still they fail to learn how to raise without punishment. This happens because children need a special approach. In the modern world, there are very difficult kids and adolescents who do not so easily make contact. This leads to confusion and frustration for parents. Despite the fact that they seem to be doing everything right, the child continues to be uncontrollable and harmful. In order to prevent this from happening, you must adhere to the following tips:
- Constant conversations … You should not perceive your child as a small, unreasonable person. Even the tiniest kids need parental conversations and explanations. It is necessary to try to ask their opinion on certain situations, to analyze the model of behavior and options for possible consequences. It is also important that the child himself understands the harmfulness of this or that act. Only in this case, he really will not do this in the future.
- Parents as an example … You need to tell the baby about your desires, interests and explain that it is not always possible to do what you want. In this case, he will take an example from those close to him and think that if they do not do this, then he should not. Relatives often complain that the child does not want to eat porridge or any other product. In this case, it is worth joining this procedure, eating a couple of spoons with him so that he feels support.
- Reasonable prohibitions … Very often, adults try to limit the child in what is extremely necessary for him. For example, asking them to sit still for half an hour is utter stupidity on their part. For some reason, there are a lot of such cases. Children need walks and active pastime. This must be understood and encouraged, not punished. If this is still very important for mom, then you can always ask to do it as a game or some kind of special secret assignment. This option will appeal to the child and will allow you to do your business calmly.
- Interest … Any activity becomes more enjoyable if you embellish it a little. It is very important not to be lazy to do this for children. Their fantasy is much better developed than adults. Therefore, it is worth giving only a small impetus for its flight - and there will be no problems with the usual occupation. For example, in order not to remind you to brush your teeth every time, you can set a comic melody on your phone. The child will listen to her, sing along and will not forget to make this need.
- Security … Moms and dads, as well as educators, often wonder how to protect a child from harmful influences. Children are often ordered not to go near the fire, not to take matches, which draws their attention even more. In the end, bad things do happen, and their child is blamed for this. To prevent this from happening, it is best to remove all kinds of threat options. If they are not there, then the children will not be able to get into such alterations. But relatives should worry about this, and not blame the child.
- Joint search for a solution … Children do not always know how to act correctly in a given situation. In some cases, they can do something out of ignorance. The correct decision would be to help him with this, and not to scold him. Often, children take other people's toys without asking, without thinking to return. In such a situation, it is necessary to explain to the child whose thing it is and how much the owner will be upset if it is not given back. Even kids know how to sympathize and worry, they will certainly make the right decision without unnecessary persuasion and tears.
- Having freedom … You cannot put a small child in a certain framework of behavior or anything else. Many mothers do not allow their children to eat on their own so that they do not get dirty, run, so as not to fall and break their knees. This is very wrong. One way or another, he will have to do it himself sooner or later. Otherwise, this skill will not be harnessed and applied in the future. Children should be allowed to express themselves, because the more freedom they have, the more responsibility they will take on. This means that they will be more judicious in their subsequent actions and deeds.
- Independence … With increasing age, the child becomes more adult, respectively, can perform more duties. In many families, young children are considered incapable of caring for even themselves. They are deprived of the opportunity to pour water into a mug for fear of breaking it. If this happens, then the child is asked to go away. All this is only in order not to harm even more. These situations need to be changed. It is necessary to ask the child to clean up after himself if an oversight does happen. Such a maneuver will instill in him more responsibility and a sense of self-importance in the house.
- Time to think … Modern psychologists claim that even the youngest children are able to analyze what they have done. Therefore, as a kind of punishment for a misconduct, you can ask them to go to their room and think about it. It is important to give them the amount of time they need, but no more than the child's age. Do not shout or scold him at the same time. The tone of voice should be normal, but serious and clear. Then it is worth asking him what conclusion he came to and whether he will repeat his action again.
- Termination … If mom or dad sees an act that is unacceptable, you need to immediately stop this process. You should not wait until the child himself realizes that this is bad, or something irreparable will happen. It is necessary to calmly, but quite seriously forbid him to overcome in the same spirit, motivating it with some intelligible reason. It is also worth saying that such actions should not be present in this house and family in general.
- Using promotion … In order to somehow draw the child's attention to what is good, you need to praise him for it. For example, in the morning to give candy after eaten breakfast in the form of porridge. This attitude will motivate children to do more correct actions. It also helps prevent a bad deed that will not do them any good.
How to raise children without punishment - watch the video:

Many modern parents would like to know the intricacies of upbringing without punishment. Such a problem destroys not only good relationships in the family, but also the future of children brought up in it. It is necessary to clearly understand that such measures do not bring anything good, but only promise the presence of even more negative consequences. In order to change and prevent this, you need to reconsider your attitude to what is happening. It is also important to change communication with children, to give them more freedom and independence, to perceive them as an already fully established personality.