Find out how, without the use of steroids and other drugs, to significantly increase the natural production of testosterone in order to actively gain muscle mass. In the classical sense, male beauty is personified by pumped up muscles, good potency and a violent temperament. All these sexual characteristics, as well as the health of a man, are largely determined by testosterone. However, in modern conditions, many men often experience a decrease in the level of this hormone, which leads to a number of problems. Today we will tell you how to increase testosterone in men naturally.
Testosterone - what is it?

Testosterone is a hormone synthesized in the body from cholesterol. It should be remembered that the initial form of testosterone is inactive, as it is bound by a protein compound - globulin. This substance is a transport for testosterone and in this form, the male hormone is carried through the blood.
When bound, testosterone is unable to interact with androgen receptors. To do this, he needs to be converted to dihydrotestosterone, which can only happen under the influence of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. Testosterone has a strong effect on the male body. It is this hormone that determines the development of the gonads in the male body, sexual desire, spermatogenesis and general well-being.
Testosterone also protects almost all body systems from various diseases. The hormone is synthesized by the testicles and the adrenal cortex. We also note that testosterone is also found in a small concentration in the female body.
Why increase the concentration of testosterone in the body?

Now we will tell you how the lack of testosterone affects the male body, and you will understand for yourself why it is necessary to increase the concentration of this hormone:
- Decreased sex drive.
- Muscle mass decreases and physical parameters fall.
- There are no secondary sexual characteristics.
- The general tone decreases and the state of health worsens.
- Feelings of fatigue appear and depression develops.
- Decreased brain activity, which leads to impaired memory, concentration and mental decline.
- The rate of metabolic processes sharply decreases, which leads to a set of fat mass.
This is what happens in the male body when the concentration of the hormone decreases. Let's find out how to boost testosterone in men naturally.
Boost testosterone in men naturally

Normalization of sleep patterns

The main release of sex hormones in the body is observed in the phase of deep sleep. So, if you need to increase your testosterone concentration, you should get a good night's sleep first. Otherwise, even knowing how to increase testosterone in men naturally, your attempts to achieve a positive result will be nullified. Doctors recommend getting a minimum of eight hours of sleep a day. However, the best test in this case is how you feel. If you woke up vigorous, then the body is well rested. The ideal option is to wake up without the aid of an alarm clock and be in a good mood.
Proper nutrition

Eating well is just as important as sleeping. The hormonal system is a complex mechanism. The situation is similar with the production of hormones. In order for these substances to be synthesized in the required volume, the body must be provided with all the nutrients. Let's find out what substances must be present in your diet.
Let's start with the minerals, zinc is the main mineral for the production of the male hormone. One of the main tasks is to ensure the supply of this mineral to the body in full. The main sources of zinc are seafood, nuts, fish, and pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Vitamins are also involved in the production of the male hormone. By and large, all these substances are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. However, in relation to testosterone, you should pay attention to the following vitamins:
- E is a strong antioxidant that increases the activity of insulin and thus the blood glucose level decreases faster.
- C - Another antioxidant that can also suppress the production of cortisol.
- D - the main task of the substance is to improve the absorption of calcium, and vitamin D also helps to convert estrogens into inactive forms.
- Omega fats - are involved in the synthesis of testosterone.
- B vitamins - help to increase the rate of sex hormones, including testosterone.
Essential nutrients are also of great importance in increasing the concentration of the male hormone. Since fats are a source of cholesterol, these substances must be present in your diet. Also remember that you need to consume at least two liters of water throughout the day.
Your diet should be as balanced as possible. If you want to achieve effective work of the endocrine system, then you should stop drinking carbonated drinks, fatty foods and limit the intake of simple carbohydrates.
Optimizing body weight

If you are overweight, the rate of testosterone production slows down. This has been proven in numerous studies. This fact is due to the fact that the processes of converting testosterone into estrogens take place in adipose tissues. With a high concentration of one of them, the level of the second decreases. Thus, if you want to have normal testosterone levels, then you need to reduce the concentration of estrogen.
Exercise stress

Exercise helps to speed up the production of testosterone. The main distinguishing feature of a man from a woman is great strength. If you organize your weight training properly, you can increase the concentration of the male hormone. However, here it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the results of classes in the hall will turn out to be exactly the opposite.
Here are some guidelines for creating a training program that will be useful for those men who want to know how to increase testosterone in men naturally:
- The maximum duration of each session should not exceed 60 minutes, including warm-up / cool-down time.
- During the week, it is enough to conduct two or a maximum of three sessions.
- Focus on large muscle groups and use basic exercises.
- Select the weight of the weights so that the maximum number of repetitions in the set is from 10 to 12.
If you use these tips when drawing up a training program, then you will ensure yourself a high concentration of the male hormone. The effectiveness of these recommendations has been confirmed not only in the course of research, but also in practice. For example, the duration of the main part of the lesson is limited to 45-50 minutes for the reason that after that the body begins to actively synthesize cortisol, and the rate of testosterone production decreases.
Also, you should not pay all attention in the classroom to working on small muscle groups, say, biceps. The more muscles are involved, the more testosterone is produced.
Bad habits

Alcohol increases the rate at which testosterone is converted to estrogen. In addition, everyone knows that alcohol harms all body systems. Note that the strength of the drink you are using is not of fundamental importance. For example, beer contains substances whose structure is in many ways similar to female hormones. When consumed in large quantities, testosterone production can slow down dramatically. The only exception is red wine. This drink slows down the aromatization process and thus helps to maintain high testosterone levels.
Here are the main ways to increase the concentration of the male hormone. They will definitely be useful for those who want to know how to naturally increase testosterone in men. In addition, it is necessary to maintain moderate sexual activity. Even simple communication with women can increase the concentration of testosterone.
Learn the three most important factors for increasing testosterone in men from this video: