The effect of an innovative boost up hair transformation procedure, professional advice on curls care, the duration of the volume effect, advantages and disadvantages. The technology has been practiced relatively recently, therefore the final result largely depends on the art of the performer. All negative consequences are associated with poor preparation of the hairdresser and the lack of a special high-quality composition for boost up in the salon. On Elena Glinka's website, you will find a network of craftsmen who have a corresponding certificate (diploma) in every city in Russia and many other countries.
We list the possible disadvantages of performing a boost up procedure for hair:
- To get the natural splendor of a hairstyle with stunning volume, you need the hands of a real master. Finding a conscientious professional is not easy even in a metropolis, let alone a small town.
- This technology is not cheap. The price fluctuates in the range of 3000-16000 rubles, depending on the status of the salon, the qualifications of the master, the region, the density of the hair.
- If you are dissatisfied with this procedure, you will have to be patient and wait until the root corrugation straightens over time.
- The lead time depends on the length and thickness of the hair. It takes approximately 3 to 6 hours.
- There is a possibility that the condition of the hair may deteriorate. There is a certain risk, since the technology involves the use of a chemical composition.
- After the boost up, the styling should be neat so that the root corrugation does not appear.
- Crimped hair can get tangled, grow back, lose shine, break.
Advantages and disadvantages exist in approximately the same amount. Therefore, deciding on this not a simple service, you need to weigh everything and take into account. Those who dared to make a biowave will be supported by the following positive points: the hair grows, and next time a new section of the hair will undergo corrugation; frequent use of a hair dryer, curling iron, bouffant is no less harmful than the procedure every six months.
Important! It is absolutely impossible to save money and make a boost up at home due to the lack of special staff and knowledge. You can get a short-term, externally similar result of hair splendor by other means.
How long is the root volume of hair boost up

The boost up procedure is a permanent root corrugation of the hair. The persistence of the effect of thick hair, like from a pile made in a hairdressing salon, is one of its main advantages. Girls with thin thin hair or thick and heavy spend hours in front of the mirror, styling curls, whipping and lifting them at the back of their heads using gels, foams, curling irons or curlers. As a result, after 1-2 hours the effect of labor is reduced to zero - there is no styling. Especially in wet weather or in winter, after wearing a hat for a long time. After performing a boost up for hair, their stunning volume and splendor lasts from 3 to 6 months, in some even up to seven. It depends on different parameters of the hair: condition, density, length. In addition, the professionalism of the master, the quality of the eco-products used are important.
Over time, the strands will grow back, straighten, the composition will be washed out of the hairs without a trace, and it is not forbidden to repeat the biowave more than once. After 2-3 months, you can come to the salon for correction.
During this period, you should continue to care for your hair and perform the usual actions: dyeing, lightening hair roots, toning, milling strands, treating them with keratin, laminating, trimming split ends, making masks. Boost up goes well with these treatments.
In a situation where the client was unhappy with the service provided, she believes that such a hairstyle does not suit her, and decided not to wait six months until the hair straightens naturally, their restoration is paid for with a special composition. The strands will straighten and return to their original appearance after keratin treatment.
Contraindications to the boost up procedure for hair volume

Permanent root curling is recommended for almost all hair types, it is especially suitable for problematic strands - thin, greasy, not thick. But there are exceptions. Going to the salon, you should know what contraindications are.
The hairdresser may refuse the client in the boost up procedure for the following reasons:
- Short hair … The result will be a chic hairstyle or strands sticking out in different directions, like a tousled sparrow. It is better if the hair length is more than 12 cm.
- Bleached hair … Means for biowave are considered soft, non-aggressive, close in composition to keratin. But there is still a risk of harm to hairs already damaged by chemistry.
- Chemical hair straightening … A naturally curly mane is tamed by permanent straightening. The hair structure has already been processed and damaged.
- Highlighting … More than 50% of hair strands are dyed. Lightened and natural strands react in their own way to perm, there may be noticeable differences.
- Dry, brittle hair … The poor condition of the vegetation and skin of the head requires preliminary treatment and restoration.
- Allergy … You should warn the technician about your allergens so that he does a preliminary test on the skin inside the bend of the elbow.
- Pregnancy, lactation, menstruation … Although the biowaving agent is considered harmless, it is worth having patience and not jeopardizing the health of the child, especially since hormonal changes in the body during these periods will still not allow you to get a good, stable curl.
- Taking hormones, antibiotics … At this time, the hairs are especially naughty, and the service provided will not be of high quality.
- Henna or basma staining … The result can be unpredictable. Hair dyed with natural means is very capricious, so either the corrugation will not be fixed, or the strands will behave differently. Hair color may change.
- Malaise, fever, hair loss, stress … The curl may "fail", there is no guarantee that the curl will not fall off too quickly.
- Recent surgery … In the postoperative period, the biowave will not be stable and steep, since preparations containing morphine were used.
The wizard will tell you what preliminary caring procedures should be done for your hair, explain why you should not resort to boost up at the moment, so as not to aggravate her condition. Visit only proven salons, go to the master you trust. It would be nice to observe the result of his work in advance. If the procedure seems cheaper than you thought, do not hesitate to inquire about the certificate for the range of boost up products used by the salon. Important! Biowave is designed for healthy, strong hair. If your curls are weak, fragile, then they will break exactly in the place of corrugation.
How to make boost up for root volume

A true certified master has a strictly individual approach to the root curling procedure. After hair diagnostics, the composition of a special styling and fixing agent is selected. The direction of the curls and zones of volume is chosen by the client.
The boost up procedure for creating root volume consists of the following steps:
- Preparation … This item includes shampooing your curls. Boost up should be done on clean strands, so it is better to wash them a couple of times.
- Twisting the strands … The client decides for herself where she wants to add splendor to her hair. Usually this is the crown, back of the head, whiskey. The top layer of vegetation is pushed aside and fixed. The lower curls are divided into small strands, each of which is wound on several special smooth hairpins in the root zone. They will need about 120-150 pieces. The resulting structure is fixed with foil. This is the most time consuming and time consuming stage of curling.
- Treatment with cosmetic composition … The salon itself chooses which eco-composition to use to provide the boost up service. This is what determines its value. The most popular Paul Mitchell and ISO brands in Russia. The basis of the mixture is cystyamine, harmless to hair, propolis extract has a beneficial effect on curls, there are no harmful acids and ammonia among the components. The composition is applied without touching the scalp and hair, not subject to perm.
- Flushing … After 20-30 minutes (the time is selected individually), the foil is removed, and the hair is washed with water.
- Fixation … A fixing compound from the same line is applied to the washed strands. The fixer is left to act for 5 minutes.
- Completion of the procedure … Hair is thoroughly washed again with shampoo, hairpins are removed. A mask, balm is applied, everything is thoroughly washed off.
- Drying … Drying your hair with a hairdryer is an important point. At this stage, the master removes the curls, so that the corrugation does not show through.
The result of root shirring will be immediately visible. After visiting the salon, instead of a thin ponytail or a slicked haircut, a luxurious shining mane with a stunning effect of persistent fresh fleece is on the head.
Important! In case of disappointment or desire for change, you can remove the boost up in the salon. The method is fast (20-30 minutes), safe. The cost is approximately 3000 rubles.
How to care for hair after boost up

Hair care should be started immediately after curling. Possible problems with their condition are eliminated by conventional means for colored or weakened curls. Then they will not suffer, and the long-awaited volume will hold out for the allotted time.
To maintain the beauty and health of the scalp, prolong the effect of volume, you should adhere to the following recommendations for hair care after boost up:
- You should not pin the strands, lay them behind the ear, do your hairstyles for the first three days after curling. The ideal option is to comb and loosen your hair, or loose it with a silk ribbon.
- Do the color correction of curls no earlier than in a week, and preferably in two weeks with high-quality dyes. Do without henna and basma.
- Use a mild, low pH, non-SLS shampoo every time you wash your hair. Do not do this too often, 2 times a week is enough, do not forget to lightly massage the scalp to improve blood circulation.
- After washing, be sure to apply a root-strengthening balm, rinse or serum with argan, silicone, keratin so that the hairs are smooth and less tangled.
- Periodically make nourishing masks with natural herbal ingredients, giving preference to oils such as sea buckthorn, castor, burdock, coconut. Decoctions of herbs (nettle, chamomile, burdock) are the best natural rinses.
- Do not twist your hair, but pat it dry with a towel. Brush them wet after washing, you can spray them with a special spray for easy combing. Dry with your head tilted down, laying naturally - lightly smoothing and beating with your hands.
- You can style your hairstyle using the brushing method, pulling the curls with a hairdryer so that the corrugation is invisible. Forget about hairspray and iron, give your hair a rest. Do not dry them out with too hot air.
- When swimming in natural waters, wear a cap or apply a protective cream.
- Eat foods that strengthen your hair. The following foods rich in calcium, iron, vitamins are recommended: oily fish, nuts, legumes, eggs, green vegetables, whole grain breads, oysters, dairy products, carrots.
After a correctly performed boost up, the hair is easily restored. If the texture of the curls has worsened, do not despair, stress will only complicate the situation. Everything is fixable. Follow all our recommendations and your hairstyle will be your pride again. Important! Stop washing your hair (at least 2-3 days) immediately after the procedure, comb gently, do not tug on your hair, do not use cheap dyes, do not use a hairdryer and other electrical styling appliances for a while. Do not change the place of the parting - "corrugations" will be visible. How root boost up is performed - watch the video:

The conclusions about the innovative boost up technology are not unambiguous. They respond about her either with delight or negatively. She can completely transform the appearance of a woman, make you look at her in a new way, look back with admiration, or provoke the hairs to leave the owner, leaving tears in return. It is still a perm, albeit a gentle one. There is no guarantee that the strands will not become loose and brittle. It is up to you to take a chance or refrain.