When using high dosages of AAS, serious negative changes can occur in the body. Find out how to restore the hormonal system after a course? No matter what they write on specialized web resources, the use of steroids can cause negative changes in the body. If the appropriate measures are not taken, serious consequences are possible. To eliminate the side effects of anabolic steroids on the body, athletes often use HCG and Clomid after a course of steroids in bodybuilding.
These are effective and time-tested medications that allow you to quickly restore the body and eliminate a large number of side effects. However, to get the desired result, it is important to take them correctly. Now we will talk about this in more detail.
How to use HCG and Clomid after a cycle?

Today on the net you can find a lot of information about the use of these drugs, as well as various schemes. For many, this information may seem boring, but it is still necessary to study it. Side effects have always been a major concern when using steroids. It is clear that athletes want to know exactly how to deal with their manifestation.
Experienced athletes already know a lot about the use of gonadotropin and clomid from their own experience. But not everyone knows the processes that take place in the body when using AAS. This should also be addressed.
Mechanisms for regulating the secretion of hormones in the body

It should be said right away that the performance of the gonads, thyroid and adrenal glands is regulated by the pituitary gland. More precisely, this is due to the hormones that this organ produces. Thus, the mechanism for regulating hormone production is a three-step process.
In the first phase, special substances are synthesized in the hypothalamus - oligopeptides. With the help of the bloodstream, they reach the pituitary gland, after which the situation can go in one of two ways: to speed up or slow down the secretion of hormones.
After that, the second phase begins, the essence of which is the synthesis of growth hormone, gonadotropic hormones, etc. These substances act on certain types of receptors, which causes the activation of the third phase mechanism. At this stage, thyroid-stimulating and gonadotropic hormones trigger the synthesis of sex hormones, and STH accelerates the secretion of somatomedins.
Feedback mechanisms

All of these mechanisms can be divided into two types. The first type is responsible for regulating the level of hormones in the bloodstream. Its essence is quite simple - when the concentration of hormones changes, corresponding signals are sent to the hypothalamus, after which the body's response is expected. It is expressed in the acceleration or deceleration of the rate of their secretion. The second type regulates the concentration of substances that affect the rate of hormone synthesis.
How does the secretion of hormones change when using AAS?

After a cycle of steroids, feedback can be positive or negative. Negative should be understood as stopping or slowing down the synthesis of natural hormones at a high concentration of artificial steroids in the blood. With a positive reaction, the opposite is true. After the course, negative feedback is almost always observed.
The most dangerous for the body can be a long-term negative effect on the glands. Synthesizing hormones. This most often occurs after long AAS cycles. In certain cases, even the use of gonadotropin will not lead to a positive result.
In this regard, it is necessary to briefly talk about the mechanisms of reception. According to this indicator, hormones can be divided into two groups. One of them is responsible for cellular metabolism, located on the surface of tissue cells, for example, peptide hormones. Once on the surface of cells, they interact with receptors and thereby trigger the necessary reactions. Hormones of the second group to activate the reaction must penetrate into the cell itself. These should include androgens, estrogens, etc.
And now, based on the information we have, we can draw conclusions about the need to use hCG and Clomid after a course of steroids in bodybuilding. Most of the AAS produced today are modified versions of the testosterone molecule. Once in the body, they produce a similar effect on the pituitary gland, and as a result, on the entire pituitary axis.
In most cases, they act on the principle of negative feedback, which leads to inhibition of hormone synthesis. Since testicular hypertrophy can be reversible, Gonadotropin must be used during the cycle of anabolic steroids.
The use of Gonadotropin and Clomid in bodybuilding

Today, the mechanism of testosterone is well known to scientists. The most important thing here is the discovery of the aromatization reaction. This process is one of the ways to reduce the concentration of the male hormone. The most intense aromatization occurs in the cells of the liver and fatty deposits.
As a result of this process, female sex hormones, estrogens, are formed in the body. They have the ability to negatively affect the pituitary arch. We also note that aromatization is noticeably accelerated only a couple of weeks after the start of the AAS cycle. This leads to the fact that the concentration of estrogen significantly increases at the final stage of the course.
It is during this period that it makes sense to start using Clomid. This drug is able to block the work of estrogen-type receptors, thereby reducing the negative effects of these substances on the pituitary gland. Thanks to this, you will reduce the likelihood of side effects.
If you are using large doses of powerful androgenic drugs, then gonadotropin should be taken in the first half of the cycle. Inject the drug every third or fourth day in the amount of 500 units.
In turn, use Clomid for the first few days in a dosage of 150 to 300 milligrams. After that, for two weeks, it is necessary to take 100 milligrams of the drug daily. At the final stage of restorative therapy, the dose of Clomid will be 50 milligrams. In total, the drug is used for about one month.
For Clomid and other drugs on PCT, see this video: