Thyroid hormones are very popular among professional athletes today. They are effective during drying. Find out how to get rid of fat fast? Today, many professionals actively use thyroid hormones for drying in bodybuilding. These are very effective drugs, but they require special attention when used. Today we will talk about the three most popular among them: Triacana, Cytomel and L-Thyroxin.
The use of Cytomel in bodybuilding

Cytomel belongs to the group of synthetic thyroid hormones and is one of the most popular. The active ingredient of the drug is sodium liothyronine, the chemical structure of the molecule of which is very similar to the endogenous substance l-triiodothyronine, also known as LT-3.
During normal functioning, the thyroid gland secretes two main hormones - the already mentioned LT-3 and LT-4 (L-thyroxine). It should be said that LT-3 has a more powerful effect in comparison with LT-4. According to the results of several scientific studies, LT-3 indicators are three and sometimes four times higher than those of LT-4.
For athletes, the most important property of the drug is a significant increase in metabolism. This leads to a decrease in fat stores. For this reason, it is best to use the drug in preparation for important tournaments, when it is necessary to reduce the percentage of body fat as much as possible. At the same time, Cytomel is quite effective even in the absence of strict low-calorie nutrition programs.
Also, many athletes note the fact that when using thyroid hormones for drying in bodybuilding in combination with AAS, the effect of the latter on the body is dramatically increased. This is again associated with the acceleration of metabolism in general and protein structures in particular. At the same time, the dosages of Cytomel for these purposes are used relatively small.
Many athletes still prefer to use Clenbuterol during their drying cycles. However, when used together with Cytomel, the effect of such a course will be many times better. This drug is very popular among girls who are professionally engaged in bodybuilding. Due to the peculiarities of the female body, it is much more difficult for a girl to get rid of fat in comparison with men. Although the female body is more prone to various side effects, when using Cytomel at a dosage of 50 micrograms daily, the body is not negatively affected. At the same time, studies have shown that more harm to health comes from low-calorie nutrition programs than from short-term use of low doses of Cytomel.
At the same time, professionals can recommend thyroid hormones for drying in bodybuilding. Cytomel is a potent hormonal drug and extreme caution should be exercised when using it. The Cytomel course should start with the use of low dosages, which are then gradually increased.
The most common regimen of drug use is the use of 25 milligrams daily at the initial stage of the cycle. Then the dosage is increased every fourth day. It should also be said that you should not take more than 10 micrograms of the drug daily.
In order for the body to perceive Cytomel better, it is advisable to take a daily dose in three doses. Also, do not take courses of the drug for more than one and a half months. After that, a two-week pause is required. Also, you can not abruptly cancel the drug. During the course, its dosage must be gradually reduced and increased. And in conclusion, we note the need to consume a large number of protein compounds.
The use of Triacan in bodybuilding

Triacana is the second most popular drying thyroid hormone in bodybuilding. The active ingredient of the drug is tiratricol. This substance is a derivative of LT-3 and is capable of inhibiting the synthesis of the precursor hormone.
The drug has powerful fat burner properties that athletes use with success. When using Triacan, the body temperature and anxiety of the athlete significantly increase. These are also very useful properties during the competition period.
To increase the effectiveness of Triacan, Clenbuterol and Ephedrine should be used. As in the case of Cytomel, when using Triacan, the dosage should first be gradually increased, and the loan should be reduced. Abrupt withdrawal of the hormone is not allowed.
Start the course of the drug with a dosage of 0.35 milligrams daily. This amount of the hormone corresponds to two tablets. Every third day, if there are no side effects, increase the dose by two tablets. The recommended dosage, in turn, is from 10 to 12 tablets and it is necessary to adjust the amount of the drug used on the course to it. It is advisable to divide the daily dosage into three equivalent doses. As in the case with the use of Cytomel, the duration of the use of Triacan should not exceed one and a half months.
The use of L-thyroxine in bodybuilding

L-thyroxine is one of the thyroid hormones for drying in bodybuilding and corresponds in its chemical structure to endogenous LT-4. We have already said above that it is inferior in its effect on the body to the second substance secreted by the thyroid gland - LT-3.
At the same time, the drug can be used for a longer period of time in comparison with LT-3 drugs. The only negative aspect when using L-thyroxine is the risk of loss of muscle mass.
As in the case with other drugs in this group, you should start taking L-thyroxine with a minimum dose and then use the usual scheme for thyroid hormones. The maximum dose not capable of causing side effects is 200 to 400 micrograms daily.
For the use of L-thyroxine during the drying period, see this video: