Thyroid hormones - the secret weapon of bodybuilders

Thyroid hormones - the secret weapon of bodybuilders
Thyroid hormones - the secret weapon of bodybuilders

Want to know why thyroid hormones are the bodybuilders' secret weapon against obesity? Then see how you can lose up to 10 kg of fat. Professionals have been using their secret weapon for bodybuilders for a long time - thyroid hormones. This organ secretes a fairly large amount of hormones, and two of them - L-thyronine (LT-3) and L-thyroxine (LT-4) - have a strong effect on the metabolism of all nutrients.

For athletes, the most important thing is their effect on the metabolism of fats. As you know, in preparation for tournaments, bodybuilders must not only reduce the amount of fat in the body, but at the same time maintain the gained muscle mass. Thyroid hormones are a very effective remedy for this problem.

At the same time, it is necessary to approach their use very seriously. If used incorrectly, they can cause very serious damage to muscle tissue. Several schemes have been developed for the use of the secret weapon of bodybuilders - thyroid hormones. They make it possible to significantly accelerate the lipolysis process and at the same time not affect muscle tissue. Due to their rather complex use, it is highly undesirable to use them at an amateur level. Now let's look at the most popular and effective drugs in this group.

Cytomel (hormone L-thyronine)

Thyroid hormone molecules
Thyroid hormone molecules

The active ingredient of the drug is sodium liothyronine. L-thyronine is the most popular among athletes. First of all, this is due to its greater efficiency, which is approximately four times higher than that of L-thyroxine.

The agent is also used in traditional medicine in the treatment of hypothyroidism. The drug works quickly enough and it takes from 7 to 12 days to see the results of its use. But as we said above, thyroid hormones affect the metabolism of all nutrients, not just fats. For this reason, protein metabolism can also change, which can lead to loss of muscle mass.

To avoid this negative point, it is necessary first of all to increase the amount of consumed protein compounds. You will probably remember that when performing a drying cycle, you should in any case consume about 3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

Also, when using Cytomel, professionals increase the dosage of AAS, which leads to an even greater acceleration of the synthesis of protein compounds. It should be said that professionals use powerful androgens, insulin, growth hormone and thyroid hormones very widely. This is due to the fact that all of the above drugs have a synergistic effect and enhance the effectiveness of each other, while leveling side effects.

As you know, with a high content of insulin, fat mass can increase. It is with this that the cytomel is designed to fight. Ephedrine will also be very effective in this case. Before using Cytomel, you should remember that during the first 12 days, minor side effects are possible, for example, mild nausea, tremors in the hands, etc. Cytomel course should last no more than six weeks. It is necessary to exit the course smoothly and approximately 10 or 12 days before the end of the cycle, you should begin to reduce the dose of the drug. The average dosage of Cytomel is 100 micrograms. It is necessary to take the drug twice a day, 50 micrograms. It should be remembered that taking the hormone after five o'clock in the evening is undesirable.

The hormonal drug L-thyroxine

L-thyroxine in the package
L-thyroxine in the package

The active ingredient of the drug is levothyroxine sodium. As we have already said above, the drug is inferior in effectiveness to L-thyronine and for this reason it is not widely used by athletes.

It should be remembered that both hormones are present in the body at the same time and have a synergistic effect. If taken separately, the average dose of L-thyroxine is 200 to 240 micrograms per day.

The drug should be used in the same way as Cytomel. Also, when using it at the initial stage of the cycle, the same side effects are possible, which almost always pass after the specified period. You should also remember about the drugs, which include both hormones - thyrocomb and thyroidin. The latter, for example, is produced from the thyroid glands of cattle and has a mild effect. At the same time, in terms of effectiveness, it is practically not inferior to L-thyronine, but not so dangerous for muscle mass.

Hormonal drug Triacana

Triacana packaged
Triacana packaged

The active ingredient of the drug is tyratricol. It is quite popular in the West in comparison to the hormones described above. Thyratricol is a substance derived from L-thyronine.

Scientists have found that when using the drug, the effectiveness of natural L-thyronine decreases and it is a powerful fat burner. Western athletes believe that this is the most powerful fat burning agent of all thyroid hormones. Very often, Triacana is used in conjunction with clenbuterol for a powerful drying cycle.

The duration of taking the drug is from one to one and a half months. At the initial stage of the cycle, 0.35 milligrams should be taken during the day. Then, if the body reacts well to the drug, the dosage should be increased by 2 or 3 tablets every third day.

Thus, the daily dosage of the drug should be increased to 10-12 tablets. As in the case with other thyroid hormone drugs, you should exit the cycle by gradually reducing the dose.

Many people are interested in the expediency of using the secret weapon of bodybuilders - thyroid hormones. Immediately, we note that if you have problems with the thyroid gland, then these drugs cannot be used. Also, with little or no experience in the use of sports pharmacology, it is better to pay attention to clenbuterol or ECA.

Learn more about the thyroid gland and its hormones in this video:
