Today, athletes are actively using not only steroids. Find out what other hormones besides steroids help to gain lean muscle mass and increase relief. Already in 1930, the adrenal gland extract was used for the first time in medicine. After the end of World War II, studies of this organ were continued, and soon scientists were able to synthesize first cortisone, and a few years later aldosterone. Today we will talk about adrenal cortex hormones in bodybuilding.
The mechanism of work of hormones of the adrenal cortex

In medicine, several hormones of the adrenal cortex are used: adrenocorticotropic hormone, glucorticoids and mineralocorticoids. Also, this list can also include angiotensin, which has the ability to accelerate the synthesis of mineralocorticoids.
Today, scientists are paying increased attention to the study of the effects of these substances on the body, and for this reason, new drugs have practically not appeared. At the same time, the efficiency of using the existing ones increases and the risks of side effects are reduced.
It should be noted that the adrenal cortex produces two hormonal substances - cortisol and also corticosterone. During normal functioning of the body during the day, the first substance is synthesized in an amount of 10 to 30 milligrams, and the second - from 1 to 4 milligrams. It is also necessary to remember about Aldosterone, the daily secretion of which ranges from 50 to 250 micrograms. Estrogens and androgens are also produced by the adrenal cortex, but their concentration is so low that it may not be taken into account.
Glucorticosteroids affect metabolism by inhibiting or inducing various enzymes. Thanks to them, the reaction of gluconeogenesis from protein compounds is stimulated, and the breakdown of glucose in tissues is inhibited.
Excessive concentration of adrenal cortex hormones can cause protein breakdown and shift the nitrogen balance in a negative direction. They also increase blood sugar levels. All this can lead to atrophy of tissues containing a large amount of protein compounds, for example, muscles or lymphatic tissue. However, glucorticosteroids have the ability to stabilize cell membranes and organelles (an element of the cell's microstructure). At a high concentration of glucorticosteroids, the work of protective systems is suppressed and the synthesis of antibodies is inhibited.
The use of adrenal cortex hormones in bodybuilding

Athletes use adrenal cortex hormones to eliminate inflammatory processes in the articular-ligamentous apparatus and soft tissues. They can be used for general or local therapy. In the latter case, glucorticosteroids are injected into the affected area - directly into the joint or periarticular tissues.
At the same time, preparations based on mineralocorticoids can be used to gain weight and improve the physical characteristics of athletes. At the same time, there is little information about their use in sports in comparison with somatotropin or steroids. This is due to the reluctance of most athletes to talk about the use of glucorticoids. It should also be noted that today scientists continue to actively study the mechanisms of the effect of mineralocorticoids on the body.
When using adrenal cortex hormones, one should be aware of the possibility of some side effects. However, they can be caused by exceeding the recommended dosages or by individual drug intolerance.
Although glucorticoids are used by some athletes to gain weight, it is still advisable to use them as drugs for the treatment of various injuries. It should also be remembered that with prolonged use of glucorticoids, the adaptive potential of the whole organism decreases.
For adrenal hormones, see this video: