Delight the children by developing interesting tasks for them. This can be a quest for a house, for a summer residence, for playing in the fresh air.
Everyone loves to receive gifts, especially children. But the children will be glad even for small presentations, if they find them themselves, with some effort.
Quest script for children in the country
In the summer, many children spend their holidays outside the city. They will not be bored here if you sometimes arrange intellectual entertainment for the children. Prizes can be inexpensive, these are:
- candies;
- Chupa Chups;
- chocolate eggs - Kinder surprise;
- tags;
- puzzles.
See how to organize such a do-it-yourself quest in the country for children. Let the kids feel like real treasure hunters.

This quest is intended for preschoolers and primary school children. Previously, parents will hide gifts for them and prepare notes that will hint where to look.
To do this, you will need to prepare:
- sheets of paper;
- colour pencils;
- pens;
- scissors;
- containers or small bags for notes;
- Scotch;
- air balloons.
Include riddles in tasks. It is with her that the first stage of the quest begins. Give the children a note that says this:

Of course, the tree will be the answer. Children will run to this tree, attach the following note to its branches in advance. For it, you will need to draw 6 letters of different colors, and draw the same number of squares below and assign a certain color to each. In this case, the already guessed word is written - this is birch.

Therefore, the quest for children in the country, or rather, its second step, will be just around the birch. Children run up to this tree and find the following note near it.

From it, they learn who needs to be found in the basket, where the toys are. You can write a riddle or come up with a rebus, the final word of which will be exactly the toy to which the next note is attached.
The kids will love using the signs to guess the code. As you can see, at the bottom there is a table consisting of two lines. At the top, there are signs that imply words. The first sign is a triangle. Looking at the table, the children will see that there is a letter P under this triangle. They will write it.
The next sign means percentage. The letter O is written under the percentage. They will also write this letter. An asterisk is next. It stands for the letter C. By doing this, the children will be able to guess that the next clue is in the mailbox.

To add adrenaline to the game, you can tighten the mailbox with artificial spider webs. But a brave boy can get a note out of there. It will contain the next task. It is necessary, starting with the number 1, to connect the dots and understand what happened.

As you can see, this is a tent. The children will run there. In the tent, they will find the next task. The unnecessary must be excluded from the word chain.

Of course, this is a swing. If you have them in the country, then in advance, under the swing chair, secure the bag with the following note with tape.

In this case, the trailers were cut out of paper. But they flew in the wind, so it's better to make them out of cardboard.
Such notes were attached to the steering wheel, bottom, and toy car cabins. You can clip them onto other children's toys.
To understand which wagons need to be connected to each other, make paired joints so that they connect well. Cut them out with scissors.

Here's a little train with a hint.
Such a task is perfect for preschoolers and younger students who still find it difficult to combine such syllables into words. Having approached here, the children will find a note with a riddle, the answer to which will be a bicycle. The following clue is attached to its wheel.

See how much fun it is to get scrapbooks out of balloons. Only first you need to try to burst these balls.

For this, a variety of tools are suitable. Further, the quest for giving turned into guessing the word. But it was not difficult, since it consisted of only four letters.

The children ran to the bathhouse, where a crossword puzzle was waiting for them. They were so excited about the treasure hunt that they didn't write all the words, just a few. The main thing is to get the word vertically highlighted in red cells.

As you can see, this is a shovel. The children found a shovel and found the following note taped to its handle.

It was a map. Focusing on her, the children found a cross made of pebbles on the ground. It was necessary to remove the stones and dig a hole in this place.

And the efforts were rewarded. The children dug up an iron jar with gifts hidden for them. In addition to the above, there were soap bubbles, rings and small toys.
It would be nice to give the kids medals at the end of the quest. To do this, you need to cut out a circle of burlap, glue a cardboard disc on it, on which the purpose of the award is written.

Here's how to make kids happy with a minimum of finance. The quest at the dacha will entertain them, help them remember half-forgotten letters and develop their ingenuity. For older children, you can use other tasks.
Do-it-yourself quests for teenagers in nature
You can compose tasks in such a way that they resemble the plot of a certain movie or use some other scenario. But if you just want to choose from some of the activities that are right for your children, then check out the following obstacles.
To make such a quest for teenagers, you will need:
- the padlock;
- key;
- long rope;
- scissors.
If you are running a quest near the playground, then you can wind the rope here. If you decide to organize it outdoors, then place it between several trees. Attach the padlock to one end of the rope and secure the key on the other. These metal objects need to be fixed on a spacious ring so that they can be moved along this rope. Children must open the lock as a result. At first they are divided into 2 non-competing groups. The first task? to stretch the lock in the direction of the key, and the second task? move the key towards the lock. When the guys meet, they will have to open the lock.


To organize such a quest for teenagers, take:
- rope or chalk;
- a handkerchief or other device to blindfold.
You need to choose a person who can navigate well in the dark. After all, just such a child will be the protagonist of the next assignment. If you have some crayon, draw a maze on the asphalt using this tool. If there is a rope, then use it to lay out the maze on the ground.
Now the rest of the team must "lead" the blindfolded man so that he does not step on the maze line. If this works out, then he will have to go to the start and start overcoming obstacles again.
The difficulty of completing such a quest also lies in the fact that the guides must speak only one word. They can say that the player needs to go forward, backward, right, left, spin. Also one-word commands? it is "stop" and "go".
Rope Walkers
Children can feel this way if you tighten the load securing straps in cars between the trunks of two trees.

The guys will become real treasure hunters for a while if an interesting quest game is held. For teens, bury the plastic containers that contain the spiral pasta. The children will have to disassemble them all, since only one will contain a note indicating the place where the treasure is hidden.

So, for such a task you only need:
- plastic containers;
- spiral or thick pasta;
- paper and pen to write a note.
Guess the taste
The next competition will help you not only have fun, but also refresh yourself. Take:
- bottles;
- boiled water;
- chocolate, strawberry, vanilla syrup and others.
Dilute the syrups, let the children taste the contents of the containers, and guess the 3 ingredients that make up the drinks.

After such a pleasant competition, you can stretch out. Here's how to organize your next quest game.
Football golf
- shovel;
- bucket;
- checkbox;
- ball.
Dig a hole in the ground or sand and place a bucket in it so that the top edge is level with the soil. Next, dig in the flag attached to the stick. Take the children some distance from the target and draw a line with a branch that cannot be crossed.
Prioritize and tell each player to kick the ball five times. For each hit, he receives one point. It's fun to watch the ball bounce off the stick with the flag attached, and if you're playing in the forest, then off the tree trunks.

Children in a cage
Another fun activity? quests for teenagers. Weave a kind of cage from the rope, but the distance between the threads should be such that a person fits there. Some team members stand on one side of the cage from the other. The task is that you need to transfer the person to the other side so that he does not touch the threads. And you can use one cell only once.

Children can have fun during their summer holidays if you organize the following quest tasks for them.
Prepare your attributes by taking:
- empty cans;
- tennis ball;
- if desired - slingshots.
Arrange the cans on a certain hill, 3 pieces each. Have each in turn knock down the given figures with a ball.

And if you use slingshots, then you can hang balloons on the branches of trees so that the children train their accuracy.

Explain to them right away that you should never shoot at animals and birds.
Memory training
The following activity will help the children train their memory. You need to take a lined sheet of cardboard and put objects on it. The younger the participating children, the fewer items there will be.
Now, each in turn for some time memorizes the location of these objects, and then turns away. Children change the order in which these things are found. Now the one who turned around turns back and says which object is out of place.

The quest for teenagers will be unforgettable. After all, many children like to conduct home chemical experiments.
Magical Dark Water
- plastic bottle;
- water;
- starch;
- iodine;
- sodium thiosulfate.
Add 2 drops of iodine and a pinch of starch to the water bottle in advance, shake the container. After a while, the water will turn black. Surprise the guys by adding the contents of an ampoule of sodium thiosulfate here with them, because in a couple of minutes the water will turn from dark to transparent.

If you have developed a scenario for a quest that is based on fantasy or is magical, then be sure to include this task.
It is interesting for children to feel themselves as treasure hunters. You won't need many attributes here.
Find the treasure
- coins;
- rope;
- strong magnets from computer hard drives or old speakers.
If you have the funds, you can buy a special search magnet. And you can get metal coins. But you don't need to take old coins.
Instead of metal money, you can use bolts and nuts of the same material. Children will love to get these "treasures" out of the water where you place them first.

To develop the creativity of children, include the following activities in the quest for teenagers.
Tell the guys they need to take good photos. You can take a picture while bouncing, tossing objects, or making faces. If you want, give the guys some makeup in advance so they can change their faces.

If the children need to guess a certain word, hide the hints of it in different places.

The same goes for a book that needs to be guessed. You can split her famous lines into several notes and tape them up in places accessible to children.

Completing the quest
At the end of their efforts, children must find the desired page, line and words in the enigmatic book. If the quest is for Birthday, these will be words of congratulations to the birthday person or the birthday girl. Children can be encouraged to praise words for their physical, creative skills, ingenuity and skill.

The ending of such a holiday should be bright. You can invite all the guys to write wishes on one balloon, and the one who won this quest will send the balloon into the distance.

The guys love treats, so it would be nice to give them a cake at the end of such a fun game. In advance, make such a funny monster out of hay, in whose hands you can secure tickets to a movie or a quest.

If you want to have a themed game, then you can use the plot of the movie.
Quest script for the movie "Harry Potter" at home
Many people know fantasy from the book "Harry Potter". Children will be interested in receiving a gift if they first need to find clues that will help them find it.

These are the magical attributes waiting for the guys. This cross was invented by parents for their sons. It was held on New Year's Eve. First, the guys found such a box under the tree.

Opening it, they saw a letter inside, it was from the Ministry of Magic. In it, Professor Dumbledore says that those who found the letter are close to solving the spell invented by this scientist. But the finders will be able to use the spell if they solve several quests.
To do this, you need to find tickets, each of which has a specific code. It is indicated in the form of letters of the Latin alphabet, and each letter will need to be written down in a notebook. The same letter indicated what to look for, starting with a wet room.
Of course, the children will guess that this is a bath. Here they will find on the washing machine the book "Harry Potter", which will contain a sheet from the textbook of this hero. You can print it out to make your home quest look like a natural journey through the book.

This sheet will be printed, and first, with a pen, you need to enter, among other Latin letters, 2 letters that look like this "behold".
Here, in the book, it is necessary to put a note from which it would be clear where to look for a clue next. In this case, this is a boys' room. Here the children were waiting for a box in which there were various mysterious drugs with inscriptions and a recipe, according to which a solution was to be made in order to recognize the next letters.
Here's what you need to do a home quest, photos of which are attached. But it is better to write it by hand so that the font is different, and those who solve the quest have found these Latin characters.
- a piece of paper;
- twine;
- compote;
- grape juice;
- soda;
- water;
- brush;
- glass bottles and corks for them;
- glassine;
- scissors.
Let the guys unfold a sheet of paper, it will seem to them that it is clean. In fact, parents will drop a little water into the soda in advance and write the following letters on this sheet with a brush or cotton swab. This is "le".
They will appear under the influence of grape juice, which must first be poured into a bottle and written that this is magical honey water or come up with some other name and put other bubbles next to it. At the bottom there will be a hint, from which it will become clear what you need to look for in the living room next. Here the guys will find a map of the marauders. You can just print it out.

One ring contains two Latin letters "br". The guys should also rewrite them in their notebook.
In this room they will find a hint by which they will understand where to look for the next document.

If you look closely, you will realize that the code is printed on a piece of paper. But it's better to write it by hand, then the guys will understand that the shade is different. These are the next two letters. This is "at".
There will also be a hint that you need to check the mail that the owl brought. It's easy to guess that you need to run to the mailbox.

There will be a newspaper with a picture of Harry Potter. And one more pair of letters is written by hand. This is io.
The next clue will lead the children under the bed. In this case, there was a leaf from a book here, and the following code was written on the other side. This is "in". But not everything was so simple. After all, this code is written in white pencil. And the usual simple ones had to paint over this place so that these letters were clearly indicated.
There, the children are waiting for a note that they need to remember where Harry Potter lived until he went to study at Hogwarts. Of course, the kids know it's a staircase (his room was underneath it). The children will have to carefully consider it, the parents will write the desired letter in advance with a pencil. In this case, it is S.

The next step on this interesting journey is the Three Broomsticks tavern. It is hard not to guess that this is a kitchen. Here, the children were waiting for several photographs of Harry Potter, it was necessary to take each of them and examine the reverse side. The letter "i" was written in the desired place.
The next task of the quest will also call on the participants to turn on ingenuity. After all, two words will be written on the note. This is YINALEZH OLAKREZ. After reading them from right to left, children will understand that this is a "mirror of desires." They will go to the mirror, on which in advance they need to write the letter "p" with a candle or wax crayon.

The next note suggested a visit to the open veranda of a magical accessories store. If the children guess that this is a balcony, then they will find the next leaflet here.

It depicts the letter "i". The next note will ask where is the robe hung when they enter the house? If the children guess that this is a corridor, then they will find the next letter on the hanger. To do this, you need to take a bag of transparent fabric, put a piece of paper tied with a rope inside. Expanding it, they will understand that it is the letter "t" drawn.
Now, from the letters received, the children will compose the following words, these are: "celebratio incipit", which in translation means: "the holiday begins." At the final destination, the guys will be waiting for an envelope in which the file name is written, you need to find it on the computer. They will enter two words in Latin, and a hint will be waiting in the computer that they need to look for gifts in a disappearing closet. In this case, this is a wardrobe located in the corridor.

A wonderful home quest can be done using this popular movie.

You can use some of the tasks presented, and create others yourself. A video guide will certainly help you with this.
To distract children from gadgets, to show them how to spend time, sometimes arrange such quests for them.

The second video will tell you how you can do quests in nature. Children will be happy to look for treasure. And the final gift can be very different, for example, candy.