Scenario of the Apple Savior, crafts, history of origin

Scenario of the Apple Savior, crafts, history of origin
Scenario of the Apple Savior, crafts, history of origin

If you are close to ancient traditions, learn about the three Savior. See what scenario of the Apple Savior can be approved for kindergarten, what crafts to make for this holiday.

About Holidays - Three Spas

In order not to forget ancient traditions, to teach children about the custom, tell them about Slavic holidays. There will be three Spas in August. These are ancient holidays. The first is honey, the second is apple, the third is Khlebny. There are other names for these holidays.

All of them are called Saviors, since they are dedicated to the Savior - Jesus Christ. If you do not know when Honey Savior or, as it is also called, Wet, then it is August 14th. If you are wondering what date the apple saved, which is still known as the Transfiguration of the Lord, then it is on August 19. The Third Spas has several names: Khlebny, Kholshchovy, Orekhovy; it is celebrated on August 29.

This is how the custom of celebrating the Savior of Honey came about. In the month of August in Greece there were many diseases. To ward off them, the Honorable Tree of the Cross began to be worn in Constantinople, and streets, roads, and public places were consecrated with it. This custom coincided with an ancient Russian holiday.

In Russia, August 1 (and according to the new style - August 14) is the Day of the Baptism of Russia. On this day, not only water, but also honey is illuminated in the temples. Therefore, this holiday is called the Honey Savior. On this day, honey collection begins, it is blessed by the church.

Father sanctifies apples
Father sanctifies apples

Also, the holiday is referred to as "Savior on the Water". On this day, it was customary to consecrate new wells, clean old ones, make a procession to the springs and reservoirs in order to consecrate water. On this day, the bathing season should end, as summer goes down, the birds become silent, the water blooms, and the bees stop bringing honey.

You already know what date Apple saved in 2017 is August 19. In other years, this date remains unchanged. And that's why it is called that way: in mid-August, grapes ripen in Jerusalem. These berries are associated with the image of Christ. He told his disciples that he was the vine and they were the branches.

At that time, grapes did not grow in Russia, but early apples ripened at that time. They were brought to the church for blessing and consecration, after which they can be eaten.

August 29 - Bread Savior. This is how this holiday appeared: when Jesus Christ was still living on earth, there was a ruler Abgar in the city of Edessa. This prince suffered from the disease of leprosy for many years, but he was cured overnight - when he saw the image of Christ on the canvas.

Therefore, Khlebny Spas is also called Kholshchevy. On this day, they finish harvesting grain, bake pies and bread from the new harvest. These dishes are lit in the temple, then put on the festive table.

By this time, nuts ripen, therefore another name for this day is Nut Savior. Now you can share the knowledge gained with the children, together with them make thematic crafts. Basically, they are dedicated to the second Savior.

Crafts for the holiday Apple Spas

The children need to bring crafts to the kindergarten for the apple saved. Take a look at the following job for a quick reference.

Volumetric painting made of paper and plasticine

A variant of a three-dimensional painting in honor of the Savior
A variant of a three-dimensional painting in honor of the Savior

To make such a three-dimensional picture for a kindergarten, you will need:

  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • frame;
  • plasticine;
  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • circle;
  • glue.

Let the child attach a template (a circle of cardboard or a lid) to the back of the green paper, cut out a few circles. Now for each you need to attach a ruler that will help bend these parts in half.

To make the first voluminous apple, you need to grease one side of it with glue, attach half of the second round blank. In this way the whole fruit is made.

To further make a picture for an apple saved, children need to make 3 such apples, glue them on cardboard. They blind the leaves from green plasticine. And the twigs are brown. Such plastic adheres well to paper.

They will make a butterfly from pink plasticine, make drawings on the wings of yellow and blue. It remains to frame the work and you can deservedly admire it.

Making a tree, a barrel of honey

Craft in the form of an apple tree
Craft in the form of an apple tree

To implement such a craft, you will need:

  • corrugated paper;
  • plasticine;
  • newspapers;
  • wand;
  • a thread;
  • PVA glue;
  • corrugated tubes;
  • artificial moss;
  • a glass of curd "Rastishka";
  • curly braid;
  • wooden beads;
  • acrylic paints;
  • toothpicks;
  • glue;
  • wire for beading;
  • nail polish.

Follow the instructions:

  1. Cover the stick with brown acrylic, let it dry. Crumpling the newspapers, form a circle of the desired diameter. Fix them in this position using threads.
  2. On one side of this figure, make a depression with scissors, pour glue there, put a stick. The workpiece must dry well.
  3. Then you can continue. Put plasticine in a glass of potatoes. Place a tree trunk here. You can pour alabaster into the glass, then the tree will be fixed even more securely. But you need to wait until the solution dries.
  4. From above, you will cover alabaster or plasticine with artificial moss, and if it is not there, then cut the green threads, turn them into grass.
  5. Here's how to make a craft for the Apple Savior holiday further. From green corrugated paper, cut into squares with sides of 2 cm. Make trims out of them. To do this, in the center of each square, place a rod from a handle or a special tool, twist in one direction.
  6. Lubricate a small section of the crown blank from PVA newspapers in advance. Without removing the trim from the rod, attach it here. The second is right next to the first. Fill the entire crown in the same way to make it thick and fluffy.
  7. It needs to be decorated with apples. To make them, cut a toothpick, insert it with a blunt end into the hole of the bead, fix it with glue. Cover the piece with acrylic paint to make it look like an apple. When all this is dry, pierce the crown of the tree with a toothpick, fixing the apple on it. Others are mastering the same technology.
  8. Attach the same apple under the tree, as if it fell from it. If you want the craft to cover 3 Spas at once, then cover some of the beads with brown acrylic, attach these "nuts" to the artificial moss. The first Savior is honey. Make a barrel filled with this sweet treat as follows.
  9. Let the child blind a barrel of honey, take plasticine, attach toothpicks to it, and wrap it with wire intended for beading. On top is "honey" made of plasticine. To make it shine and look like real, cover it with nail polish (transparent).

Make the body of a bee from a toothpick, and twist its wings from a strip of paper using a quilling.

Craft in the form of an apple tree in hand
Craft in the form of an apple tree in hand

Here is such a wonderful craft. You can make another one.

Apples from plastic bottles

What apples look like from plastic bottles
What apples look like from plastic bottles

To make such crafts for Apple Spas 2017, take:

  • green and transparent plastic bottles;
  • a candle or matches;
  • leg-split;
  • awl;
  • scissors;
  • spray paint - yellow or red.

Cut rectangles from plastic bottles, bend them a little. To do this, hold these parts over a fire.

Cutting blanks from a plastic bottle
Cutting blanks from a plastic bottle

Cut apples from these blanks. You can attach a template to make it look beautiful.

Singe the edges of apples from plastic bottles over a fire so that they are not sharp and do not hurt. Also cut the apples out of the clear container, then paint them with yellow or red acrylic paint. Use an awl to make holes at the top, thread the pieces of twine here. Make loops out of them, hang crafts.

Giving the workpiece the shape of an apple
Giving the workpiece the shape of an apple

Such apples are perfect for decorating the room where the righteous person will pass. It remains to approve the matinee program and do a few rehearsals.

Apple Savior Scenario

The presenter of the holiday distributes apples to the children
The presenter of the holiday distributes apples to the children

The hall is festively decorated. Children sit on high chairs, guests are located a little further away. Two girls come out, they are dressed in Russian national costumes. Beauties bow to those present and introduce themselves:

First girl:

Hello, dear guests! How good that you have come! I am Vasilisa the Wise, Kind and smart!

Second girl:

Russia has always been glad to guests! We welcome you, we wish you good health! I am Elena the Beautiful, As a bright day, beautiful and clear!

Vasilisa invites children to guess the riddle:

What is this word, begins with "I", and ends with the same letter, And her children - red-sided, yellow-sided and green-sided coquets, are also written with the letter "I".

The guys say it's an apple tree and apples.

Vasilisa the Wise tells those present about the holiday that on August 19, the Apple Savior, which is called the second Savior. On this day, it was possible to eat an apple of the new harvest for the first time. Usually, they were first lit up by taking them to the church.

Elena the Beautiful continues:

On this day, various apple dishes were prepared, children especially liked pies with such fruit filling and compote, adults - apple kvass. On the holiday they had fun with all the heart. The entertainment program included exciting contests, in particular, rolling apples from a slide. Everyone stood at the top of the hill, rolling each apple on command. The winner was the one who rolled away further.

People were happy, danced and sang. Various carousels and swings were also integral attributes of the holiday.

Suddenly the Hedgehog enters the hall. It may be a child whose costume is sewn in advance. He is holding a basket filled with apples. But they are well covered with a napkin, so no one can see what is there.

The hedgehog makes a riddle, the answer to which will be the word "apple".

Vasilisa the Wise:

guys, that's right, it's an apple. See how many of them the hedgehog has in the basket. Help yourself, please.

The hedgehog distributes these fruits to the children to the music. It is appropriate to include incendiary folk songs here. Here's what this apple rescue scenario includes next.

Elena the beautiful:

Guys, in the old days, when they took a bite of an apple on the holiday apple saved, they made a wish. Now you do it too. Think of something good, make your wish.

A funny folk song or ditties sounds.

Vasilisa the Wise:

And who else came to us ?! So these are nesting dolls!

Two girls come out, dressed up with nesting dolls. They name various signs that are associated with this summer folk holiday.

For example:

  1. What is the weather for Yablochny Spas, it will be similar to Pokrov (October 14). If it is clear, then it is clear on Pokrov, if it is windy, rainy, then October 14 will be the same.
  2. From this day, which is also called the Transfiguration of the Lord, the weather changes.
  3. The second is Apple Savior, welcome autumn.
  4. Second Savior - a fur coat in store and everything for an hour.

Elena the Beautiful: guys, we've been sitting too long, isn't it time to play ?!

Guys: Yes !!!

Game: "Help the apple tree"

In advance, you need to dress the girl in a Russian folk sundress, give her an apple tree made of cardboard. Here's how to make a layout like this, take:

  • sheets of cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Several sheets of cardboard are glued together, the top and bottom should be brown. A tree trunk is cut out of all this splendor. The crown is made in the same way, but from green cardboard. These two blanks are glued together - they preliminarily make cuts at the top of the trunk and at the bottom of the crown, coat these places with glue, connect them crosswise. You can also make a stand to make the apple tree more stable.

Its fruits are made from circles of green, red and yellow paper. They are cut out in pairs, glued together, putting them between them at the top along the thread, which are folded into loops. You need to stick paper clips with plastic ends on the apple tree in order to put these fruits on them.

If you are afraid that children will get hurt with paper clips, then sew buttons on the cardboard crown, put apples on them. Also, for this competition for saving an apple, you need to write some kind of task on the back side. For example:

  • Sing a song;
  • tell a poem;
  • guess the riddle;
  • dance;
  • sit down, etc.


Oh, and it's hard for me, it's not easy.

Vasilisa the Wise:

Why, Yablonka, is it so hard for you?


The harvest is ripe, the branches bent almost to the ground, are about to fall.

Elena the beautiful:

Guys, let's help the apple tree ?! Approach it one by one, pick apples and see what is written on the back. There will be a task for the completion of which everyone will receive a prize.

The reward for completing it can be a real apple or small gifts bought in advance.

Praise the Apple game

Also, be sure to include it in the apple rescue script.

Call two volunteers. They take turns saying words of praise to the apple. Whoever says more wins. Here's what these adjectives might be:

  • beautiful;
  • large;
  • ruddy;
  • sweet;
  • wonderful;
  • garden;
  • shiny, etc.

Who quickly

Such entertainment was an integral part of national holidays, especially on the Apple Savior. Pairs of participants are called in turn. In advance, a rope is tied to the tail of each apple, suspended from it so that the participants, without using their hands, can bite off the apple. Whoever does it faster will win.


The guys stand in a circle, pass the apple to the children standing next to them. They do this very quickly so that the Hedgehog, who is behind them, does not have time to see who has the apple. He will try to guess. If correct, then this child becomes a driving hedgehog. He gives him his hat so that he can see who it is. If the guesses are wrong, the driver remains the one who was.


This game, included in the apple rescue scenario, will delight those present. Here's what you need to craft the main attribute:

  • whatman;
  • colour pencils;
  • simple pencils;
  • colored paper.

An apple tree is drawn on the Whatman paper in advance. There is only one apple at the top. To get close to it from below, a labyrinth is drawn on the crown.

The competition of proverbs on this topic can complete the game program of the holiday. The one who knows them more wins.

Vasilisa the Wise: Guys, we had a lot of fun. You have shown yourself to be smart and dexterous. Call everyone present to the table, it's time to feast. Here are some apple dishes you can make to celebrate Apple Savior in kindergarten:

  • compote;
  • jelly;
  • small, large pies;
  • pudding;
  • baked apples.
Children's festive table in honor of the Savior
Children's festive table in honor of the Savior

It would be appropriate to make fruit decorations, for example, an apple swan.

Now you know about old traditions, about the history of the August holidays. It remains only to see how to make crafts for the Apple Savior and make them together with the children.

Learn how to make paper apples:

The second plot tells how this holiday was celebrated in kindergarten:
