Mouseworm: maintenance and care of a rodent

Mouseworm: maintenance and care of a rodent
Mouseworm: maintenance and care of a rodent

Pedigree and Motherland of the mouse, the behavior of a rodent in the wild, reproduction, basic tips for care and maintenance at home, the price of exotic. Thinking about purchasing some pet from the rodent squad? Pay attention to the mouse. You will definitely not be able to find a sweeter and friendlier animal, and besides, caring for it is a pleasure. He is unpretentious in food, does not emit unpleasant odors, and even goes into his arms with pleasure, while not trying to escape at the first opportunity - isn't this a wonderful animal?

Home territories and the origin of the mouse


Until today, no one knows exactly how many animals inhabit our large planet Earth. People engaged in the study and counting of all living things annually present to the world more and more new and previously unknown representatives of the world fauna. Thus, in 1827, a completely new species of animals was discovered, which were classified into the class of mammals, the order of rodents, the mouse family and the genus of the same name, and this scientific classification has not changed since that time. Although many years before that, strange mysterious mice still came across the eyes of people, and no one knew where they were from and who their closest relatives were.

Back in 1775, academician P. S. Pallas got serious about studying the small rodent, which, thanks to the pronounced black stripe that runs along the spinal column, did not fit any description. So a new animal appeared, which was named "birch grove", and this mysterious, almost mythical creature was nicknamed "chilly, vagrant mouse." Already 52 years later, the scientist Gray presented the world with the final conclusions, therefore, the amazing creature was named a mouse, referring it not to the genus of rats of the mouse family, as it was before, but to a completely different genus and family.

In the course of such a study, it was proved that the family of mice is not represented by one animal, but has about 15 different species. The most famous and widespread is the wood mouse.

The area of its natural distribution is quite wide. It is possible to meet this cute miracle of nature on the lands of most of the European continent, namely in Denmark, Germany, Austria, Finland, Russia and in many other countries. I would only know where to look for it.

The little mouse's favorite areas are wooded areas, places where a large abundant amount of shrubs and dense herbaceous vegetation grows. Often this eccentric can be found on forest edges, in clearings, as well as on the outskirts of meadows and fields. But the most favorite places for these animals to live are deciduous or mixed forests, where there is a lot of all kinds of vegetation, including grass, raspberry bushes, currants, as well as an abundance of different types of trees. In such conditions, the cute little mouse feels rather safe, since among all these plantings it is very difficult to notice it, and besides, it never lacks food.

Unlike many other animals, which are accustomed to living almost their entire life in the territory they occupied, these rodents can change their place of residence several times in one season, they really like moving and new sensations. And the whole reason is that they choose the necessary climatic conditions for themselves, and they probably know where there is more food of plant origin at the moment, and with high humidity it is more likely to get some animal food.

Features of living a mouse in open nature

Mouse on the grass
Mouse on the grass

These original animals in their natural habitat are most active during the daytime. At night, they prefer to rest peacefully in some secluded corner. As a dwelling, they choose a variety of places for themselves, it can be the ruins of old trees, old rotten stumps, some individuals can design for themselves soft nests from improvised building materials, such as forest grass, fallen leaves, small twigs and brushwood. To place such nests, mice choose birch or aspen stumps, which are located a little further away. They do not mind settling in a cozy and comfortable hole, which was previously built by other forest dwellers who have more strength and talent for such a craft, and representatives of the mouse can climb and inhabit tree hollows, but if they are not too high.

But among these rodents there are also such "hard workers" who, with their own paws, construct minks for themselves according to their taste and according to their needs, most often those animals that live on the outskirts of forests, closer to fields or steppes, are engaged in such construction. But if little mice are taken for such a difficult and troublesome job, then they are already doing it conscientiously. To begin with, they begin to build dwellings intended for summer time, such holes do not have many passages and exits, in addition, the depth of the summer house is not very large. Usually this is a shallow hole, the entrance to which is covered with a thick clod of branches and foliage; in the layout of such a house there is only a narrow exit and one small room for rest.

Winter burrows are another matter; these little mice take a lot of time and effort to build such housing. After all, the depth of their burrow should be such that no frost could reach its inhabitant. First, they break through a kind of corridor, which necessarily ends with a small chamber - this is a place intended directly for winter sleep. When construction has come to an end, this fluffy little animal begins to decorate its home. The animal gradually drags there a lot of the most different good, from which a warm and soft place for sleeping will soon be formed. Dry grass, fallen leaves, small branches, pieces of tree bark can be useful as such elements. In such a winter hole, these mammals always bring some food, in case they wake up feeling hungry, and there will be no strength to go in search.

When the duration of daylight hours begins to decrease, and with this the air temperature, mice are already conducting intensive preparation for wintering. It consists in carefully feeding the rodents, and when the air temperature is approximately 10-12 degrees, the animals go on a well-deserved winter rest. The duration of such a hibernation is from 4 to 8 months, it all depends on the environmental conditions, if the spring warmth came in mid-February, the animals immediately begin to get out of their secluded houses, but if the cold lingers, the mouse will sleep sweetly.

A very interesting process of awakening these pretty animals, they sleep tightly curled up in a ball, while not showing any signs of life, since the body temperature drops greatly during hibernation, and the animal itself is in a state of complete numbness. But as soon as the heat makes its way to their small bodies, the animal begins to yawn strongly, while stretching, as if developing, limbs, then continues to move its ears and tail, and only then opens its eyes. During such a waking up, the mouse creates a quiet, piercing sound, strongly reminiscent of a whistle. When the animal is already fully awake, it immediately gets out of its warm house and goes in search of something tasty for dinner.

If it happens that on the way of the representative of the mouseworts there is any danger, this brave animal never tries to run to its burrow, without getting lost, it runs to the nearest tree or stump and immediately tries to hide deep into the bark.

The diet of this rodent in open nature is quite varied. "Myshovkino's menu" consists of both plant-based feed and live food, and the latter, more often than not, prevails. The animal eats with pleasure the seeds of such plants as clover, cow parsnip, fescue, pine, spruce, linden and many others. They will never refuse a handful of rose hips, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and drupes. Despite its cute and very friendly appearance, the mouse is still that hunter, of course, she will not be able to catch a wolf or a fox, but such living creatures as wasps, grasshoppers, bumblebees, gadflies, horseflies, ants, beetles are easy. This rodent usually eats, sitting on its hind legs, before that, twirling its food in its forelimbs for a long time, and only then it starts eating.

Continuation of the genus of mice

Mousewalk on a branch
Mousewalk on a branch

Nothing can be said for sure about the beginning of the mating season in these animals, since it starts approximately 10–12 days after waking up from winter sleep. During this period, both males and the fairer sex are active throughout the day, only for a few hours they can give their body a rest. Usually these animals live very peacefully, therefore, even during the breeding season, no fights or bloody fights arise between them. Males-mice usually during the mating season differ in strongly demonstrative behaviors, they wrap the female they like with their attention, while making all kinds of sounds that sometimes resemble trill or chirping. Females bring offspring once a year, the duration of carrying babies is about 25–35 days, in one litter usually from 2 to 7 babies.

Newborn mice are almost identical to the newly born ordinary mice, they differ only in the size of their bodies. The body length of one such baby is approximately 2, 5–3 cm. The body of a baby mouse is not covered with fur at all, and it is easy to see many blood vessels through the thin skin. The eyes are closed by accreted eyelids, and the auditory canals are also covered.

The growing up of these children does not happen very quickly, only at the age of about 14 days, the cubs just begin to climb a little and try to eat something. They can see and hear only a month after birth, at this age they are practically no different from their adult relatives, except that they are slightly smaller in size. For 35–40 days, these animals feed on mother's milk, and already when their mother begins to gradually move away from her cubs, they already begin their adult and independent life.

Description of the external appearance of the mouse

The appearance of the mouse
The appearance of the mouse

This is a rather small animal, the length of its miniature body is approximately 70–78 mm, the tail process is approximately three times the length of the entire body of the animal.

Nature has painted this forest eccentric in different colors; you can see yellowish, brown and even gray shades on its body. And through the main coat, a small amount of long hairs of a coal-black color can be seen. A long black stripe is drawn in the projection of the spinal column. The color of the dorsal side of the mouse's body neatly and smoothly passes to the abdominal region, where it becomes lighter. The caudal process is conventionally divided into two equal parts, the color of the upper half of the tail is identical to that of the back, and the lower half is exactly the same color as the abdomen. The ears of the animal are clearly visible, they are relatively large, painted in dark brown tones, on their edges one cannot fail to see a light yellowish border.

The foot length of this pretty animal is relatively long - about 1, 8–2 cm; it has a plantar tubercle, slightly elongated in shape.

Keeping a mouse at home

Mouseworm in dry leaves
Mouseworm in dry leaves

Before bringing a pet into your house, you need to equip his personal roof over his head for him and the mouse is no exception. A metal cage is perfect as a personal home for this lovely comrade, but the main thing is that the cells between the rods are small, otherwise your new friend will easily go on an independent walk around your apartment. And this is already fraught with the loss of a pet, which can hide in the most unexpected corner of your house, but also many more consequences, despite the strong curiosity of this fluffy friend and his sharp teeth.

You can also put your fluffy little mouse in a spacious terrarium, the upper wall of which is made of a grate, through which air will pass well, but your nimble friend will not be able to crawl through. Whatever the house of this eccentric, in no case should the floor in it be made of wood, otherwise it will soon be perforated with the teeth of your rodent.

It is good to use shredded paper, dry grass, fallen dry leaves and straw as flooring. Many rodent owners advise lining the floor with sawdust, but this is not necessary, as they can irritate your friend's mucous membranes and eyes. In addition, sawdust from some tree species emit aromatic oils, the inhalation of which can cost your furry buddy serious problems with the liver, respiratory system and immune system, while rodents can develop malignant neoplasms against this background.

It is necessary to clean up your pupil's house as the substrate becomes dirty; you can replace two-thirds of the filler at intervals of several days. In general, mice are pretty neat little animals, accustomed to relieve themselves in the same corner allotted for this. It is not worth bathing animals in water, they themselves are perfectly able to keep their fur clean and tidy, for this you need to install a small bath with clean sand for them, taking such baths, your pet will always look unsurpassed, and will not publish any otherworldly odors.

By their nature, these representatives of the mouse family are very active and mobile animals, so they cannot live a day without entertainment. To ensure that your tenant does not get bored and is always in good physical shape, make sure that he has something to do during your stay at work. It is good to install a running wheel in a house with a mouse, various branches and shelves on which the animal will gladly climb and jump, you can also give her a few toys, she will be very grateful to you for this.

In general, it is very interesting to watch such an original animal, but do not forget that he, like any pet, needs your attention, especially since mice are probably the most friendly and peaceful animals from the entire large squad of rodents. Taking her in your arms, even if this is your first time, she will never attempt to bite you or run away. On the contrary, she just calmly settles on your hand and starts cleaning and combing her "fur coat", and if you also treat her with something tasty, you will immediately become her best friend.

To feed such an exotic pupil should be all the same products that he has to eat in the wild, from time to time you can offer him food for rodents, which is sold in all pet stores. There should always be a drinking bowl with clean water in his house; without moisture, the animal can die within a day.

The average cost of such an exotic friend ranges from 200 to 1,200 rubles.

What a wood mouse looks like, see here:
