Lotions and toners for oily and combination skin

Lotions and toners for oily and combination skin
Lotions and toners for oily and combination skin

Oily and combination skin always brings a lot of unpleasant problems. To get rid of them, we will share the most effective recipes for the beauty and health of your epidermis. For the beauty and health of our skin, modern beauty salons offer a wide variety of face care products and procedures. But not all women trust these products, and the services of a cosmetologist are expensive. Many beauties, when caring for their face, prefer natural remedies made according to their own recipes at home. Indeed, in this way, there is no doubt about the quality of this product, the main thing is to know how the body reacts to certain ingredients - whether there are allergies and whether they are suitable for your skin type (problematic "oily", dry, combined).

Very often, our epidermis becomes inflamed under the influence of various factors and requires special attention. But even for normal skin type, it is important to take proper care of it, because this way you will protect it from various problems that may arise in the future. In order to find out which remedy is best for you, you need to know your skin type. And today we will talk about how to care for oily and combination skin.

Lotions and toners for oily skin

Lotions and toners for oily skin
Lotions and toners for oily skin

As you know, this type of skin is highly prone to various inflammations, and such a face does not look very attractive with its oily sheen. When shopping for this type of cosmetic, it is important to choose one that does not contain alcohol. As a rule, it should be written that the remedy is for oily skin. But it is best to do these tools yourself at home. The main cause of oily skin - this is a too thick layer of the epidermis, unlike other types, and the main task in the manufacture of lotions and tonics is to soften the skin of the face and restore water balance. In general, home remedies for the face contain natural ingredients, which are very important in treating skin inflammations. Try homemade lotion and tonic recipes:

  1. An excellent lotion based on sea salt will help to cope with excessive oily shine on the face: dilute 1 tbsp in a glass of warm boiled water. l. sea salt, add a few drops of olive oil. Wipe your face with this solution after each makeup removal. In the morning, be sure to wash your face with baby soap in order to remove the remaining olive oil.
  2. Lotion with lemon will cleanse your face well: cut one lemon into small pieces and fill it with 1 glass of hot water. When the mass has cooled down a little, wipe your face with a sponge soaked in it. But remember that this lotion should be used no more than once a week. After all, lemon juice can disrupt the acid-base balance of the facial skin.
  3. A cold compress is also very useful for oily skin. It not only moisturizes the skin, but also tones it up. To do this, you can use frozen ice cubes with decoctions of herbs or fruit puree: chop carrots or pumpkin in a blender. Freeze and rub your face with this frozen mass every day. Decoctions with chamomile, calendula also help as a tonic. They are poured with a small amount of boiled water, insisted and frozen in ice molds. Attention! Before wiping your face with ice - wrap the cube in one layer of a cloth napkin so as not to get cold burns.
  4. As you know, oily skin is prone to rashes, and in order to remove all imperfections, a lotion using citrus fruits will help: finely chop any citrus fruit, add a few teaspoons.honey and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Insist for a day, then use the resulting juice as an excellent face cleanser.
  5. A tonic mask with apples will help the sebaceous glands to function correctly: grate 1 apple and add egg white. Apply on face for 20-30 minutes and rinse off with warm water. You can do this tonic every day, because it will not harm your skin in any way. In addition to the toning effect, this mask will give a natural color to your face.
  6. Lotion with cucumbers has an excellent effect on oily skin: finely grate 1 cucumber, add 1 tsp. boric acid. Wipe the resulting juice over your face every night. These ingredients will help to dry out problematic oily skin a little, and prevent various inflammations.

Video recipe for a lotion for problem skin from bay leaf and water:

Homemade toner recipe for oily skin:

Lotions and toners for combination skin

Lotions and toners for combination skin
Lotions and toners for combination skin

Combination skin can have several disadvantages at the same time: one area may be excessively dry, while another may be prone to inflammation and rashes. And in order to help this type of skin, it is important to choose the right ingredients for the preparation of funds. First of all, it is important to use foods that have anti-inflammatory effects. The following tools will help with this:

  1. An excellent anti-inflammatory and sedative agent are infusions of medicinal herbs: for this, you need to pour boiled water and insist chamomile, thyme or nettle for about an hour. With this lotion you need to wash your face twice a day until the moment when the skin acquires a healthy look and the natural complexion evens out.
  2. Milk is often used to restore combination skin. It is used as a cleanser every day. After the first week, the skin becomes soft and clean.
  3. A mixture of carrot juice and kefir refreshes and tones the face. To do this, you need to combine these ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio, and apply lotions before going to bed on a clean face.
  4. Lotion with fruit juice has a refreshing and nourishing effect: mix 20 ml of grape or apple juice, add 10 ml of aloe juice. Wipe your face with this formula twice a week and your skin will look healthy and beautiful.
  5. Another good tonic that will relieve inflammation and give your skin firmness is the banana toner. Mash one banana and add 20 ml of milk or whey. With the resulting mass, apply lotions to problem areas of the skin. In just a short amount of time, you will see a significant result.

Cosmetics made at home are very different from store-bought ones. After all, only natural products are 100% safe and effective. Therefore, do not neglect everything that nature has given you, but use it to your advantage.

Video about Mattifying Toner for Oily and Combination Skin:

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