This article will help you figure out how to choose or prepare a mask for combination, problematic and oily skin, how to use this cosmetic product to achieve the desired effect. Content:
Applying masks
- For combination skin
- Problematic facial skin
- Fat face
Making homemade masks
- Dry mask
- Cleansing Masks
- Moisturizing mask
- The best mask for oily skin
- Nourishing mask
Many cosmetologists claim that the face is the hallmark of both men and women. But the truth is, when you look at the interlocutor, the first thing you pay attention to is just the face. That is why it is very important to learn how to properly care for your skin. Various creams, scrubs, lotions, tonics and other cosmetic products, including masks, will help here.
Applying a face mask
Every shopper who walks into a beauty store has a lot to choose from. In order to minimize the time spent searching for the necessary product, it is recommended to begin with determining the type of your skin. It should also be understood that winter and summer face masks differ in their constituent ingredients and actions. Ideally, the prepared mask is tested for allergies (apply the product on the wrist), if no reactions occur, the product can be used for a previously steamed face, while it is advised not to show any emotions in order to give the skin a rest. This cosmetic procedure ends with rinsing off the product with clean water at room temperature and applying a nourishing cream. To consolidate the effect, use the mask for more than a month, no more than twice a week, then change the product to another, with a different composition.
Application of a mask for combination skin

Combination skin gives its owners a lot of trouble, because it is not so easy to find a good cosmetic product that dries out the stratum corneum and, at the same time, saturates it with moisture. Such skin is marked with an oily sheen in the nose, on the chin and on the forehead, while pimples often appear in the T-zone, black dots and irritations appear. As for the rest of the face, it may peel off, possibly causing freckles. A good remedy for combination skin fights blackheads, dryness, excess greasy shine, nourishing the skin with beneficial ingredients.
Recommendations for using masks for combination skin:
- Give preference to creamy products that will not dry out and dry areas of the face, as does clay, for example.
- For a more effective result, you can use different masks for different skin areas. The film version is suitable for the T-zone, and the nutritional mixes are suitable for normal to dry skin.
- In winter, it is preferable to use masks that protect and moisturize the skin; in the summer months, owners of combination skin are advised products whose ingredients affect the reduction of secretion production.
The following masks for combination skin can be found on store shelves:
- Lumene matt touch (volume - 100 ml, price - 447 rubles).
- Green Mama "Calendula and Rosehip" (volume - 170 ml, price - 265 rubles).
- "White clay almonds" (volume - 110 ml, price - 439 rubles).
Application of a mask for problem skin

Not everyone can boast of healthy, even, elastic skin. The resulting defects of women and girls are often hidden under layers of tonal means and powders, but after all, the problem of poor skin condition itself will not disappear from this. The main factors that cause skin defects such as rash, oily sheen, pigmentation, acne, blackheads, vascular network, etc., are:
- Hormonal disbalance.
- Poor environmental situation.
- Wrong diet.
- Ignoring the rules of facial care.
- Genetic predisposition.
- Bad habits.
- The use of low-quality cosmetics.
- Malfunctions in the work of internal organs.
To begin with, it is worth finding out the cause of this or that defect, taking up treatment and not forgetting about daily facial care. As for the masks, here you should definitely read the composition of the cosmetic product in order to know whether the selected product can cope with the task assigned to it, or read the information indicated after the words "purpose", "action". You can pay attention to the following products:
- Bark cream mask Exfoliant with fruit acids (volume - 100 ml, price - 656 rubles).
- Cleansing mud mask for sensitive and acne skin Health & Beauty (volume - 220 g, price - 790 rubles).
- Brightening glycolic agent Andalou Naturals with pumpkin and honey (volume - 50 ml, cost - 750 rubles).
Application of a mask for oily skin
As you know, dry skin ages faster, but this does not mean that owners of an oily face can breathe happily and move on, because their skin is also noted for its negative consequences, especially daily discomfort in the form of excessive sweating.
Clay masks, which also cope well with inflammation, can help the sebaceous glands work optimally. Kaolin products, which include white clay, draw out all impurities from the pores, brightening the skin and making it matte. Some beauty salons use mud masks to tighten pores. In general, such masks are essential for oily skin. In the sebum, bacteria proliferate rapidly, which leads to the appearance of acne on the face, and the surface of the stratum corneum itself takes on a grayish tint. Chronic acne is not only bad in terms of aesthetics, it enlarges pores even more.
Making homemade masks, recipes for oily skin masks
Cosmetic stores delight customers with the variety of skin care products they sell, but remember that you can look good using ingredients familiar from cooking or those components that can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. These include egg whites, sour cream, honey, clay, parsley, cucumbers, kefir, lemon juice, etc.
Dry mask for oily face

Pharmaceutical clay has a very beneficial effect on the skin. Before buying this product, it is recommended to decide on its color, because each clay color, formed as a result of the relationship of different minerals, performs one or another function.
White clay is suitable for people with mature and aging skin, red clay fights redness, green regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, yellow one can be bought for wrinkled skin, blue one narrows pores, lightens the skin, black clay saturates the stratum corneum with useful elements well.
Preparation of a mask against oily skin begins with diluting the clay with cool water. The two components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, which resembles the consistency of thick sour cream. The ideal vessel used to make a mask for oily skin does not contain metal; glass, ceramic or enamel saucers are used for this purpose. For an oily face, a mask of talcum powder (1 tsp), green clay (1 tsp) and milk (1 tbsp) is suitable, which should be kept for fifteen minutes.
The clay mask should not be applied to the area around the eyes, mouth and contaminated skin. To remove the cosmetic product, you can use a damp cloth to soften the clay, then you can start removing the remains of the composition. Remember to use a nourishing cream after your procedure.
Cleansing Mask Recipes

To cleanse pores from impurities, you can prepare a homemade mask of clay, cucumber juice, lemon and protein. Mix 1 tbsp. cucumber juice, 1 tsp. lemon juice, one egg white and clay according to skin type to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Wait for the mask to dry, rinse it off with warm water.
If the purpose of using the mask is to cleanse and tighten the pores, it is recommended to use fruits. So mixing apricot puree with 1 tsp each. blue clay and yoghurt gives a wonderful anti-aging effect. Keep the cosmetic product on your face for half an hour, then rinse with water at room temperature.
Moisturizing masks for oily skin
You need to moisturize your skin regularly, regardless of its type. Lack of moisture in most cases has bad consequences that affect the skin, which becomes flabby and thinned.
Dip one tomato in boiling water and then remove the skin. Grate it and add 1 tsp to the gruel. starch. This mask should be kept for about 20 minutes.
Other homemade masks made from the pulp of half a banana, 1 tsp are also suitable for moisturizing. honey, 1 tsp. kefir and green tea bags. Mix the ingredients and apply on face for 15-20 minutes.
The best mask for oily skin

If you do not want to waste time looking for recipes for masks for oily skin, we offer ready-made cosmetic products for your attention, developed by professionals in the field of cosmetology and presented in stores:
- BIO MASK for oily skin "Nutrition and cleansing" (volume - 75 ml, price - 300 rubles).
- Balancing mask Matis for the face "Oily skin line" (volume - 50 ml, cost - 1550 rubles).
- Clay cleanser Purefect skin (volume - 75 ml, price - 1110 rubles).
Regardless of which mask you wrap as a tool for caring for your skin, it is recommended to first test it for allergies.
Recipes for a nourishing mask for an oily face
Not only dry skin needs nutrition, but also oily skin. A mask at home will help to fill the stratum corneum of the face with favorable substances. Make from 10 g of yeast, 1 tsp. yogurt and 1 tsp. berry juice homogeneous mixture and apply it on face for 15 minutes. This cosmetic product is removed with warm and cold water.
Take 1 tbsp. cottage cheese and the same amount of kefir, add a little salt. Keep the prepared mixture on the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with a contrasting method.
Regular use of face masks has a good effect on skin condition. But do not forget that very often the reasons for the appearance of defects lie in the wrong lifestyle.
Video recipes and tips: