Biceps Mass Gain Training Program

Biceps Mass Gain Training Program
Biceps Mass Gain Training Program

A secret technique for pumping hands to a volume of at least 45 cm in a couple of months. Bodybuilding stars reveal secrets. Before you talk about building an effective biceps workout for mass, it is worthwhile to briefly dwell on the structure of the biceps. The muscle consists of two sections: long (outer) and short (inner). Also under these bundles is the brachialis (shoulder muscle). The biceps is designed to flex the elbow joint and there are many exercises designed to develop it.

The main reasons for the lack of biceps growth

Boy near drawn pumped up hands
Boy near drawn pumped up hands

Perhaps, it is precisely the methods of training biceps for mass that are the most discussed issue on specialized web resources. Boys from childhood love to show off their biceps and very often examine them in front of a mirror, trying to determine how much the muscle has increased in size. Most often, for beginner athletes, the first goal is to achieve a bicep size of 40 centimeters.

Each person, starting to engage in bodybuilding, has a certain level of physical fitness. Someone could do at home with dumbbells, but there are many guys who have never done sports at all, not counting physical education lessons at school. The final result in all these cases may be different and it will not necessarily be the best for the athletes who had initial training. The main reason for poor progress lies in weak genetics and the wrong approach to building biceps training for mass.

If a guy is genetically gifted, then his muscles will grow quickly enough even if there are errors in the training program. But it is very difficult for ectomorphs to gain weight. Here are the main reasons for the lack of progress in biceps training:

  • Overtraining.
  • The wrong approach to building a lesson.
  • Failure to adhere to the technique of performing the exercise.
  • Monotonous workouts.

Let's talk about each of these reasons in more detail and start with overtraining. Often, athletes, hoping to achieve a quick result, overload the body. In bodybuilding, "a lot" is not synonymous with "better." Of course, at some point for further progress, you will need to perform a large amount of work, and this applies not only to the biceps, but also to other muscles. However, this does not happen immediately and you have to spend a lot of effort to pump up your biceps to this level.

Many athletes in one lesson perform a lot of exercises for the biceps, which will never lead to the achievement of the task. You must understand that muscles cannot grow locally. To achieve the desired biceps size, you need to pump all the muscles in the body. Only in this case will you solve the task at hand.

Today, it is often said about the use of a pumping effect during biceps training for a mass. Using this tip, you will be able to increase the size of your biceps by increasing the sarcoplasm (extracellular fluid). You probably know that muscle tissue is about 80 percent liquid. However, this is a short-term effect and after a day or at most two, the size of your biceps will return to its original state.

Muscle growth is ensured by an increase in the transverse dimensions of muscle fibers and for this you will need not a single month of regular biceps weight training. Using the pumping effect at the initial level of training will only waste energy. We are not saying that pumping is completely useless, but its benefits can only be seen from an advanced level of training. Beginners will not receive any dividends from its use.

First you need to lay a solid foundation and this will take a couple of years. You should not perform more than two or three exercises during this period of time, which should also be basic. Moreover, at first you can easily get by with even one effective movement. At first, you should not pay special attention to the biceps, but rather develop the muscles of the whole body and increase the strength of soybeans. An equally important reason for the lack of progress can be the incorrect technique of performing movements. Here are the main mistakes made by novice athletes:

  • Unconscious use of cheating elements.
  • The elbow joints when performing movements diverge to the sides.
  • At the moment of bending the arms, the elbow joints move upward.
  • The use of a small range of motion, most often this occurs on a subconscious level.

Cheating can be an effective way to increase the intensity of your biceps workout, but it must be done correctly and consciously. When using cheating, you must detonate the sports equipment at the bottom of the range of motion, and then use the strength of the muscles to press the weight. This can be done in one or two of the last repetitions of the set. For the effectiveness of the training, you need to ensure that the elbow joints are always pressed against the body and do not rise simultaneously with the apparatus. Low amplitude is often used by experienced bodybuilders who want to maximize muscle loading and use large weights for this. If you constantly use this method, then the training efficiency will be reduced to zero.

Best biceps exercises

The athlete performs a dumbbell press while standing
The athlete performs a dumbbell press while standing

All exercises for strengthening the biceps can be divided into two categories: basic and isolated. With the former, you can use a large number of muscles, not just targeting ones. Isolated ones give you the opportunity to target a specific section of the biceps and can be a great addition to basic movements.

Among the most effective basic movements, the following should be highlighted:

  • Lifting the bar in a standing position.
  • Standing dumbbell curls.
  • Hammers in a standing position.
  • Pull-ups using a narrow grip.

Among the isolated movements, you can focus on the following:

  • Scott's bench curls.
  • Dumbbell lifts on Scott's bench.
  • Extension of the arms on an incline bench.
  • Concentrated curls of the arms.

The more sports equipment you use, the greater the stress on the muscles. Add to that the time it takes to fully recover, and you have a recipe for effective biceps mass training. In your training program, you should focus on basic movements and especially on the barbell curls in a standing position for the biceps. Isolated movements can only be effective when performed after the basic ones.

The nuances of training biceps for mass

Bench press on Scott's bench
Bench press on Scott's bench

Now we will share with you some secrets to make your biceps mass training as effective as possible. Many athletes experience discomfort or even pain in their wrists when doing barbell lifts in a standing position. If you have this phenomenon, then it is worth starting to work with the EZ-bar. These are the main benefits of this sports equipment:

  • Reduces stress on the wrists.
  • Promotes the simultaneous workout of the biceps and forearm muscles.
  • Convenient in anatomical terms.
  • Has the same performance as a straight barbell.

You can also recommend that you purchase wrist bandages and use them during biceps mass training. When you lower the bar into place, in order to avoid pain in the shoulder joint (they occur quite often and resemble an electric shock), do it slowly and gradually relax the muscles after completing the set.

Biceps Mass Training Program

Dumbbell athlete
Dumbbell athlete

We will now offer you two programs. One of them is designed for beginner athletes, and the second is suitable for experienced builders.

Beginner program

A man doing push-ups with a child on his back
A man doing push-ups with a child on his back
  • 1st week of training - lifting the barbell for biceps (3 sets of 6 repetitions) and pull-ups using a narrow reverse grip (3 sets with the maximum number of repetitions).
  • 2nd week of training - lifting the barbell for biceps (3 sets of 10 repetitions) and pull-ups using a narrow reverse grip (3 sets with the maximum number of repetitions).

Basic Athlete Program

Man and woman with dumbbells
Man and woman with dumbbells

1st week of training

  • Lifting the bar in a standing position -3 sets of 6 repetitions each.
  • Hammers - 3 sets of 12 reps each.
  • Extension of arms on an incline bench - 3 sets of 20 repetitions each.

2nd week of training

  • Lifting the bar for biceps -3 sets of 10 repetitions each.
  • Dumbbell lifts on Scott's bench - 3 sets of 12 repetitions each.
  • Concentrated curls - 3 sets of 20 reps each.

More about mass-gaining biceps training is told by Stas Lindover:
