How to choose a bodybuilding workout program?

How to choose a bodybuilding workout program?
How to choose a bodybuilding workout program?

Often, athletes make serious mistakes even when choosing a training program. Find out how to find a bodybuilding workout program. The effectiveness of training is largely determined by the correctly selected training program and exercise technique. These factors will not only make your exercise more effective, but also help prevent injury. Today the conversation will be about how to choose a training program for bodybuilding.

All novice athletes should use basic exercises at the beginning of their journey, namely those related to the so-called "golden three": squats, bench press and lifting the barbell to the chest. You should not try to increase the working weight as much as possible, but rather focus on the technique of their implementation. This will help you lay the foundation for future workouts.

It is also important to remember that if the exercises are performed technically incorrectly and the athlete does not do anything to eliminate errors, then this will interfere with further progress. It is very difficult in the future to get rid of those mistakes that remained after the initial stage of a career.

The principles of choosing a training program in bodybuilding

Athlete training with a barbell
Athlete training with a barbell

When choosing a training program, it is very important to proceed from the individual characteristics of the athlete. This is a fairly common mistake many coaches make when they force their trainees to do exercises that they simply cannot do. This not only slows down progress, but also deprives the athlete of self-confidence.

Often, athletes cannot perform some exercises, not because of a lack of perseverance, but only because of the peculiarities of their musculoskeletal system. This is a purely individual feature and it is impossible to bring everyone under the same "comb". Squats can be used as an example, as they are one of the most popular exercises. Most often, the exercise is performed from the starting position when the legs are shoulder-width apart. For the vast majority of athletes, this is not difficult, but there are exceptions. If an athlete is unable to perform the squat correctly, then certain changes should probably be made in accordance with his leg length and flexibility.

In addition, you should pay attention to the position of the back. It should be as flat as possible. If the body tilts forward when doing squats, therefore, it is necessary to reduce the load. Most often this is due to insufficiently developed muscles of the lower back, which bear the bulk of the load in the initial phase of the exercise. This deficiency will be gradually eliminated. However, there are times when the athlete continues to lean forward. This can be a technical mistake and in this case, you should reduce the load and work on this aspect. However, sometimes a person simply cannot do squats otherwise. For example, Hugh Cassidy constantly deflected the body, doing so on purpose. Thanks to this, he was able to use more working weight and, as a result, became a world champion.

If an athlete needs to tilt the body forward, then he has to make great efforts, thereby developing the muscles of the middle back. Based on the available practical experience, we can say that for this reason they turn out to be quite strong when performing a traction movement. If you force them to keep their back straight, they will not be able to acquire sufficient strength in the muscles of the legs and pelvis.

The situation is similar with lifting the barbell to the chest. This exercise uses a large number of muscles and requires a lot of attention to the technique of the movement. One of the main points here is the need to keep your arms straight until the sports equipment overcomes the level of the navel. If you bend your arms a little earlier, then the effectiveness of the exercise will significantly decrease.

However, beginner athletes often have big problems at this stage of the exercise. However, they cannot correct this mistake with all their efforts. However, this may be due to the individual characteristics of the organism and it is not always necessary to force them to change the technique.

Another exercise that allows deviation from technique is the barbell snatch. Of course, this is only permissible if the situation calls for it. This exercise is good for light workouts and can also replace the chest lift for a shoulder injury.

An athlete, in preparation for a competition, must learn to pull out a sports equipment on straight arms from the beginning of the movement to the extreme upper point of the trajectory. If the exercise is used to increase strength indicators, then you do not need to strictly follow this rule.

When it comes to how to choose a training program in bodybuilding, athletes should understand that they cannot constantly use the same one, even if it brings good results for colleagues. It is important that you get the desired effect, not your partners. One truth to remember about strength sports is that the best training program will work for you.

Very often, athletes simply do not believe that they can independently create their own training program. This prompts them to seek help from specialists or look for information in magazines or the network. It should be remembered that the best coach is the athlete himself. Only he can quickly determine how effective this or that exercise or the training program as a whole is for him.

It is possible that the technique you have chosen or created contradicts what is written, but if it is effective for you, then you should use it. For some, it is necessary to use a large number of auxiliary exercises, while others the athlete can do without it. This is for example. Listen to your body. Only it is capable of suggesting what is best for its development. Remember that there is no single correct solution in bodybuilding, you must constantly be on the lookout.

For more information on competent strategic planning of the training program, see this video tutorial from Denis Borisov:

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