PCT training in bodybuilding

PCT training in bodybuilding
PCT training in bodybuilding

To maintain the muscles gained on the steroid course, athletes need to make changes to the training program. Find out how to train in between courses. After stopping the use of anabolic steroids, the endocrine system for a number of reasons cannot work normally. It is for this reason that the so-called rollback occurs when the gained mass is lost and physical characteristics decrease. The rollback effect is individual and proceeds differently for each athlete. However, on average, it takes one month to restore the health of the endocrine system. It is this period that we will keep in mind when talking about training on PCT in bodybuilding.

How to organize a PCT training in bodybuilding?

Athlete exercising
Athlete exercising

The question of the intensity of exercise after anabolic cycles is most relevant for novice athletes. For them, let's say that, in principle, it's not worth training at all. Based on practical experience, we can safely say that the greatest weight loss is observed precisely after class. Even training with minimal intensity is more likely to destroy the muscles than no training at all.

Now a few words should be said about nutrition during rehabilitation therapy. This is also a very important point. It is very common to hear the opinion that during the recovery period after a steroid cycle it is necessary to consume as much food as possible, which is not true.

No matter how many calories you consume daily, it can in no way affect the hormonal system. You just need to maintain the usual calorie intake, and you will get similar results. You should also remember that after the course there is no synthesis of the natural male hormone in the body, but there is an excess of estradiol. As you probably know, female hormones are very fond of storing fats. If you add to this a high-calorie diet, then you can simply swim in fat. After that, you will need to spend significantly more effort to burn it than to restore the lost muscle mass.

It is worth resuming the training only a month later, after completing the AAS course, when the endocrine system's performance is restored or almost restored. It is very important at this moment not to gain mass, but to maintain the rest. In this case, in any case, you will have a certain part of the mass gained with the help of steroids, and it is superfluous for the body. Start your PCT bodybuilding workout with a working weight of about 70 percent of your maximum weight. Speaking of the maximum weight of sports equipment, we mean your training without anabolic steroids. Forget the weights that were used during the cycle.

It is also necessary to reduce the volume of classes. To work on large muscle groups, it is enough to perform no more than four sets, and for small ones - from 2 to 3. If the muscles on your legs are well inflated, then you can not train them for the first time. This is the most massive muscle group and the body needs a lot of resources to restore it. Of course, other muscles will suffer from this. If you do decide to work on your legs, then use basic movements with a light working weight.

In the normal state, it is necessary to train often, but after anabolic cycles, such a tactic will only do harm. With frequent exercise, even at low intensity, you will lose mass. The best option would be to train twice a week. At the same time, you should not divide the training of different groups by day.

Every week, you should slightly increase the intensity of your PCT training in bodybuilding and, as a result, reach your usual weights. It should also be said that you shouldn't train to failure. At this time, you can already do 5 or 6 sets for large groups and 7 to 8 sets for small groups.

Try to work in your usual repetition range, which is usually 8 to 12 reps. There will be little benefit in multi-repetitive training during this period. The only exception is dropsets, and they are best used at the final stage of the lesson.

For example, you do three sets of pull-ups of 8-12 reps each, and then move on to the T-bar deadlift. For this exercise, you can use 4 sets of 12, 10, 8 again 12 repetitions, using the last dropset. Rest between sets for 120 seconds.

Stick to a moderate eating program to avoid accumulating a lot of fat. At the same time, the calorie content of food should not be very low. At a minimum, you should consume your standard protein intake. Even if the total calorie intake is not enough, then you will be able to maintain muscle thanks to protein.

To summarize all of the above, then within a month after the end of the cycle of anabolic steroids, you should not exercise, but stick to moderate calories in your diet. A month later, when the rehabilitation therapy is completed, training can begin. Initial loads during this period should be low. Gradually increase them, bringing them to the ones you are used to.

Once you're on a normal workout, you can prepare for a new anabolic cycle. In conclusion, it should be said that everyone's body is different and you need to focus on it.

For more information on training and nutrition on PCT, see this video:
