PCT in bodybuilding: the Roberts and Scully systems

PCT in bodybuilding: the Roberts and Scully systems
PCT in bodybuilding: the Roberts and Scully systems

PCT is required after any AAS cycle. It is advisable to plan it before the start of the course. Find out how professionals recommend to complete anabolic courses. Content

  1. Roberts
  2. Scully

On the Internet, you can find information that after some courses of steroids, rehabilitation therapy may not be carried out. If you care about your own health, then always perform PCT. This will not only eliminate the negative effects of anabolic steroids on the body, but also accelerate recovery, minimizing rollback. Today we will introduce you to PCT in bodybuilding according to the Roberts and Scully systems.

Roberts PCT system

Roberts PCT scheme
Roberts PCT scheme

As you know, after the end of the use of AAS, the concentration of anabolic hormones begins to decline sharply, and the catabolic background increases. Today you will learn how you can eliminate this situation, as well as understand the mechanism of work of rehabilitation therapy according to the Roberts system.

During puberty, the production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone by the hypothalamus increases, followed by a response from the pituitary gland, expressed in increased secretion of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. All this leads to an acceleration in the production of male hormone and seminal fluid.

Follicle-stimulating hormone acts on the Leiden cells that produce seminal fluid, in the luteinizing hormone - on the secretion of testosterone. Androgens have the ability to interact with the corresponding receptors located in the cell cytoplasm. When this happens, the process of transcription of specific genes is activated. Simply put, testosterone tells the cells to do a certain job, say, nitrogen retention. This will lead to an acceleration of the metabolism of protein compounds in the muscles and subsequent tissue growth.

At the same time, this does not mean at all that steroids can affect the body only through communication with receptors. For example, in Oxymetholone, this ability is rather low. Many AAS can act on the cells themselves, accelerating the synthesis of protein compounds.

Another important characteristic of androgenic hormones is the activation of the feedback mechanism. As their concentration increases, the production of the natural male hormone decreases. This is how the body tries to maintain hormonal balance.

After the end of the cycle, the positive effects of steroids on the body wears off. Natural testosterone will not be synthesized until all exogenous hormones are excreted from the body. Then it takes a certain time for this process to activate. It is during this period that the catabolic background is as high as possible, which leads to the rollback effect and the loss of the gained mass. The first of the drugs for PCT, we will consider Tamoxifen, which belongs to the group of selective estrogen-type receptor modulators. Tamoxifen has the ability to act as estrogen on some tissues, and has an inhibitory effect on others. On the pituitary gland, the drug acts as a female hormone, which increases the synthesis of testosterone. When using Tamoxifen in an amount of 20 milligrams, the concentration of the male hormone increases by an average of 180 percent.

We will not consider Clomid as a remedy for rehabilitation therapy. This is due to the fact that Tamoxifen can be used in smaller doses, and Clomid does not stimulate luteinizing hormone receptors so well. Tamoxifen should be taken daily in an amount of 20 milligrams.

The next drug for PCT is Gonadotropin. It acts directly on the testicles and accelerates testosterone synthesis. But there are some peculiarities. To begin with, Gonadotropin increases the concentration of estrogen, thereby inhibiting the work of the pituitary axis. In addition, high doses of the drug have a negative effect on Leyding cells. The daily dose of gonadotropin is 500 IU.

In addition, you need to take vitamin E, which has the ability to increase tissue sensitivity to gonadotropin. Simply put, when they are used together, the rate of testosterone production will increase markedly. Take 1000 IU per day. To reduce the concentration of female hormones, it is necessary to take aromatase inhibitors. It cannot be Anastrozole or Letrozole, since Tamoxifen will significantly reduce their effectiveness. As a result, only Aromasin remained, which we will use. By the way, the active ingredient in this drug is Exemestane. And now we will summarize all the results in one table to make it easier for you to navigate.

Scully PCT system

Two Scully PCT schemes
Two Scully PCT schemes

It is a highly effective regimen, pioneered by Dr. Scully, who has extensive experience in hormone replacement therapy. This system has undergone clinical trials in which nineteen men took part. They used high doses of steroids (Testosterone Cypionate and Nandrolone Decanoate) for three months, after which they underwent restorative therapy according to the Scully system.

It is necessary to start PCT immediately after completing the intake of anabolic steroids. First, for 16 days, Gonadotropin is used to restore the performance of the testicles. Antiestrogens begin to be used concurrently with Gonadotropin, and this continues after hCG withdrawal.

You will learn more about PCT in bodybuilding from this video from Mikhail Koklyaev:

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