The Role of Supplements in an Athlete's Life

The Role of Supplements in an Athlete's Life
The Role of Supplements in an Athlete's Life

The article contains a lot of useful and practical information about nutritional supplements, describing their role in building the body of your dreams. The roots of knowledge about the importance of sports nutrition for athletes go far back in ancient times, when warriors still ate the heart of a lion or a deer liver in the hope of gaining strength and courage. The principles of nutrition have changed significantly since then, but the desire of athletes to get in good physical shape thanks to the necessary diet has remained. Much literature has been published on this topic over the past few decades, with Portman and Ivy's book Diet: The Future of Sports Nutritionology being one of the bestsellers of our time. The publication is available, and most importantly, the principles of diet for athletes are scientifically substantiated. The main and especially useful points from the publication will be discussed today.

Phases of taking food supplements

Dr. Portman and Ivy, in their book, distinguish three phases of the diet, they are: energetic, anabolic and growth phase.

Energy phase

Protein-carbohydrate cocktail in the energy phase
Protein-carbohydrate cocktail in the energy phase

The first, energy phase begins about ten minutes before the start of physical activity and continues throughout the entire workout. The main task of nutritional supplements during this period is to maximize the amount of glycogen and protein in muscle fibers, as well as allow the body to recover as quickly as possible from physical activity.

During this phase, a gainer is best suited - a cocktail based on a mixture of carbohydrates and protein. Protein promotes mass gain, and carbohydrates promote faster muscle recovery after exercise. As a rule, proteins and carbohydrates are included in the composition of the gainer in equal proportions, but the latter may prevail. In addition to these elements, it is recommended to include in the composition of such a cocktail: magnesium, vitamins A and C, potassium, sodium, leucine.

Such a mixture will provide the athlete with the necessary energy reserve, which will make the training more intense and of high quality, and will also provide the basis for further recovery. If the lesson is designed for a long time and requires maximum physical output, it is possible to take a gainer during the training period, such an action will solve the problem with excessive production of cortisol, which is the main enemy for muscle growth.

Also, this hormone affects the immune system, its high content in the body inhibits the protective functions. The level of cortisol during active training can increase fivefold, and the amount of glucose, on the contrary, decreases.

Anabolic phase

Glutamine in the anabolic phase
Glutamine in the anabolic phase

The second, anabolic phase occurs in the next 45 minutes after the end of physical activity. The main goals of this period are:

  • Reducing damage to muscle fibers;
  • Replenishment of muscle glycogen levels;
  • Rebuild metabolic processes from catabolic to anabolic, thereby creating a favorable environment for the growth of muscle fibers;
  • Acceleration of the withdrawal of toxic products.

According to the authors of the publication, it is this period that is considered the most important in the diet. With the right approach, it is possible to avoid catabolism in which muscle tissue is located at the end of physical activity.

In the anabolic phase, in order to fulfill the tasks set for the body, it will be logical to take glutamine, high-glycemic carbohydrates, vitamins E and C, leucine, as well as liquid protein. An important role belongs to glutamine, after intense exercise, its reserves are significantly reduced, and a lack of this element can lead to suppression of immune functions.

The disadvantage of oral glutamine intake is its poor absorption in plasma. For its best maintenance and prevention of a decrease in plasma, it is recommended to use it in a complex of amino acids and the BCAA chain.

Growth phase

Leucine in the growth phase
Leucine in the growth phase

The growth phase is final and lasts from the end of the anabolic time until the next workout. It is conventionally divided into fast and long-term growth. Rapid growth refers to the first 4-5 hours after exercising in the gym, at this time it is important to maintain an increased production of insulin, this will maintain muscle growth and prevent the predominance of catabolism.

In the prolonged stage, the tissues of the body should be filled with oxygen as much as possible, which will allow better assimilation of proteins and thereby contribute to an increase in muscle mass. Leucine and arginine will help activate this action.

Main functions of each phase

Phase functions
Phase functions

Nutritional activation

Protein powder
Protein powder

Nutritional activation is challenging and important for every athlete looking to build muscle. The essence of the process is to help one element (nutrient) to another to show its effect. For example, for protein, such a nutrient is carbohydrate; without a sufficient amount of the latter, protein will become a source of energy during physical activity, thereby not being able to affect muscle growth.

Insulin acts as an intermediary between these two elements, and its amount is increased by carbohydrates. By itself, insulin activates the basic mechanisms of protein production and improves the transport of amino acids to muscle fibers. In fact, the combination of proteins and carbohydrates stimulates insulin levels to rise. Arginine has the same effect.

The result is an interchangeable circle in which carbohydrates activate insulin, which in turn helps protein become a building block for muscles, rather than energy fuel for the body.

Also, an important role in achieving anabolic effect is attributed to leucine. This amino acid is involved in various nutritional processes, it acts as a substrate for protein production, as a metabolic beacon and a source of energy.

Often athletes avoid eating soy products due to the content of phytoestrogens in them, believing that they lower testosterone levels, this opinion is not always true, since various experiments have been carried out on middle-aged men who have consumed soy milk daily for several months. did not show a decrease in total and total testosterone.

Similar information was received from Dr. Mitchell, who conducted studies on men, giving them a daily preparation containing soy isoflavones, thereby proving once again the insignificant role of soy on steroid hormones.

Interesting information was obtained about the hydrolyzate - this is a protein that has already been split into individual amino acids. Tests with protein hydrolyzate have shown it to be ideal for professional athletes looking to maximize the delivery of amino acids to muscle tissue.

This is due to the significantly improved absorption of hydrolysates rather than powdered protein or free form amino acids.

Tasks of food additives

Nutritional supplements
Nutritional supplements

Products with increased biological value solve the following tasks:

  1. Accelerate the recovery of the body after intense exertion;
  2. Correct the subcutaneous fat layer, thereby reducing its amount;
  3. Regulate salt and water metabolic processes in the body;
  4. Reduce the daily dose of solid food during preparation for the competition;
  5. Increase endurance and strength capabilities at the time of training;
  6. Regulate the diet depending on the goals set.

Nutritional supplements are of particular importance during the competition period, when good physical shape and rapid recovery of strength are required. When a high level of fitness is reached, it is not recommended to change the principles of nutrition.

The main types of food additives

During the crucial period of the competition and for these purposes, nutritional supplements are best suited. Since any changes in the diet can shift metabolic processes in one direction, and whether it will be positive or negative is unknown. To improve the form, changes are necessary, but they must occur between competitions.

Mechanism of action of carnitine

Food supplement carnitine
Food supplement carnitine

Vitamin W or carnitine is found in muscles, is involved in the oxidation of fatty acids, releasing energy from them. If the vitamin is not enough, the oxidation process becomes more difficult. With intense exertion, it is able to provide muscle energy and burn body fat.

Carnitine contributes to the conservation of protein in muscles, preventing the development of catabolic effects. With strength training, the amount of vitamin W is reduced, and it is difficult to compensate for it only with nutrition, therefore, athletes often resort to the synthetic version in the form of tablets.

The main positive effects of carnitine include:

  • Reduction of body fat;
  • Improving endurance indicators;
  • Faster recovery of the body after exhausting workouts;
  • Improving the work of the heart muscle.

The drug is taken before the expected workout, as well as at rest, usually at night.

Effects of creatine

Food supplement creatine
Food supplement creatine

A substance like creatine has been a huge breakthrough in sports nutrition as it plays an important role in energy production and muscle contraction. The use of this substance can significantly improve strength indicators, reduce fatigue by increasing endurance and quickly restore muscle tissue.

At the same time, creatine is considered an approved supplement in competitions and is not included in the list of prohibited drugs. This is mainly due to the harmlessness of the substance, since it does not cause side effects even when taken in large doses.

It helps to increase the level of creatine - insulin, it is he who is the link between the muscles and this substance.

Protein complex

Casein protein
Casein protein

The most effective proteins are casein and whey, both of which are derived from milk, but each has its own type of action. Casein has a moderate effect but long-term, while whey protein has a short-term but powerful effect.

So, whey protein instantly saturates the blood with amino acids, but under the influence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach it decomposes very quickly, and its effect lasts no more than an hour. At the same time, casein is more resistant to the acidic environment of the stomach, although it does not cause such a pronounced effect, it is capable of acting for seven hours. Therefore, the best option is to take them in a complex.

The recommended time for taking such a complex supplement is before bedtime, so that during the period when the muscles are resting and not receiving any nutrition, they can be saturated with protein in this form.

Restoring water balance

Carbohydrate-mineral cocktail
Carbohydrate-mineral cocktail

The loss of salts and water by the body and the violation of thermoregulation during training can significantly reduce physical activity. Such losses can be restored using a solution consisting of sodium and potassium salts, as well as glucose. The intake of such a drink into the body should be no more than the amount of water lost, it should be consumed in small portions 3-4 times an hour.

Carbohydrate-mineral cocktails are used as a way to quench thirst and restore water balance. They are also used to balance thermoregulation.

In order to build high-quality muscle mass and at the same time not cause the phenomenon of rollback, you should adhere to the principles. This is a systematic workout, developed individually, a balanced sports diet and the intake of nutritional supplements. Many athletes help themselves to speed up the processes with the help of anabolic steroids, which is also quite acceptable if you adhere to the recommended dosages.

Watch a video on the use of nutritional supplements in sports:

[media = v = DZ_N3TsCWwk] Foods with increased bioavailability or nutritional supplements solve many problems for the athlete. Protein shakes, gainers, carnitine, creatine and other amino acids and trace elements that promote muscle growth should be a component of sports nutrition.
