Maninil and Adebit in bodybuilding

Maninil and Adebit in bodybuilding
Maninil and Adebit in bodybuilding

Many athletes are not familiar with Maninil and Adebit. At the same time, they are quite popular. Learn about the properties and uses of Maninil and Adebit in bodybuilding. This class of drugs is practically not described in the literature, but bodybuilders use them relatively often. Due to the lack of detailed information, the use of Maninil and Adebit in bodybuilding is experimental, which increases the risk of side effects. In today's article we will try to answer all the main questions related to their use by athletes.

The popularity of these funds is primarily associated with high efficiency. In theory, if Maninil and Adebit are misused in bodybuilding, severe hypoglycemia can occur. However, in practice, this happens much less frequently, in comparison with the use of insulin. The drugs can be used by both men and women.

Properties of Maninil and Adebit

Maninil in the package
Maninil in the package

Bodybuilders use these drugs for two purposes:

  • Acceleration of insulin synthesis and increase in its assimilation;
  • To enhance the effect of externally injected insulin.

It has been scientifically proven that when using Maninil and Adebit in bodybuilding, the effect on the body of insulin more than doubles. Traditional medicine uses them to stimulate the pancreas in people with diabetes. To a greater extent, this applies to the second degree of the disease, when the body is still producing natural insulin, but diet is no longer enough for treatment.

In our country, the most popular is Adebit. This drug is a derivative of Biguanide and differs from Maninil in a milder effect on the body. In this regard, it should be noted that Maninil belongs to the class of drugs Silfonil-Carbomides. Athletes using these substances can be divided into two categories:

  • Athletes who do not use insulin, but want to increase the anabolic background;
  • Athletes who use insulin and want to increase its effect on their body.

It should be said that the use of insulin and medications aimed at stimulating the pancreas, most often occurs simultaneously with the use of AAS. During this period, insulin already has a more powerful effect, which is enhanced even more with the use of Maninil and Adebit.

When an athlete uses insulin in combination with one of the drugs, it is very important to monitor the sugar level. The main reason for this is the high likelihood of developing hypoglycemia. Thus, it is always necessary to have sweets with you, say, chocolate. In addition, athletes often use Adebit in conjunction with growth hormone to enhance the effects of insulin, which in turn will have a similar effect on growth hormone.

Application and dosage of Adebit and Maninil

Man eats a lot of pills
Man eats a lot of pills

Drugs are also used during the off-season pause, if athletes do not use anabolic steroids, but it is necessary to maintain a high anabolic background.

When using Maninil and Adebit in bodybuilding, you should be aware that they have their side effects, like all drugs that stimulate the activity of the pancreas, but they are much safer compared to insulin. At the same time, the athlete can achieve high efficiency of their use, and the strength of the effect of drugs is not inferior to insulin.

The main reason for this lies in the fact that Adebit and Maninil can be consumed for a longer period than insulin. This will not be addictive and will not negatively affect the body's ability to produce natural insulin.

Often, athletes combine both drugs. Such a combination is not inferior to the use of insulin in terms of the strength of the effect on the body from the glycemic and anabolic points of view. Adebit can also be used in combination with Clenbuterol at the final stage of the steroid cycle. This allows the athlete to maintain a high anabolic background. One of the reasons for the decrease in the anabolic background upon discontinuation of the use of AAS is the insulin-resistant effect. This is a condition where the synthesis of natural insulin is greatly reduced or suppressed altogether.

This leads to disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism and accelerates the synthesis of cortisol. It should be noted that after the completion of the anabolic cycle, the stress hormone is already produced by the body in large quantities. Often times this problem can be solved with an addebit.

If we talk about the dosages of Maninil and Adebit in bodybuilding, then on average they are 50-150 milligrams throughout the day. This dose should be divided into two equal doses, using medications in the morning and in the evening after meals. Of course, the exact dosage can be prescribed only based on the individual characteristics of the athlete's body. In this regard, it should be noted that a similar approach should be applied when using insulin. It is very important to monitor the response to the use of drugs when choosing the optimal dosage.

As mentioned above, Adebit and Maninil have some side drugs, which is quite natural. Among the most common are nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth. However, with the right choice of dosages and the subsequent use of Maninil and Adebit in bodybuilding, side effects are very rare.

Most often this is due to the individual reaction of the body to the administration of the drug. For this reason, you should first check the body's response using small dosages, and then they can be increased to the required one. Overdose should not be allowed, as this can lead to very disastrous consequences. At the same time, it should be said once again that with the correct use of drugs, they do not pose a health hazard.

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