Tranquilizers and sedatives in bodybuilding and sports

Tranquilizers and sedatives in bodybuilding and sports
Tranquilizers and sedatives in bodybuilding and sports

Want to build muscle like a professional bodybuilder? Learn to use sedatives and tranquilizers for post-workout recovery. Tranquilizers belong to the group of psychotropic drugs, and their main task is to combat feelings of fear, anxiety and anxiety. These drugs are also used in sports, and quite actively. This is primarily done to relieve psychological stress and stress. Today we will talk about how tranquilizers and sedatives are used in bodybuilding and sports in more detail.

Effects of tranquilizers

Capsules and tablets in the palm of your hand
Capsules and tablets in the palm of your hand

It is rather difficult to describe all the effects produced by drugs in this group, since there are a lot of them. To begin with, they help to improve the emotional state of a person. Through their use, fear and anxiety go away. Let's note the main effects that all tranquilizers have:

  • Allow to restore sleep mode;
  • Eliminate phobias and fear;
  • Promotes muscle relaxation;
  • They have an anticonvulsant effect.

Also, a few words should be said about the mechanism of their effect on the body. All drugs in this group affect the brain, more precisely, its subcortical regions, such as the hypothalamus, thalamus and limbic system. It is these areas of the brain that are responsible for the emotional state of a person.

The use of tranquilizers in sports

The girl pours a capsule from the jar
The girl pours a capsule from the jar

As mentioned above, tranquilizers are actively used in sports. When using these drugs, the mechanisms and functions of psychological adaptation are restored. Also, there is a normalization of not only psychological functions, but also the restoration of the working capacity of the autonomic system.

But as often happens in life, in words everything sounds great, and practice makes you make your own adjustments. It has been established that tranquilizers can be harmful to health. For example, with their long-term use, addiction arises. This fact confirms the need to strictly follow the rules for the use of tranquilizers. It should be said that drugs in this group are used not only for treatment, but also as doping. Of course, this only applies to technically difficult sports that require maximum concentration from the athlete. Here you can note figure skating, equestrian sports or shooting. The use of tranquilizers in sports can only be justified with appropriate indications. The limitations that exist when using drugs do not make it possible for them to gain wider distribution. In fact, it is an excellent adjuvant that can eliminate a large number of psychological problems. As everyone knows, big sport cannot do without it. Today, tranquilizers and sedatives in bodybuilding and sports are used in the following cases:

  • Various neuroses and conditions close to them;
  • To eliminate the feeling of fear of surgery;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Hypertonicity of muscles;
  • Status epilepticus in the disease itself.

Sedatives in sports

Yellow tablets in plates
Yellow tablets in plates

Sedatives, as well as tranquilizers, have found application in sports. The story about these drugs should begin with their appointment. Sedatives (psycholeptics) are chemical or herbal substances that help calm a person and reduce emotional stress. If we compare them with tranquilizers, then sedatives have less sedative effect on a person. This is their main disadvantage. At the same time, they are well tolerated and have no side effects.

Of all the sedatives, the most common are herbal preparations: valerian, mint and motherwort. Also, some mild hypnotics are often included in the group of sedatives, but they can cause side effects with prolonged use.

The use of sedatives in sports

Green-white capsules
Green-white capsules

Given the absence of side effects and good tolerance, sedatives can be used for a long time. However, it is necessary to choose the right drug itself and its dosage. If this is not done, then unpleasant consequences are possible, which, however, will not cause serious health problems.

But this happens very rarely, since most of the drugs are of plant origin and do not pose any danger. However, this does not mean at all that they can be consumed uncontrollably in huge dosages. Most often in sports, sedatives are used in the following cases:

  • Various nerves and conditions close to them;
  • Disorders of the vegetative-vascular system;
  • High nervous irritability and irritability;
  • Sleep disorders.

Sedatives begin to be used before tranquilizers, as they have a similar effect on the central nervous system and do not cause side effects or addiction. The use of tranquilizers is justified only when sedatives cannot cope with their task.

It should be noted that sedatives are often used in conjunction with local anesthesia. In some cases, this is much more profitable than using strong anesthetics. As mentioned above, sedatives are practically devoid of side effects, but nevertheless it should be said about them, especially since the list is small, and they occur extremely rarely:

  • Drowsiness and decreased performance are possible;
  • Dizziness, fatigue and decreased concentration may occur;
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, skin rash and muscle weakness.

For more details on tranquilizers, see this video:
