The American Bulldog is a stubborn but capable pet

The American Bulldog is a stubborn but capable pet
The American Bulldog is a stubborn but capable pet

The standard of external data of the American Bulldog, behavior and health, advice on care: procedures, nutrition, walks. Training, interesting facts. Buying a puppy. The history of the "Bulya", as these dogs are briefly called, originated in 1773, when the first Englishmen began to move to the United States of America. The dogs performed wonderfully as guards on local farms. For a long time they did not attach importance to their appearance, their guarding and hunting qualities were valued. But as soon as they appeared at exhibitions, they caused a lot of attention from many people to their person. They became popular very quickly, winning fans not only in their homeland, but throughout Europe and Asia.

And this is not surprising - the breed cannot leave anyone indifferent. The athlete's torso is delightful, and the character gives the impression of dedication, courage and strength. Now their owners call these dogs "Ambul" among themselves. Their popularity is growing all over the world, and they are only conquering Russia. The demand for them is born of the conditions of our life, causing the need to see a strong and reliable friend next to us.

How did the American Bulldog breed come about?

American Bulldog and puppy
American Bulldog and puppy

The American Bulldog is a direct descendant and the closest copy of that dog, which in medieval England began to be called a bulldog. This breed was used for baiting bulls, and after moving to the American continent, it changed its profession somewhat, but retained the name "Bulldog", becoming an American Bulldog. The word "bulldog" is translated as a bull dog.

Such dogs were bred for fighting bulls, and are automatically characterized as fearless and confident animals. To some extent, they retained the qualities inherent in the old bulldog, but this is not an exact copy of them, because modern individuals have a wider range of uses. It is primarily a farm dog, but it was used to manage cattle. She is also used as a guard. To this day, the dog performs the functions of a ketch dog - a hunting dog for wild boars.

At home, the breed was popular and even received the name "Alabama". This is due to the fact that American Bulldogs are most common in the Southern States of America. They were less industrial in comparison with the dogs of the Northern continent, where farming is well developed and there was a need for such rural sufficiently versatile helpers. Bulldog could guard, hunt, and at the same time be a good family friend.

Description of the external data of the American Bulldog

American Bulldog on the grass
American Bulldog on the grass

This is the only breed of dog that provides two anatomically different types: standard (higher on the legs, longer muzzle and narrower head) and classic (bully type), where individuals are more stocky. According to the accepted standard, the height at the withers in males is from 58.5 cm to 68.5 cm, in bitches from 53 cm to 64 cm. With an error of plus or minus one centimeter. The weight of males is from 35 kg to 52 kg, and bitches from 28 kg to 39 kg. Harmonious addition is more important than weight parameters. They move energetically.

  • Head voluminous, large. The dome of the skull is up. The forehead is flat. The cheeks are thick and muscular.
  • Muzzle short and voluminous in good proportion to the head and type. At the base it is wider towards the end a little narrower. Good, pronounced transition from forehead to muzzle (feet). Undershot is characteristic. The lower jaw is developed. The lips are moderately thickened. Their pigmentation is desirable black, but corporal pigmentation is also permitted. The teeth are medium to large white, not protruding from the closed mouth.
  • Nose slightly upturned, flat, black.
  • Eyes widely spaced, of medium size. Oval to round shape. Corneal pigmentation is brown. The eyelids are slightly droopy.
  • Ears set on high, medium-sized, hanging from cartilage or rosette.
  • Neck conical, medium length, powerful, slightly curved.
  • Frame knocked down, compact, has a good balance. It is wider in the front. The chest is developed, expanded. The back is straight, short and strong.
  • Tail located low. Thicker at the base, narrow at the end. At rest, he reaches the hock joints, when moving, the dog throws him on his back. Can be docked.
  • Front limbs parallel to each other, strong musculature. Their skeleton is moderate or heavy. They are located widely enough. The shoulder blades are oblique, the shoulders are well muscled. The hind ones are powerful, strong in structure, slightly laid back. Stand upright when judging. The thighs are strong and muscular, gradually tapering. The hock joint is harmoniously developed. Metatarsus strong. The articulation angles are moderate.
  • Paws medium, rounded with dense, harmoniously curved toes. Strong nails, elastic pads.
  • Coat very short, smooth, close-fitting to the skin. The hair can be softer and more coarse.
  • Skin - loose.
  • Color it can be monochromatic white or with different spots (brindle, brown, red, fawn).

American Bulldog behavior

American Bulldogs and their owners
American Bulldogs and their owners

On the one hand, dogs have typical bulldog traits: stubbornness, self-will. On the other hand, with good upbringing, a dog that is more pleasant for a family cannot be found. She does not try to be too impudent, she communicates well with children. Children who live with them in a family, they allow almost everything.

American Bulldogs, like many Malos, have problems only in communicating with their relatives. They get pretty arrogant and self-confident. Therefore, the owner requires great vigilance, responsibility and training. But everything is corrected by education. That is, dogs do not always get along well with other dogs, although it is possible.

When a dog walks well, it is balanced, cheerful and cute. With a good return of energy, the pet rests more time. On the street, he is always happy to run and play. Many breeders note that the genes of "bull winners" embedded in them take their toll. The most friendly "bully" towards people in emergency situations, a very familiar person, can easily be perceived as an enemy.

In terms of endurance, they are inferior to hunting, but in strength they surpass them. American Bulldogs have retained their working skills to this day and can be used as protectors, guards and hunters. Of course, not all individuals without exception have breed qualities, because recently, proper selection according to working criteria has not been carried out. There are professional breeders who try to preserve the proper pedigree purpose of the breed representatives, but there are not so many of them. Most of these dogs are used in America for hunting, and in our country they are used for baiting. In general, they have a very high level of intelligence. But with their stubborn nature, when training, the owner must "over-stubborn" his bulldog. Such a pet is suitable for an active, self-confident person, very responsible, since the dog is large. The owner should have the time and money to practice with his four-legged friend. But at the same time he will receive a great return from his "boole" - positive emotions every day.

Dog health

American Bulldog for a walk
American Bulldog for a walk

All bulldogs, despite their diverse appearance, have a common origin and, as a result, their pros and cons in their health. Human efforts to obtain such an unusual conformation for a canine have led to the fact that these dogs have a number of characteristic pathological problems. Now many breeders are trying to pay attention to the health of the breed, rather than trying to achieve external artificial perfection. Lovers and owners of these pets need to take into account that dogs do not differ in longevity, are prone to heart, ophthalmological and skin diseases, and are prone to allergies.

Bulldogs belong to the group of brachycephalic breeds. They have a peculiar appearance: a shortened muzzle, protruding eyes and a three-dimensional skull. Due to this structure of the head, they often have problems with the respiratory (respiratory system). Due to the shortened nasal passages, the inhaled air does not have time to cool down in summer, and in winter it does not have time to warm up and reaches the internal deeper respiratory tract. As a result, heatstrokes begin, pneumonia may occur, and so on.

These problems are also associated with the structure of their nostrils - they are narrowed and lead to an elongation of the palatine curtain. When inhaling, the bulldog exerts more effort. As a result, the soft palate becomes longer and after a month or several years, collapsithrachia (narrowing of the trachea) occurs and breathing becomes even more difficult. Outwardly, this is manifested by shortness of breath, wheezing and uneven breathing. Therefore, recently in Europe, all animals of such breeds, under the age of one year, have their nasal canals expanded with the help of surgery.

Many owners, accustomed to this breathing of pets, take it as normal, but in fact, you need to contact your veterinarian. Only a doctor, having examined the animal, can tell what is normal and what requires immediate treatment. These conditions are very dangerous for dogs. They can lead to hypoxia, disruption of tissue trophism (primarily of the brain) and even death. The main method of treatment of these pathologies is surgical intervention - dilation of the nostrils, excision of the palate and placement of stents in case of collapsytrachia.

Pathologies associated with the musculoskeletal system are also noted in bulldogs. This is due to the genetic formation of intervertebral discs, especially in the tail of the spine. Due to their degeneration in animals, a tail wrinkle or complete absence of tail vertebrae can be observed. Such flaws sometimes require serious surgical intervention, or the daily care of their owners.

From the side of dermatological problems, most often bulldogs develop otitis media of various Itelology, as well as allergic reactions. Allergy is the body's canine response to environmental allergens and food. It can cause dermatological reactions ranging from pimples to more severe conditions. Allergy can most often act as the root cause of the development of otitis media. With the aggravation of these pathological processes, layering of secondary bacterial and fungal agents is possible, which leads to the development of chronic forms of the disease.

American Bulldogs are loose breeds, therefore, from the point of view of ophthalmology, they have ectropion (the eyelid turns outward) and entropion (the eyelid turns inward), destrichiasis (an additional row of eyelashes behind normally growing ones). Weakness of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus can cause prolapse (prolapse) of the third eyelid gland, which is often mistaken for a third eyelid adenoma and removed. After such interventions, in the future, bulldogs develop keratoconjunctivitis dry. These diseases are genetic in nature. It is advisable to show puppies after six months to an ophthalmologist for an initial examination. If difficulties arise, then these diseases are successfully treated with blepharoplasty.

American Bulldog Care Tips

American Bulldog muzzle
American Bulldog muzzle
  1. Wool and the skin of bulldogs requires constant attention. The wrinkles in their skin should be wiped regularly. Bathing shampoos should contain a variety of moisturizing ingredients.
  2. Claws pruned regularly, using claws.
  3. Ears need to be cleaned regularly as they are dangling. Excessive accumulation of sulfur is bad for their condition, causing inflammation and otitis media.
  4. Eyes require special and constant attention. They should be regularly inspected and wiped clean. If the slightest irritation occurs, it is better to immediately contact an ophthalmologist.
  5. Teeth Clean the English Bulldog systematically to avoid tooth decay and periodontal disease. This can be done with a specialized brush and an edible paste. To prevent dental plaque, let your pet chew on the bones of their pressed animal veins.
  6. Feeding the dog must be fortified. Vitamin and mineral preparations will give a beautiful look to the skin of the coat, claws and teeth of the dog. Since animals are prone to allergic diseases, the composition of their food is selected very carefully. If you want to feed your pet with natural foods, then it is best for you to contact the breeder or veterinarian. Experts, knowing perfectly the specifics of these dogs, will help you choose the right products for their nutrition. But one thing is safe to say, most of it is meat (not fatty veal). And if you do not want to bother with the selection and preparation of dishes for your pet, then it is better to buy premium or super-premium dry food. Buy concentrates for dogs with allergies or sensitive digestion. Try not to overfeed your pet. The dosage is selected according to the weight category of the animal and is indicated on the back of the product packaging.
  7. Walking Bulldog should include vigorous exercise, with a good brain load. They are heavy animals, but they love to move. Walk with your four-legged friend two to three times a day. Each walk should be at least an hour.

American Bulldog training

American Bulldog in competition
American Bulldog in competition

Of all the qualities of these dogs, the best is that American Bulldogs are hard workers, and precisely in the intellectual sense of the word. The brains of these animals must be constantly loaded, without getting hung up on a banal course of obedience, but trained comprehensively - they are "universal soldiers". The most important thing in teaching them is to control their emotions.

The notorious stubbornness both hinders and helps in the training of the dog. New skills, like all Malossians, are not developed so quickly in Bulldogs. This is a feature of the psyche and constitution of such dogs. But the lessons that have already been "learned" are learned for a long time. Therefore, it is very important that the pet is immediately brought up correctly. It is necessary to immediately teach him what you think is necessary, since it is quite difficult to get rid of old habits in a representative of the breed.

Interesting facts about the American Bulldog

The appearance of the American Bulldog
The appearance of the American Bulldog

In the seventies, many people in the United States did not distinguish between the American Pit Bulldog and the American Pit Bull Terrier. Therefore, fans and breeders of the breed (John Johnson, Alan Scott and Joe Painter) made sure that her name was changed to American Bulldog.

Purchase and price of American Bulldog puppies

American Bulldog puppy
American Bulldog puppy

If you are ready to spend a lot of your time, effort and money on an American Bulldog and this is not your first dog, then feel free to start a future friend. To get a healthy animal in the first place, you need professionals. They conduct a careful selection of producers for their physical and external parameters. This largely excludes the birth of offspring with genetic defects. All animals of the cattery have the appropriate documents, show titles and are officially registered in the canine database.

Experts know how to properly raise and train these dogs and will give you good advice. Pedigree puppies from the kennel are marked, entered into the database, they have pedigree documents of origin. The little boules are vaccinated and swallowed up. They receive a balanced diet, the necessary loads and vitamins. The breeders will help you find an American Bulldog based on your requirements. The cost of such canine puppies can vary from $ 500 to $ 1000. "Maltsy" with serious health defects will be cheaper.

For more information about the American Bulldog breed, see here: